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    Assassin's Creed II

    Game » consists of 27 releases. Released Nov 17, 2009

    The second installment in the Assassin's Creed franchise follows the life of Ezio Auditore da Firenze as he seeks revenge on those who betrayed his family.

    Ending to Assassin Creed 2....WTF!?!?! (Spoiler)

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    #151  Edited By Shikatsu

    Just beat the game this morning.. at 3:54am, This game was way better then the first. 
    I don't get how so many ppl don't grasp the whole concept, to the amazing storyline, 
    Tcrown7 does an amazing job relating the whole meaning to it, for those who don't understand. 
    I'm hopeing that they do find the ruins of where Adam and Eve, where in The Truth video, it would be pretty amazing. 
    I hope the 3rd game is even better story wise.

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    #152  Edited By tcrown7
    @H3ndry said:
    " TC, after reading this thread, your perseverance in explaining the obvious to a bewildered moronacy is to be commended. I would have given up far far sooner.    I mean, did some of you guys even play the game? find a way to skip cutscenes? or  are you this out of touch with the real world as well? (because that scares me)   "
    D: They're not MORONS. It's just some people aren't as critical in their thinking as we are. Nothing to be ashamed of. It's called a mindfuck for a reason.
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    #153  Edited By unsolvedparadox

    I anticipated this ending from the point where they skipped over the missing sequences, I was pretty happy with it. I'm already desperately craving the next one (I'm hoping for Asia or a newly founded America), and where they take the story with Desmond is a huge part of that.

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    #154  Edited By Babble
    @CommodoreGroovy said:
    " I felt pretty bad for Ezio when he said, "I have so many questions." Minerva couldn't throw him a bone, even after all he's been through. "
    Heh, yeah. I felt worse though when she responded with something along the lines of: "Listen Ezio, were just using you to talk to someone else, now shut up!"
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    #155  Edited By KowalskiManDown

    I just finished it. Absolutely superb game. And as for the ending... wow. I totally want AC3! Honestly if you'd asked me if I thought AC2 could be game of the year a couple of months ago, I'd have probably laughed in your face. But I think it actually is my game of the year. Well done Ubisoft!

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    #156  Edited By Jewroth

    I don't think it has been touched on but I find it odd that everyone has jumped to the conclusion that Minerva told the truth. Minerva was considered a Goddess of war within Rome, which is where the vault was located, so it would seem a logical conclusion that she might be a brilliant strategist, and also slightly miffed that her race got owned simply because there were so many humans that it took too long to kill us all before a giant solar flare rocked the planet. 
    If she or any of the other pre-humans are intelligent enough to figure that Desmond will be using some new-fangled technology to see Ezzio's memories, it would stand to reason that she may want to use one of the last survivors of a pre-human to human bloodline to enact her final will and testament, whatever that may be. 
    I'd also like to point out that while, God is not expressly discussed within the game's frame story, he fits easily within the plot. Particularly if you read through the Book of Enoch and similar texts, you'll find that the Fallen Angels walked among humans and corrupted them out of jealousy, showing them methods of warfare and "witchcraft." So in the basic sense, they are corrupted by knowledge, which is everything that the Apple of Eden/Staff and so on and so forth represent. 
    The idea I'm getting at is this game doesn't necessarily discount religion, merely the telling of religious stories. The "Apple of Eden"  is shown as a creation of God within the bible and Adam and Eve were warned against using it. One could say that after using the Apple of Eden they discovered not only the strife being sewn by the Fallen Angels but also discovered moral philosophy. Previously, they could do no wrong and God is said to judge by the heart of a man, so when they used the Apple, they were suddenly capable of committing sin.  If Jesus, though, used the Apple of Eden to work miracles and to heal the hearts and minds of people and to be a prophet of God, nothing from the Bible has been contradicted. If Jesus was sent to right some of the wrongs that the Fallen Angels committed, would it not stand to reason that he'd use the Apple of Eden which either God created (Making it powered by the glory of God) or the Fallen Angels created (What Satan means for evil, God turns for good?) 
    Whether you are Christian or otherwise, i'm not trying to spark some big religious debate, i'm merely stating that the video game never attempts to disprove religion or anything of the like, but that Minerva and the other "Pre-humans" or Fallen Angels in my theory have attempted to do just that. "The best thing Satan ever did for himself was convince everyone that he doesn't exist" comes to mind. Again, just a theory, feel free to pick it apart with logical/biblical/video game evidence.

