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Giant Bomb News


Tropico 3 Screens, Web Site Launched

3D sequel to classic banana-republic sim launches a teaser Web site.

Things look a bit better after 6 years.
Things look a bit better after 6 years.
The Tropico games always hit a soft-spot with me. While they didn't compete well against their big-brothers in the Civilization and SimCity franchises the games always carried that extra layer of humor that is needed when you're playing an omnipotent god / dictator. The game really pushed the amount of laughs you can get by oppressing a small island nation. A third game in the series,  aptly titled Tropico 3, is filling the six-year absence from the Pirate Cove and will be hitting shelves this summer. A "teaser" Web site for the game lunched today and is a little thin on the details with only a handful of screenshots and some generic feature lists. One bullet-point on the site did grab at me though.
A timeline editor allows you to create your own fictive historical events or add real ones.

I have absolutely no idea what a timeline editor can be in a nation-building sim so I'll only speculate for the best and assume it allows me to recreate 1960s Havana where I can drink mojitos on the beach with Castro. Btw, dude, we have a Castro page! Giant Bomb is fabulous.

Dave Snider on Google+