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Giant Bomb News


Tyrese Knows What's Up At Comic-Con

And I won't hear any arguments that state otherwise!

In case you haven't noticed, there's a comic book convention happening in San Diego right now. Though, really, calling Comic-Con a comic book thing seems like it becomes more and more of a misnomer every year. Now you can go and see stuff on the new Tron movie, bump into some dude from Lost, and score an interview with Tyrese. Seriously.

Since there's usually only a few tidbits of meaningful video game stuff at Comic-Con, we decided to sit it out this year. Actually, I've never been there. It seems kind of scary. I mean... look at Tyrese. That dude's freaking me out. So yes, Castle Crashers is coming to PS3, and Microsoft is making The Animatrix but with Halo instead of Matrix... Animalo? I don't know. Any time you can describe a product by comparing it to the extended Matrix universe, you're probably on the road to making a huge mistake.

But enough about that. If you happen to be into comics, then the escapades of Tony, Ethan, Sara, and Drew are probably going to be right up your alley. Check out Comic Vine for more things like that sweet-ass Tyrese interview above. It's all pretty hilarsies.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+