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    #157  Edited By tcrown7
    @Jewroth said:
    " I don't think it has been touched on but I find it odd that everyone has jumped to the conclusion that Minerva told the truth. Minerva was considered a Goddess of war within Rome, which is where the vault was located, so it would seem a logical conclusion that she might be a brilliant strategist, and also slightly miffed that her race got owned simply because there were so many humans that it took too long to kill us all before a giant solar flare rocked the planet.   If she or any of the other pre-humans are intelligent enough to figure that Desmond will be using some new-fangled technology to see Ezzio's memories, it would stand to reason that she may want to use one of the last survivors of a pre-human to human bloodline to enact her final will and testament, whatever that may be.   I'd also like to point out that while, God is not expressly discussed within the game's frame story, he fits easily within the plot. Particularly if you read through the Book of Enoch and similar texts, you'll find that the Fallen Angels walked among humans and corrupted them out of jealousy, showing them methods of warfare and "witchcraft." So in the basic sense, they are corrupted by knowledge, which is everything that the Apple of Eden/Staff and so on and so forth represent.   The idea I'm getting at is this game doesn't necessarily discount religion, merely the telling of religious stories. The "Apple of Eden"  is shown as a creation of God within the bible and Adam and Eve were warned against using it. One could say that after using the Apple of Eden they discovered not only the strife being sewn by the Fallen Angels but also discovered moral philosophy. Previously, they could do no wrong and God is said to judge by the heart of a man, so when they used the Apple, they were suddenly capable of committing sin.  If Jesus, though, used the Apple of Eden to work miracles and to heal the hearts and minds of people and to be a prophet of God, nothing from the Bible has been contradicted. If Jesus was sent to right some of the wrongs that the Fallen Angels committed, would it not stand to reason that he'd use the Apple of Eden which either God created (Making it powered by the glory of God) or the Fallen Angels created (What Satan means for evil, God turns for good?)   Whether you are Christian or otherwise, i'm not trying to spark some big religious debate, i'm merely stating that the video game never attempts to disprove religion or anything of the like, but that Minerva and the other "Pre-humans" or Fallen Angels in my theory have attempted to do just that. "The best thing Satan ever did for himself was convince everyone that he doesn't exist" comes to mind. Again, just a theory, feel free to pick it apart with logical/biblical/video game evidence. "
    What people keep failing to realize is that religion is no longer religion if it's proven. It then becomes a fact, a law if you will. Seeing as all religions rely on their followers following in blind faith, religion cannot be proven. That being said, while religion is disproved in this game as the "greatest lie ever told" a lot of the things mentioned in religious texts can be confirmed to be true, like Jesus and his awesomeness and Cain murdering Abel and Moses parting the Red Sea. Hell, even the Rapture is confirmed. Religion is myth based on legend according to the game, meaning that the God envisioned by religions DOES NOT exist, but rather human-like creators who through time were remembered as Gods existed. I'm not trying to squash anyone's religious beliefs, but religion does NOT exist in this game, or rather, it exists as one big lie. The truth is that there is no heaven or hell or God, just pre-humans and humans.
    As for Minerva being the Goddess of War, I completely overlooked that fact. She might have lied. What if the humans and pre-humans never did reconcile? What if these temples were actually prisons for the "Gods" made by humans, and Minerva in her last days made this hologram to lie to Desmond and tell him to seek out the temples, only to release the "Gods" (providing they're still alive, or they reproduced and reverted to cannibalism or whatever) so they could enact their revenge against the humans? What if this solar flare stuff is all just nonsense to make Desmond and the Assassin's seek out the temples even faster? So many what if's. O_O) Point is, Jewroth totally just mindfucked me, and I applaud him.  
    @UnsolvedParadox said:
    " I anticipated this ending from the point where they skipped over the missing sequences, I was pretty happy with it. I'm already desperately craving the next one (I'm hoping for Asia or a newly founded America), and where they take the story with Desmond is a huge part of that. "
    I'm calling bullshit. How the hell could anyone have seen this coming? There is only one line of foreshadowing, and it's in the very beginning so by the end you forget Lucy even said it. And even if you DID remember it, that line is more vague than an Alzheimer's patient trying to describe their first week of kindergarten. Lying is hazardous for your health, mate.
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    #158  Edited By crazygonuts
    @tcrown7: @Jewroth:
    In the codex pages Altair personally calls religion the greatest lie ever told and yes the game credits most 'miracles' as 'magic' (not sure what else to call it) from the pieces of Eden. However one of the more interesting glyph puzzles " the seeds were planted as two worlds became one, behold, the assassins, the children of two worlds" which you have to pick the pictures with the mortals and immortals seems to be similar to the bible story of fallen angels or the book of enoch in which the angels slept with woman and conceived the giants of the time. (Might need to check up on that, I think I need to brush up on my bible :) also god himself is never completely denied or acknowledged in the game as the ones that came before do not call themselves gods, perhaps meaning that they believe in a power above them...or maybe not, pick for yourself) Anyway, it seems there that perhaps the assassins themselves are almost a different branch of humanity (conceived of the ones that came before and the humans.) This would also make sense because the ones that came before, faced with their own extinction may have breeded with humans. Perhaps the assassins themselves are a superior branch of humanity as their seemingly natural skills in parkour and their added sixth sense (eagle vision) are not normal for your average human being. This also fits with the whole history repeating itself scenario with the assassins representing the gods and the templars representing the humans. Again this is just a theory and I'm not even sure I believe it (in the context of the game of course) but it's just some food for thought.
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    #159  Edited By tcrown7
    That makes sense. As a matter of fact, I'm sure that's EXACTLY what happened. The Assassin's have half human blood, half pre-human blood, which grants them the special abilities. Once again, God does not exist though, at least not as he is envisioned by other religions. Maybe they believe in a higher source that brings everything together, but nothing that needs to be worshiped. I think the Templars represent the "Gods" though, and the Assassins represent the humans because the humans back then fought for freedom from the Pieces of Eden whilst the "Gods" sought to keep their grip on humanity with the Pieces of Eden.
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    #160  Edited By crazygonuts
    @tcrown7: Of course he doesn't. That's clear as soon as  Al Mualim states it at the end of Assassins Creed I and does all the magic with the apple. But I'm just saying that in case some people insist that he does (even in a game) you can rationalize that god created the prehumans (you had a good idea for a good official name, it's much shorter than "the ones that came before") and that's it. What I found interesting is in the context of the game is that most biblical figures existed and nearly every magical or spiritual object mentioned in the bible (like the staff of Moses and Aron) or in folklore (the sword in the stone of King Arthur) is actually a piece of Eden which they all had. The problem, of course, is that which part of history was simply an illusion cast by the pieces of Eden and which was genuine? 
    Also on a completely different note I'd love it if Assassins Creed III actually gave us some insight into the templars instead of making them cliche bad guys bent on controlling the world.
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    #161  Edited By Pred17

    What i got out of the ending was that those so called aliens arent aliens they where like semi gods that were created by the god of christian faith. Those semi gods created humans then the humans rebelled against the semi gods and killed alot of them (the ones that remain are the roman/greek gods example: hera) the semi gods predictted the end of the world (2012) and told desmond through  ezio. so desmond has to find the vault to somehow save the world.   Ironic how an assassin may become the saviour of the world 
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    #162  Edited By tcrown7
    @Pred17 said:
    " What i got out of the ending was that those so called aliens arent aliens they where like semi gods that were created by the god of christian faith. Those semi gods created humans then the humans rebelled against the semi gods and killed alot of them (the ones that remain are the roman/greek gods example: hera) the semi gods predictted the end of the world (2012) and told desmond through  ezio. so desmond has to find the vault to somehow save the world.   Ironic how an assassin may become the saviour of the world  "
    ... Do people read the thread before posting? Probably not. Either way, I'll give it to you straight. The bold stuff is wrong. They weren't created by God. There is no God. There is no God. THERE IS NO GOD. Only creators and the created. And he doesn't have to find THE vault, he has to find the vaults. Somewhere on page 3,4, or 5, is an amazing timeline that goes really in depth. And my summary on page 1 or 2 is pretty good as well. Not as in depth, but it covers the story in a broad spectrum. Read those, if not a good chunk of this thread, and become enlightened.
    @crazygonuts said:
    " @tcrown7: Of course he doesn't. That's clear as soon as  Al Mualim states it at the end of Assassins Creed I and does all the magic with the apple. But I'm just saying that in case some people insist that he does (even in a game) you can rationalize that god created the prehumans (you had a good idea for a good official name, it's much shorter than "the ones that came before") and that's it. What I found interesting is in the context of the game is that most biblical figures existed and nearly every magical or spiritual object mentioned in the bible (like the staff of Moses and Aron) or in folklore (the sword in the stone of King Arthur) is actually a piece of Eden which they all had. The problem, of course, is that which part of history was simply an illusion cast by the pieces of Eden and which was genuine?  Also on a completely different note I'd love it if Assassins Creed III actually gave us some insight into the templars instead of making them cliche bad guys bent on controlling the world. "
    I have no tolerance for these people. If they can't imagine for one second that all their religion is nonsense for the sake of the story of a game, they have no business playing one as secular as this. And yeah, I didn't notice at first because I've never read the entire bible. XD But as more and more people came here, I started to see. These things are true, for the most part. The Pieces of Eden did create illusions, and that's what the biblical stories and folklore shows. Jesus wasn't the son of God and King Arthur didn't have a divine right--they just had Pieces of Eden. THAT is genuine, but the illusions themselves are not. See what I'm getting at? The truth is that these things did happen, but they happened in a false manner.
    And me too! I can honestly see the Templars in a good light. They're just like the Assassins. They believe in something, and they're going to fight to the death to see it through. Templars want world peace, they just don't understand that a forced peace is no peace at all. But they definitely get props from me for trying. And like, every Templar shown is bad, except for maybe Robert de Sable and Mary. That fat guy in Damascus poisoned everyone at his party. Uberto had Ezio's father, elder brother, and little 12 year old brother hanged. These don't seem like men trying to create world peace.
    But anyway, you know what I think? No? Didn't think so, so I'll tell you. The Assassin's Creed series is now an established "twist" franchise. In the first one you think you're in the Middle East just killing people in the historical Third Crusade, but instead you're really in the year 2012 enter some fancy machine that accesses ancestor's memories and discover a well hidden conspiracy between two rival factions. Now, in the second one, you think you're a prisoner of the Templars and they are going to use you to view another ancestor's memories to find out if Altair ever found more pieces and/or passed them down to his ancestors, but instead you break out of Abstergo and go to a hideout with two other assassins and discover an even BIGGER conspiracy dating all the way back to before Christ. 
    So, in the third one we all think we're going to be Desmond searching for the Vaults in order to save the world from the sun. I think we're wrong. What if instead we do do that, but also play as a Templar on his heels, or one step ahead, or looking to cross over, or something like that. Point is, we WILL get our insight behind enemy lines AS a Templar. It'll be like Halo 2 where you played as Master Chief as well as a Covenant Elite. At least, that's what I think they'll do. That's what I'm hoping they'll do. If they don't, they'll have dropped the ball. But maybe they'll do something even better to make up for it?
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    #163  Edited By crazygonuts
    @Pred17: Um I fail to see one place in the entire game that the god of the christian faith is acknowledged as creating anyone. @tcrown7:  I do completely agree. While it would be cool to have you play as a templar on Desmonds heals I tend to doubt theyll do it. Personally I was one of the few people who enjoyed playing as the Arbiter in halo 2 but the general opinion was that they shouldn't have made you play as him. ( I actually missed the real covenant side of the story in halo 3 but perhaps thats for a different threat :) Now your idea gave me a pretty cool one (again, one I doubt theyd do) but what if one of Desmonds ancestors was a templar??? (I dont mean Mary but perhaps thats a hint to it) You could hunt assassins and it could explore more of both sides of the story. It would definetly be an inetresting twist. 
    Another thing, the guards in the game have no personality. And I know that's being critical but in a game this complex it might make sense for not every guard to be a complete asshole (Well come to think about it, that matches up with some of law inforcement today... Just kidding.
    Now theres one other thing, I've thought of an explanation of most the things in the game but the one thing I don't understand is... why the people who attacked from abstergo didn't just use guns.. I mean batons? Cmon...
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    #164  Edited By CuriousSkeptic

