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Giant Bomb News


Watch Hideki Kamiya Talkin' Bayonetta

Developer hypes own game via power of the Internet! Film at 11!

Japanese developers have embraced the utility of the Internet with varying degrees of speed, and in a relative sense, I have to say the former CapcomClover Studio people who went on to form PlatinumGames are on the bleeding edge of reaching out to their audience over this wonderful network of tubes we have here. They've got a serious, in-depth blog going with lots of behind-the-scenes looks at the development of games like MadWorld, Infinite Space, and Bayonetta.

Regarding the latter, check out the latest installment of Platinum's own PGTV video series, in which director Hideki Kamiya talks at great length about "infinite climax action" game starring everyone's favorite eponymous witchy-librarian-with-guns-strapped-to-her-feet.


This is the kind of behind-the-scenes information you don't find just anywhere. Platinum has really thrown open the kimono here; I'll just let this shot from a piece on Bayonetta's modeling and animation do the rest of the talking.

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