    First of all: Great thread people! This is the sort of thing that actually creates much of the value of this game. =D Unfortunately I was to cynical to think that Ubisoft actually had manage to create this depth and nuance to the story, so I didn't actually take the time to study each detail of the narrative as much as it deserves. Oh well, maybe I'll play the game one more time.
    Just wanted to add some notes of mine to keep the wheel spinning: 
    1. Some asked about the hidden messages. I did decoded some of them (not sure if I caught all though...) 

    - . -- .--. .-.. .- .-.  - . -..- - ...  .- -.. .- .--. - . -..  -... -.--  -- .-. .-.-.-  ... -- .. - .... 



    - .... . -.--  ..- ... . -..  .. -  - ---  -- .- -.- . 
    - . ... .-.. .-  --. ---  .. -. ... .- -. .   - .... . 
    --- .-. --. .- -. .. --.. .- - .. --- -.  - --- --- -.- 
    .... .. ...  .-. . ... . .- .-. -.-. ....  .- .-.. .. . -. 
    .--. .-. --- .--. . .-. - -.--  -.-. ..- ... - --- -.. .. .- -.
    --- ..-. ..-. .. -.-. .



    2. The mandelbrot set was also present in the "anything goes"-puzzle 
    3. I was wondering what the source of  "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" is. Would that be the enlightenment of Adam and Eve when they realized that they didn't have to obey the prehumans? Is it something related to the Cain and Abel conflict? 
    4. I got the impression from Altaïrs letter about religion that it is not only suggested that all religious beliefs are wrong, it is so manically denied that it's like the weather balloon explanation. Maybe the big twist of ACIII will be that there actually is/was God? 
    5. My take on the Templars is that they simply plan on using the sun event to reshape the world to their liking. A classical let's-pick-the-people-we-want-to-keep-and-kill-everyone-else plan.
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    #165  Edited By Alphazero

    I loved how Minerva turned to camera and talked right to you, Desmond.
    This right after boxing the Pope in the Sistine Chapel's secret basement rave space.  Having Ezio -- a definite badass, but still a product of the 15th Century -- walking down this dark metal and neon light hallway was great. The Rome sequence was a big improvement over the ending of Assassin's Creed 1 in terms of game play. Loved it.

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    #166  Edited By alastris

    Just on my second playthrough and two things are jumping at me: 
    1) Lucy talking about the side effects of the animus when they pull you out to see if you retained your skills. She says some side effects incude personality disorders and something along the lines of "you won't need the animus to visit your ancestors Then Shawn says "If you can contorl it, then it's great, but so far no one has been able to". Perhaps in ACIII you will be able to jump back in time to pick up snippets of your ancestors? I can see this being used as a tool to visit ancestors on the spot. Who knows 
    2) This is regarding the dream sequence with altair. This is the main thing that keeps jumping at me. At the end when you do a leap of faith with Altair desmond says "wait a minute why a I not following altair", THen it zooms into maria's womb and desond says "whoa". 
    So technically, then, desmond is zooming in on altair's offspring who is also ezio's ancestor. Thus ezio is both templar and assassin. Which brings me to the point where subject 16 says soething about a son of two worlds or something like that. Just got me thinking. 

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    #167  Edited By crazygonuts
    @CuriousSkeptic:  Good job on deciphering the hidden codes. I researched a lot of the pictures but I couldn't figure out a lot of the codes. Anyway, in regards to your question about "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" Ubisoft did not make that up. In fact it was stated by  Hassan-i Sabbah, the original founder of the assassin city Alamut (Maysaf from the first game was loosely based on this city as well as the actual Maysaf) It was supposedly his motto so it makes sense that since he was one of the founders of the organized assassins (or so it would seem) that his motto would become the official one of the rest of the assassins throughout history.
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    #168  Edited By tcrown7
    @crazygonuts said:
    " @CuriousSkeptic:  Good job on deciphering the hidden codes. I researched a lot of the pictures but I couldn't figure out a lot of the codes. Anyway, in regards to your question about "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" Ubisoft did not make that up. In fact it was stated by  Hassan-i Sabbah, the original founder of the assassin city Alamut (Maysaf from the first game was loosely based on this city as well as the actual Maysaf) It was supposedly his motto so it makes sense that since he was one of the founders of the organized assassins (or so it would seem) that his motto would become the official one of the rest of the assassins throughout history. "
    ^^What he said. Also, to elaborate, they say nothing is true because most things can't be proven. You have to be a little out there (I suggest smoking a little marijuana :D) to get this, but here goes. Assassins believe in learning through experience, not teaching. Guides maybe, but not outright telling of facts. Al Mualim mentions this to Altair. If he had told him about what connected the nine men outright, he'd have denied him the experience that came with discovering it on his own. So, in this fashion, "nothing is true," because almost everything is outright told, rather than experienced firsthand. The only things we can believe to be true are the things we experience ourselves.
    Now, this is the crux of the "everything is permitted" part of the statement. What's defined as wrong might not have always been so. Not only that, but laws were made by others, not the Assassins. How can someone deem what is right and what is wrong for everyone? Therefore, everything is permitted. HOWEVER, Assassins still use discretion based on experience. Knowing the value of life, they won't go on killing sprees. But they feel there is absolutely nothing wrong with killing one if it would save others. So yeah, that's what "Nothing is true, everything is permitted," means in a nutshell.
    @alastris said:
    " Just on my second playthrough and two things are jumping at me:   1) Lucy talking about the side effects of the animus when they pull you out to see if you retained your skills. She says some side effects incude personality disorders and something along the lines of "you won't need the animus to visit your ancestors Then Shawn says "If you can contorl it, then it's great, but so far no one has been able to". Perhaps in ACIII you will be able to jump back in time to pick up snippets of your ancestors? I can see this being used as a tool to visit ancestors on the spot. Who knows  2) This is regarding the dream sequence with altair. This is the main thing that keeps jumping at me. At the end when you do a leap of faith with Altair desmond says "wait a minute why a I not following altair", THen it zooms into maria's womb and desond says "whoa".  So technically, then, desmond is zooming in on altair's offspring who is also ezio's ancestor. Thus ezio is both templar and assassin. Which brings me to the point where subject 16 says soething about a son of two worlds or something like that. Just got me thinking.  "

    So the first bold thing I just wanted to point out again that some Eternal Darkness-esque gameplay might come into play. I for one, would not mind at all. Silicon Knights pulled off a brilliant story with (crude as it was) individual character development. Why couldn't Ubisoft do the same? They've had much more experience in story-telling, and this thread shows that they're only hitting their peak. If they can manage to wrangle 168 posts about something as simple albeit compelling as the plot in a video-game, they can pull off five separate decent, if not amazing, character plots.
    And that's exactly what the game is hinting at. The paintings all show Gods having sex with mortals making demi-gods. Well, we've established that the Assassins are the off spring of "The Ones Who Came Before" and humans they created. Behold, the children of two worlds! Get it now? It grants them their amazing endurance, parkour abilities and some resistance, if not complete immunity, to the Pieces of Eden, seeing as they were specifically engineered for pure-human minds. And let's not forget Eagle Vision. I'll admit I just wrote it off as a nice gameplay mechanic at first, but now, with the help of some people in this thread, I'm convinced that it's actually some sixth sense shiznit inherited by the "Gods." 
    Also, Adam and Eve were the first cross-bred "Demi-Gods" I think. I say this because in the clip it shows their amazing parkour abilities. Not to mention the fact that they had some resistance to one of the Pieces of Eden, since they were holding it. At first I thought they were the first ACTUAL Assassins, but now I don't think so. No doubt, they had the same beliefs, but I don't think they ever established themselves as such. Cain and Seth were most likely the first Assassin and Templar, or Templar and Assassin, I don't know. All I know is that this was the first time humans disputed over a Piece of Eden, so it has to be when the lines were drawn. I just don't know who's on which side...
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    #169  Edited By crazygonuts
    @tcrown7: I agree you for the most part but I don't think that they should explore multiple pasts. I feel it would take away from the story of the main character (not Desmond). Also after thinking about it I realized the game is not clear when the feud between the templars and assassins began. Yes, it does say that certain key figures throughout history were assassinated but that doesn't neccessarily mean that there was an order of assassins or templars until later in history. This may contradict some stuff I said earlier ( I of course could be completely wrong about all of it but it's fun to speculate) but it may very well be that the enhanced abilites came from the piece of Eden itself. The prehumans own creations revolted from their life of slavery after getting "eating the apple of knowledge" Like I said before it would be cool if even for a short time (kinda like the Altair memory in assassins creed 2) you got to play as Adam and actually see what happened. The pieces of Eden give power to whoever holds it but it begs to question... Why were the pieces of Eden made? Or where did they come from? It seems possible that they may not have been built by the prehumans at all. Humans were clearly designed after the pieces of Eden because human DNA has a trigger in it that lets the piece of eden play tricks on your mind (control you, make you see things , feel things ect) "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" in the game actually be a way of saying "Nothing is true therefore everything is permitted. There is no fact. Only what people believe. So each person is free to choose their own moral code and the templars have theirs as do the assassins. I'd also like to point out that the Assassins methods arent perfect either. Is killing to get your point across (as the assassins do) better than actually making someone see your point (as the templars do)? 
    On a completely unrelated note I had this awesome idea (at least I think its awesome :) for the end of the third game. There could be a huge battle taking place in the present (Desmonds time, after hes a complete assassins himself) buuut as a result of the bleeding effect it goes back and forth between huge battles happening throughout his memories (With Altair, Ezio, and untitled Assassins Creed 3 character.) Example: Your fighting as Desmond and you pull out a gun and shoot  someone and right as you pull the trigger you become Ezio using his gun during a giant battle at his time. And sometime later Ezio could throw a knife and as thats happening it changes to Altair ect ect. I doubt they'll do that but it would be a epic end scene tying up every character at once.
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    #170  Edited By Blackout62
    @crazygonuts said:

    Example: Your fighting as Desmond and you pull out a gun and shoot  someone and right as you pull the trigger you become Ezio using his gun during a giant battle at his time. And sometime later Ezio could throw a knife and as thats happening it changes to Altair ect ect. I doubt they'll do that but it would be a epic end scene tying up every character at once. "

    Ooh, that'd be a bitch on the processor if it happened all in real time. 
    @tcrown7 said:

    (I suggest smoking a little marijuana :D)

     Not marijuana, hashish, (roughly the same plant but different preparation) they were called the Hashshashin (silent Hs) for a reason.
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    #171  Edited By alastris

    Thanks for the reply Tcrown.  I am picking up a lot on my second replay.
    Just a quick note. The ACII was a better game, but I think I enjoyed ACI more simply because I liked altair more. He was calm and composed and not a james bond of the renaissance (ezio and 007 have lots of correlations, skilled, filled with charm, womanizers, etc).   reading Altair's codex just made me wanted to play him more. So powerful and so wise.
    But regarding ACIII. I was just watching some splinter cell videos and if you notice there is actually a significant amount of free-running you can do as sam fischer. Scaling walls, even one move was right out of ACII, where you are on a ledge and you pull a guy down. It is possible to have a stealth-based game without firing a single weapon - the previous splinter cells have demonstrated this as well as the hitman series, but doing so would actually detract from what we've come to know and love about the AC trilogy.
    If they do decide to involve guns, then I think we would end up with something like splinter cell: conviction They show sam fisher crawling out of windows, shimmying on ledges to flank enemies, and tossing flashbangs and quickly free running to take these enemies down. Funny thing is that SC: conviction was inspired by assassin's creed. They wanted to change the stealth mechanic from hiding in the shadows, systematically moving from point A to B in darkness and out of cameras to  a grittier crowd based one. 
    Three options for ACIII 
    1) ACIII could involve guns, and if they do go this route they do have a pretty good framework if they draw on SC: conviction. The challenge here will be to make this game an Assassin's Creed III and not a splinter cell ripoff. Without guns, it just won't make sense
    2) Would not involve guns - highly unlikely. In ACI vidic lets desmond listen to gunshots killing his kind. I doubt they rushed in without being armed themselves
    3) More parkour, hidden blade stealth kill action in ACIII with a bigger focus on going back in time to see the animus. Based on what shawn said, about how its great if you can see your ancestor's memories without the animus, and desmond has managed to do that with the altair sequence, then it is possible. And like what tcrown said, it could actually work.
    my little take is that it will be just like that scene in The Mummy part 2. Example: he is in a tomb trying to get to the piece of eden but there is a specific combination lock or a series of levers that he has to pull to get to it. He goes back in time to when his ancestors first sealed it, then uses that knowledge to figure out how to get to it.

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    #172  Edited By crazygonuts
    @Blackout62: Yeah I know, but i can dream can't I? :) @alastris: I never even thought of that. I'm looking forward to splinter cell (even though I haven't really played any of the others but I did catch up on the story (thanks wikipedia). Your right, conviction seems to pull of the stealth kills even though guns, you know, exist. It would be a good template to draw Desmond as a Sam Fisher type assassin.  I agree with you about Altair, I liked Ezio, but Altair was just so.... cool. I also thought his post assassination speeches with his victims were much much better than Ezio's one or two liners after each kill.
     On a side note.. Anyone have any ideas on what time period (I still think they should primarily focus on one with maybe a tidbit here and there of others) and place the third Assassins Creed should be in?
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    #173  Edited By Chokobo

    Finished the game.  As soon as I realized Minerva was staring right at me, I knew what was happening.
    Wonderful storytelling, great cliffhanger.  idk if the next game will be in the modern day or not, but the logical progression of the story dictates that it will eventually, and I'm pumped for that.

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    #174  Edited By oxNAMELESSxo

    dude that ending was epic, so awsome that hole game rocked worlds!!!

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    #175  Edited By tcrown7
    @crazygonuts said:
    " @tcrown7: I agree you for the most part but I don't think that they should explore multiple pasts. I feel it would take away from the story of the main character (not Desmond). Also after thinking about it I realized the game is not clear when the feud between the templars and assassins began. Yes, it does say that certain key figures throughout history were assassinated but that doesn't neccessarily mean that there was an order of assassins or templars until later in history. This may contradict some stuff I said earlier ( I of course could be completely wrong about all of it but it's fun to speculate) but it may very well be that the enhanced abilites came from the piece of Eden itself. The prehumans own creations revolted from their life of slavery after getting "eating the apple of knowledge" Like I said before it would be cool if even for a short time (kinda like the Altair memory in assassins creed 2) you got to play as Adam and actually see what happened. The pieces of Eden give power to whoever holds it but it begs to question... Why were the pieces of Eden made? Or where did they come from? It seems possible that they may not have been built by the prehumans at all. Humans were clearly designed after the pieces of Eden because human DNA has a trigger in it that lets the piece of eden play tricks on your mind (control you, make you see things , feel things ect) "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" in the game actually be a way of saying "Nothing is true therefore everything is permitted. There is no fact. Only what people believe. So each person is free to choose their own moral code and the templars have theirs as do the assassins. I'd also like to point out that the Assassins methods arent perfect either. Is killing to get your point across (as the assassins do) better than actually making someone see your point (as the templars do)?  On a completely unrelated note I had this awesome idea (at least I think its awesome :) for the end of the third game. There could be a huge battle taking place in the present (Desmonds time, after hes a complete assassins himself) buuut as a result of the bleeding effect it goes back and forth between huge battles happening throughout his memories (With Altair, Ezio, and untitled Assassins Creed 3 character.) Example: Your fighting as Desmond and you pull out a gun and shoot  someone and right as you pull the trigger you become Ezio using his gun during a giant battle at his time. And sometime later Ezio could throw a knife and as thats happening it changes to Altair ect ect. I doubt they'll do that but it would be a epic end scene tying up every character at once. "
    O_O) That's very possible. As a matter of fact, that might be it. BUT if we say that, we're pretty much rendering everything we've come up with so far useless. Unless... what if "Gods" reverse engineered it? They built their OWN Piece of Eden, made from another, one that was used to create their race of beings, and created by ANOTHER race of beings, "The Ones Who Came Before The Ones Who Came Before." It's not too far-fetched. If one species can bring another into existence, who's to say the species that did that wasn't also brought into existence by another species, and who's to say THAT species wasn't brought forth by ANOTHER species, and so on and so forth. If the Earth is 6 billion years old, there is plenty of time for this all to happen.
    Which brings me to your next statement. You totally said what I said about the phrase "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" with different words. XD But that just means it's doubly true, because great minds think alike. :D Now,yes, that's exactly what the saying means. Vidic agrees with it, so the Templars as a whole probably do too. And Altair mentions what you said to. Killing probably isn't always the best solution. But in the Assassins defense, there's nothing wrong with killing people as long as you're killing the right people. People like Hitler, Mussolini, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Louis the XVI, Tzar Nicholas III, these people deserved to die, even though some of them didn't get killed. You couldn't convince them to stop. Assassins don't just kill people because they disagree. They kill them because they would FORCE others to disagree. Also, going back to the 6 billion years thing like I meant to before, the Earth could be older. What if it's 6 trillion years old? Nothing is true, right?
    And now on to the last statement Halo: ODST did that, and it totally worked. You'd find a botched rifle, and you'd play through the events that... made it botched. Eternal Darkness did that too, and it totally worked. You'd find a diary page detailing someone's life, and you'd play through it. Now if they do THIS, it would top everything done before. Maybe it couldn't happen in real time, but would we really mind a cutscene?
    @alastris said:
    " Thanks for the reply Tcrown.  I am picking up a lot on my second replay.  Just a quick note. The ACII was a better game, but I think I enjoyed ACI more simply because I liked altair more. He was calm and composed and not a james bond of the renaissance (ezio and 007 have lots of correlations, skilled, filled with charm, womanizers, etc).   reading Altair's codex just made me wanted to play him more. So powerful and so wise.  But regarding ACIII. I was just watching some splinter cell videos and if you notice there is actually a significant amount of free-running you can do as sam fischer. Scaling walls, even one move was right out of ACII, where you are on a ledge and you pull a guy down. It is possible to have a stealth-based game without firing a single weapon - the previous splinter cells have demonstrated this as well as the hitman series, but doing so would actually detract from what we've come to know and love about the AC trilogy.  If they do decide to involve guns, then I think we would end up with something like splinter cell: conviction They show sam fisher crawling out of windows, shimmying on ledges to flank enemies, and tossing flashbangs and quickly free running to take these enemies down. Funny thing is that SC: conviction was inspired by assassin's creed. They wanted to change the stealth mechanic from hiding in the shadows, systematically moving from point A to B in darkness and out of cameras to  a grittier crowd based one.    Three options for ACIII  1) ACIII could involve guns, and if they do go this route they do have a pretty good framework if they draw on SC: conviction. The challenge here will be to make this game an Assassin's Creed III and not a splinter cell ripoff. Without guns, it just won't make sense2) Would not involve guns - highly unlikely. In ACI vidic lets desmond listen to gunshots killing his kind. I doubt they rushed in without being armed themselves 3) More parkour, hidden blade stealth kill action in ACIII with a bigger focus on going back in time to see the animus. Based on what shawn said, about how its great if you can see your ancestor's memories without the animus, and desmond has managed to do that with the altair sequence, then it is possible. And like what tcrown said, it could actually work.  my little take is that it will be just like that scene in The Mummy part 2. Example: he is in a tomb trying to get to the piece of eden but there is a specific combination lock or a series of levers that he has to pull to get to it. He goes back in time to when his ancestors first sealed it, then uses that knowledge to figure out how to get to it. "
    Totally doable. And they should definitely do it too. Another game did that, but I can't put my finger on which one... Either way, it's been done before, so they could do it again.
    @crazygonuts said:
    " @Blackout62: Yeah I know, but i can dream can't I? :) @alastris: I never even thought of that. I'm looking forward to splinter cell (even though I haven't really played any of the others but I did catch up on the story (thanks wikipedia). Your right, conviction seems to pull of the stealth kills even though guns, you know, exist. It would be a good template to draw Desmond as a Sam Fisher type assassin.  I agree with you about Altair, I liked Ezio, but Altair was just so.... cool. I also thought his post assassination speeches with his victims were much much better than Ezio's one or two liners after each kill. On a side note.. Anyone have any ideas on what time period (I still think they should primarily focus on one with maybe a tidbit here and there of others) and place the third Assassins Creed should be in? "
    Am I the only one who thought Ezio was a better character? Altair was awesome, don't get me wrong, but that was established. You walk into the game knowing you're the baddest Assassin at Masayaf, so bad that your master gets angry at you. So bad that you can get stabbed and live to talk about it. So bad that you can indirectly kill a man's brother, and still not give a shit about it. So bad that you instead are angry that he lived to come back and tell on you. See what I'm getting at? Ezio on the other hand is much different. He's not a badass going in. He actually wants to run away at first. He develops into a badass, and by the end of the game he's going fist to fist with the Pope, taunting him and everything. I like Ezio for the same reason I like the recent Daniel Craig Bond films. Bond ISN'T the man at the time. It shows his developments on the road to be coming the man, just like Ezio
    As for the time period, one can only guess, and vaguely at that. Once again, I think it will be in multiple time periods. He'll learn how to relive his ancestor's memories at will, and just jump back forth between past and present, solving puzzles, discovering revelations, unlocking conspiracies, and most importantly, kicking ass. Now, I'm thinking it'll be all over the place. I'm hoping to see some American Revolution, some French Revolution, some Civil War, both World Wars, maybe a little of the Russian Revolution, DEFINITELY some Reign of Terror (bringing Robspierre to justice will be the icing to the cake) and ironically, I want a finale in that Classified BCE date in time. Oh, and I want Desmond to go bat-shit crazy from all the multiple-personality disorders and accidentally kill Lucy.
    OH SHI- I just thought of something. Subject 16... WHAT IF HE'S DESMOND'S RELATIVE?! Okay, I swear to God I JUST thought of this. Lucy "sees him raise the knife" remember? What if he's talking about the Lucy that Desmond knows? Now, the obvious explanation is that she, observing him and what-not, would probably see him commit suicide. But I think (and someone be sure to play through it again to prove me right/wrong) he says he kills her too. What if the HUGE twist is that you can actually unlock the memories of your descendants too. O_O) History repeats itself yes? It wouldn't be an exact fortune-telling thing, but rather the most logical course of events. So anyway, he, as Desmond, sees himself raise the knife--AND KILL HIMSELF AND LUCY! Oh snap, SPOILER ALERT did I just ruin the ending to Assassin's Creed III? I think so. D:
    Oh, and I definitely lol'd at the Hashshashin joke. XD Make the H's unsilent and you get Sean Connery trying to say Assassin three times fast. :O
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    #176  Edited By alastris

    Ok a few points
    @tcrown: the main reason why I didn't like ezio as much is because he wasn't assassin like. They were supposed to be monks, who cut off their ring left ring finger so they would never be married, trading a normal life for that of an assassin, as the blade needed to come out of the ring finger. Ezio is a womanizer, a noble who doesn't seem to fit that role at least initially.  I don't understand the motives behind his killings. Sure kiling the Pazzi was for his family as they were intimately connected, but what about the rest? Finally, the scene with the pope. I can't believe he doesn't kill him. he says it won't bring his family back, but has he forgotten that Borgia is a templar in a position of high power? The pope could do anything back in the day. Seriosly Ezio, are you just using this assassin thing as an excuse to avenge death or do you truly believe in the cause of the assassins? 
    Altair's killings had more purpose, and you were right there with him struggling to come out with the counterarguments to the templars justifying their death in their "post-mortem" monologues. There was no such connection with ezio. However, you did feel like he was a secondary character and that was technically true.
    One more thing to what someone said, I feel like Lucy knows 16. Just the way she was talking about him it seemed like she knew who he was.
    So obviously the ending has a lot of debate around it. Some people are saying that the templars are the Ones that came before and adam and eve are technically the first assassins. However I believe that it was simply that adam and eve escaped and the humans defeated the advanced as state, but that the templar line is drawn from cain and the assassin line from seth.
    Finally, regarding ACIII I just hope they don't ruin it with guns. I think they will succeed if they did, but AC series is successful because it is something new.
    I am still confused about the significance of altair sleeping with maria and the game hinting that maria is carrying altair's child. What is the significance of the act that desmond technically has templar ancestry? is this going to be used to look at templar ancestors in the 3rd?
    Finally, how the f*ck did altair figure out all of this without going to the vault? that is guy is incredible

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    #177  Edited By random_guy23

    The fist fight with the pope was pretty hilarious, but the ending was a bit of a mind fuck for me. Still, Assassin's Creed III will be awesome. Let's hope that it comes out next year, instead of 2011. Little chance of that happening. They could release it in 2012, to coincide with when the game takes place... Who Knows?

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    #178  Edited By Alphazero

    Who was Maria again? I didn't pick up on that, other than that roll in the hay, as it were, being the conception of Desmond's ancestor.
    Lucy definitely knew Subject 16. She was working with the Templars althroughout the time 16 was in the animus. Desmond was subject 17, wasn't he?
    Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but the map drawn on the codex pages had a number of potential vault locations on it... including what looked like New York or DC. Can't wait.

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    #179  Edited By alastris
    @Alphazero: Maria was the girl who pretended to be robert de sable in the first one, and then altair spares her to chase after robert at Arsuf. She was involved AC: bloodlines.
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    #180  Edited By tcrown7
    @alastris said:

    " Ok a few points  @tcrown: the main reason why I didn't like ezio as much is because he wasn't assassin like. They were supposed to be monks, who cut off their ring left ring finger so they would never be married, trading a normal life for that of an assassin, as the blade needed to come out of the ring finger.Ezio is a womanizer, a noble who doesn't seem to fit that role at least initially.  I don't understand the motives behind his killings. Sure kiling the Pazzi was for his family as they were intimately connected, but what about the rest? Finally, the scene with the pope. I can't believe he doesn't kill him. he says it won't bring his family back, but has he forgotten that Borgia is a templar in a position of high power?The pope could do anything back in the day. Seriosly Ezio, are you just using this assassin thing as an excuse to avenge death or do you truly believe in the cause of the assassins?   Altair's killings had more purpose, and you were right there with him struggling to come out with the counterarguments to the templars justifying their death in their "post-mortem" monologues. There was no such connection with ezio. However, you did feel like he was a secondary character and that was technically true.  One more thing to what someone said, I feel like Lucy knows 16. Just the way she was talking about him it seemed like she knew who he was.  So obviously the ending has a lot of debate around it. Some people are saying that the templars are the Ones that came before and adam and eve are technically the first assassins. However I believe that it was simply that adam and eve escaped and the humans defeated the advanced as state, but that the templar line is drawn from cain and the assassin line from seth.  Finally, regarding ACIII I just hope they don't ruin it with guns. I think they will succeed if they did, but AC series is successful because it is something new.  I am still confused about the significance of altair sleeping with maria and the game hinting that maria is carrying altair's child. What is the significance of the act that desmond technically has templar ancestry? is this going to be used to look at templar ancestors in the 3rd?  Finally, how the f*ck did altair figure out all of this without going to the vault? that is guy is incredible "

    Even Altair thought that part of their "code" was stupid. He said, if Assassins can use the hidden blades without cutting off their ring fingers, why should they? And him not initially being an Assassin is why I think he's better. Altair started out as a badass, while Ezio had to work for it. And you just didn't understand the plot (in the Animus anyway) if you didn't get what linked them. All of the people he killed were Templars, same as Altair. Assassins kill Templars--what other motives do you need? 
    On the same token, Altair had even LESS motive. Al Mualim would say "go here, kill this guy" and Altair would do it. Ezio on the other hand found and distinguished the targets for himself. Also, Ezio in fact had an ulterior motive, seeing as he wanted to avenge his familiy's death.
    The dialogues after each killing were pretty sweet though, and I regret them taking them out. However, you don't need that anymore. Unlike in the first game where we were in the dark, we now know what the Templar's stand for. Why have them say it over again? The only difference this time is that they plan to find "God" in the vault, and if they told us that the ending wouldn't have been so awesome.
    And we aren't putting them into definite categories. The "Gods" weren't ACTUAL Templars and Adam and Eve weren't ACTUAL Assassins, but the beliefs of both groups are drawn from their respective "ancestors." And the line is drawn for certain with Cain and Seth, but how do you explain who is on which side? Cain could have killed Abel for the Piece of Eden because he was abusing it (Cain was an Assassin). Cain could have also killed Abel for the Piece of Eden because Abel didn't want to use it's powers for the greater good (Cain was a Templar).
    And it would be impossible for them to not use guns. I doubt every guard Desmond runs into henceforth will have the pussy batons. They'll be packing, so he'll have to be as well. Then again, it could add a new layer of stealth not seen before in an Assassin's Creed game. In the previous two if you were stealthy you got a feeling of satisfaction. Maybe in Assassin's Creed III there isn't an if. Perhaps you'll HAVE to be stealthy in order to survive. If they've got guns and Desmond doesn't, there is no way he can survive with just a hidden blade if he attacks them head-on.
    And the event is significant because it's showing history repeating itself. Altair's lineage is one of the best. "Behold, the children of two worlds!" It's weird because the "children of two worlds" statement is separated by a couple hours of gameplay from the flashback so you might forget, but they correlate to each other indirectly. The "Gods" mated with humans to make supernatural humans, and now the Templars are mating with the Assassins and making the best Assassins. "You're are an Auditore, born to fight, so fight!" The Templars aren't pansies. They're just as capable of fighting as the Assassins. It makes sense that having the blood of TWO fighters is more valuable than having the blood of one.
    Finally, Altair is pretty awesome, but you can't give him credit for using logic to figure out about the vaults and predicting the events that were about to take place, because he didn't. He used his Piece of Eden to see into the future. It's all in the codex pages. He even questions whether or not doing anything about it, now that he knows, will change anything.  "Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time and I can tell you they are wrong." - Prince of Persia. Who developed and published Prince of Persia? Ubisoft. There might be a play on that too. Multiple universes? Time travel? Who knows. I'm pretty sure the Pieces of Eden will play an even bigger role than they used to though. 
    @Alphazero said:
    " Who was Maria again? I didn't pick up on that, other than that roll in the hay, as it were, being the conception of Desmond's ancestor.  Lucy definitely knew Subject 16. She was working with the Templars althroughout the time 16 was in the animus. Desmond was subject 17, wasn't he?  Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but the map drawn on the codex pages had a number of potential vault locations on it... including what looked like New York or DC. Can't wait. "

    Maria was the Templar who disguised herself as Robert de Sable to distract Altair while the real Robert de Sable raced to King Richard to get him to help him destroy the Assassins. And I'm not arguing whether or not she knew Subject 16. Of course she KNEW him. She was as close to him as she was Desmond, if not more because he was in the Animus for even longer periods of time and more times total. I just had this crazy thought that maybe Subject 16 and Desmond were connected someway. 
    And it was mentioned, but restating things that have already been said only confirm their reality. :D And I didn't notice New York, or Washington D.C. George Washington had a Piece of Eden you know. Perhaps the White House was built to cover up the Vault that he unlocked (or tried to unlock but couldn't) there? Or maybe Mt. Vernon? He resided there after he was done being president for the rest of his life. Not only that, but there are a number of secret passageways rumored to be under Mt. Vernon as well. Very possible. And maybe the Templars were looking for a Vault under the Twin Towers, so they blew them up? And I wouldn't write off a Vault being under the Empire State Building either. 
    What I'm trying to get at is, what if the Templars already found the Vaults, and built famous landmarks over top of them to hide them? We've already seen how the Vault in Italy was hidden by the Vatican. What about Area 51? Mt. Rushmore? Yellowstone National Park? The Statue of Liberty? And that's just The United States. Oh, and I don't have the map handy (I let my friend borrow the game) but I'm not sure if the Vaults are anywhere remotely close to the areas I've mentioned. I'm just spitballin' here.
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    #181  Edited By Alphazero
    @tcrown7 said:
    And maybe the Templars were looking for a Vault under the Twin Towers, so they blew them up? And I wouldn't write off a Vault being under the Empire State Building either.   What I'm trying to get at is, what if the Templars already found the Vaults, and built famous landmarks over top of them to hide them? We've already seen how the Vault in Italy was hidden by the Vatican. What about Area 51? Mt. Rushmore? Yellowstone National Park? The Statue of Liberty? And that's just The United States. Oh, and I don't have the map handy (I let my friend borrow the game) but I'm not sure if the Vaults are anywhere remotely close to the areas I've mentioned. I'm just spitballin' here. "

    All conspiracies ever are in some way related to the Templar/Assassin feud, so it's pretty likely they were responsible for 9/11 as well. I like the idea of the Templars building over known Vault locations. Hell, even the moon landing was a Templar plot to get a Piece of Eden.
    I'm just going from memory, but I recall one marker on the US east coast, in the DC/New York area. I don't think there were any others in the area that would become the United States. I recall one in Africa. One over what I think was Japan. At least one in South America. One in Italy (where Ezio boxes the Superpope). If no one else digs it up before then, I'll try to get a screen capture tonight.
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    #182  Edited By DystopiaX
    what i'm unsure about is if they need more pieces of eden than just the apple and the staff, since that's what Ezio used to open the first vault. There were references to others (i think) in the game, like the one that Tesla used to perform his experiments on electricity and such. 
    I think that either there will be one character in the past who know the current location of the apple/staff (the templars may have the apple, since they found out that altair had it in AC1), or a series of characters who will uncover a few other vaults or track the POEs through time. Desmond wouldn't necessarily even need an Animus, since he could do something like with the Altair flashback in ACII. I definitely think we'll be playing as Desmond a lot more, since he has to find all of the vaults and open them.
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    #183  Edited By tcrown7
    @DystopiaX said:

    " what i'm unsure about is if they need more pieces of eden than just the apple and the staff, since that's what Ezio used to open the first vault. There were references to others (i think) in the game, like the one that Tesla used to perform his experiments on electricity and such. 
    I think that either there will be one character in the past who know the current location of the apple/staff (the templars may have the apple, since they found out that altair had it in AC1), or a series of characters who will uncover a few other vaults or track the POEs through time. Desmond wouldn't necessarily even need an Animus, since he could do something like with the Altair flashback in ACII. I definitely think we'll be playing as Desmond a lot more, since he has to find all of the vaults and open them.

    It's not a question of whether or not they need them. The Templars know they exist, know the powers they grant, and for that reason feel they HAVE to have them, regardless of whether they're needed as keys. However, I think each Vault needs an Apple of Eden, considering there are quite a few of them, and there own respective Piece of Eden. The Vatican needed an Apple and a Staff to open it. Maybe the Vault in Washington D.C. or New York will need an Apple and a Tomahawk. Once again, I'm just spitballin'.
    The Templars DON'T have Altair's Piece of Eden. They already had that Piece and it was destroyed by Assassins. It's detailed in an email or two in Assassin's Creed 1. And it will most likely be a series, because no one character can know all the locations. Like, Altair had a map of a round world, something he didn't know what to make heads or tail of. Ezio had a map of the world as well, but he sees it in 1492 I think--the year Columbus sets sail for the new route to India and finds the New World that nobody knows about. What I'm trying to say is that even if a character knows where every single one is, they can't find every single one. 
    That's where the multiple characters come into play. Surely Ezio passed the map down to his descendants and they set out to find all of them. They must have been destroying them though, or perhaps the Templars beat them to it? I don't know, but the Assassins don't have any Pieces of Eden and the Templars have like eight. But the ones they found must be the ones that the Assassins in the past DIDN'T find, because they were still in their locations. So, if an Assassin found it in the past, namely one of Ezio's descendants, we could find out where it went. Maybe they placed them in more tombs, and the tombs might require some time travel or finding out how to get through traps through past experiences.
    I just KNOW this has been done in game before, but I can't put my finger on what... Like, you would do things in the past and it would effect the future. Like if there was a gate in the future that was closed and lever was broken, you could go in the past, pull the lever, and come back to the future and go through the open gate. Was it the Spirit Temple in Ocarina of Time? I don't know. D:
    Edit: I remembered! It was Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. Ubisoft made that too by the way. O_O)
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    #184  Edited By Alphazero

    Here's the Codex Map visibile using Eagle Vision on the Codex Pages Ezio finds. I was wrong about a marker being over Italy. Looks like New York / Washington D.C., two off the west coast of South America, one in northern Europe, one in Africa, one in eastern Russia (near Tungusken), one at the southern end of Japan, one south of Australia. The markers look like the symbol of the Assassins, obviously. There are many glowing dots althroughout the map, which could be the Pieces of Eden, just as Altair saw at the end of AC1.

    Codex Map
    Codex Map
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    #185  Edited By tcrown7
    @Alphazero: You're awesome. :D I'm still recovering from the effects of a cough suppressant (ie. I'm high as a b-word) but I'll see what I can do. Alright, that's weird. There's no Assassin marker on Italy... Maybe it was taken away because Altair knew Ezio would find it? 
    As for the Tunguska marker, we already know what happened. Nikola Tesla did it, accident or otherwise. Maybe after he had his major f*** up they discovered it in the ruins? 
    The northern one off the coast of South America is on the Galapagos Islands. Nobody owns that place either--or do they? Maybe the Templars or Assassins have it? Who knows. The southern one is straight up in the ocean. There is no land mass there.
    We already established that the North American marker is in Washington D.C. or New York. However, let's keep in mind that Washington had a Piece of Eden. Notice that dot under the marker? I think that Piece of Eden is in Washington D.C. or Mt. Vernon, and the actual Vault is somewhere to the north, in New York.
    The one in Northern Europe is on the Scandinavian Peninsula. If you look closer, you see it's on Norway. I have absolutely no idea about what conspiracy that can be connected to, but yeah, it's in Norway.
    My theory about the pyramids in Egypt is disproved--that marker is nowhere near Egypt. XD It's either in Nigeria or Cameroon. Once again, I have no clue about any conspiracies there. I think Britain had something like a sphere of influence, but that might be the cough suppressant talking. 
    You've said that the marker in Russia is at or near Tunguska, and we already know what happened there.  Nikola Tesla did it, accident or otherwise. Maybe after he had his major f*** up they discovered it in the ruins? 
    The one on the southern end of Japan is either on Shikoku, Kyushu, or the very southern tip of the main island, Hiroshima. By the way, do you know what's on the very southern tip of the main island? No? Then I'll tell you. Hiroshima!
    And last but not least, the one near Australia. I looked at a map, and it's not on any land masses. It must be in the ocean like the one off the coast of South America.
    And I think it's worth noting the blood trails linking certain Pieces of Eden. What could Altair have been trying to show?
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    #186  Edited By DystopiaX
    @tcrown7: I doubt there'll be time travel, there's no precedent as Desmond was just reliving his ancestor's memories. The only way that would be possible is if they perfected the time stop thing mentioned in an earlier post. 
    Also, the japan one is probably hiroshima because they mentioned the WWII conspiracy in the Truth puzzle sequences. 
    As for the blood trails, the obvious explanation (although certainly not 100% sure) is that Altair was able to track who had the POEs, and where they went. 
    I don't think any of this is set in stone because in an OXM preview the article interviews one of the devs and he said they had no idea where they'd take you in ACIII. They probably put markers on a lot of places where they might like to go, to cover all their bases. 
    From the article (the guy interviewed is creative designer Patrice Desilets): 
    "I have my own's my own stuff first...there is no team working on the sequel" 
     He then shares some ideas:  
    "I could show you Spain during the 1600s...Seville, with all the boats leaving for the Americas...or why not do the [1805] naval battle between the English and the Spaniards at Trafalgar?" 
    (my speculation)- the marker on the map is northern england, not south. Possibly because that would take place in the future (from Ezio's time?) or because Ubi didn't think of that possibility when they made the map? 
    more quotes: "we suggest something set in 19th century Asia instead.  
    'we could go there, we could go to Africa, we could go to America before Christopher Columbus. why not?"' 
    Article goes on to say that although they're planning on setting it right after ACII (Desmonds storyline), that hasn't been completely written in either, so they could set it later. 
    Speculation- at the end, when Lucy says there's a safehouse that they could go for awhile, that's probably where you'll go if it's right after ACII. Since there's not much to do in a safehouse but hide out, it would probably be a lot like ACII where you're rarely playing as desmond. If they set it later, it could be when they've found all the vault locations and where the corresponding POEs are, and then you're playing just as Desmond who's trying to collect them all, or they could be on an ongoing search for vault locations/POEs, and then I think they would have Desmond go back in time without using the Animus.
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    #187  Edited By megalink0130
    alright i'm pretty new to all this stuff and just Finished AC2 about 3 days ago and I do agree with alot of atuff you and everyone else is saying but if I you permit I would like  to throw something in I have been thinking about reading all these ideas.  
    the "gods" were highly advanced predecessors to what we are today and in the vault Minerva talks about disregarding the heavens like she could have done something to stop it. so what I'm thinking here is that the temples which indeed probably hold the other vaults are also some part of their technology that can't just be used to save a few people but the entire worls from this upcoming event. i mean with everything going on it's no too far fetched to think that Minerva and her people had such means. 
    if anyone has any thoughts let me know.
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    #188  Edited By MadeinFinland
    @bwooduhs said:

    " I liked it. So we can expect Assassins Creed 3 in 2012. "

    That's what I was thinking, watch the release date be ' 12/21/2012'
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    #189  Edited By Death_Unicorn

    I think the whole animus + conspiracy thing is stupid.
    Ezio's stoy - the conspiracy, is pretty good though.

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    #190  Edited By LiquidPrince
    @MadeinFinland said:
    " @bwooduhs said:

    " I liked it. So we can expect Assassins Creed 3 in 2012. "

    That's what I was thinking, watch the release date be ' 12/21/2012' "
    Oh shit, that would be ingenious!
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    #191  Edited By Pinkegg

    So anyone else think there is just way too much plot for this to be wrapped up nicely in a third game? The whole play as Desmond and jump back to several different ancestors thing is a possibility, but one I'm hoping not too see. I'd rather see a fully fleshed out modern Desmond story, a fully fleshed out Mayan story, a fully fleshed out Japanese story, etc. Actually, what I am actually hoping for, is after a modern Desmond setting in AC3, we come up to the ending after learning all sorts of secrets about the templars and assassins, get some sort of cliffhanger, and then see the modern skyscraper backdrop drop away, revealing some year 4000 templar reliving the events of Desmond's life, setting up a whole new trilogy.

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    #192  Edited By tcrown7
    @DystopiaX said:
    " @tcrown7: I doubt there'll be time travel, there's no precedent as Desmond was just reliving his ancestor's memories. The only way that would be possible is if they perfected the time stop thing mentioned in an earlier post. Also, the japan one is probably hiroshima because they mentioned the WWII conspiracy in the Truth puzzle sequences.  As for the blood trails, the obvious explanation (although certainly not 100% sure) is that Altair was able to track who had the POEs, and where they went.  I don't think any of this is set in stone because in an OXM preview the article interviews one of the devs and he said they had no idea where they'd take you in ACIII. They probably put markers on a lot of places where they might like to go, to cover all their bases. From the article (the guy interviewed is creative designer Patrice Desilets): "I have my own's my own stuff first...there is no team working on the sequel"  He then shares some ideas:  "I could show you Spain during the 1600s...Seville, with all the boats leaving for the Americas...or why not do the [1805] naval battle between the English and the Spaniards at Trafalgar?" (my speculation)- the marker on the map is northern england, not south. Possibly because that would take place in the future (from Ezio's time?) or because Ubi didn't think of that possibility when they made the map? more quotes: "we suggest something set in 19th century Asia instead.  'we could go there, we could go to Africa, we could go to America before Christopher Columbus. why not?"' Article goes on to say that although they're planning on setting it right after ACII (Desmonds storyline), that hasn't been completely written in either, so they could set it later.  Speculation- at the end, when Lucy says there's a safehouse that they could go for awhile, that's probably where you'll go if it's right after ACII. Since there's not much to do in a safehouse but hide out, it would probably be a lot like ACII where you're rarely playing as desmond. If they set it later, it could be when they've found all the vault locations and where the corresponding POEs are, and then you're playing just as Desmond who's trying to collect them all, or they could be on an ongoing search for vault locations/POEs, and then I think they would have Desmond go back in time without using the Animus. "
    I'm almost positive the one in Japan is in Hiroshima as well. It's too close for it not to be, and they can play on the Atomic Bomb and Einstein being a Templar.
    And your obvious explanation isn't as obvious as you think. The trails connect one Piece of Eden to another. Why would they take one and leave the other? You could argue that they're the same Piece, but why would Altair do that? If it wasn't in a location anymore, why would he leave it there? Keep in mind that the Vault Ezio discovers isn't there either. This map was drawn for Desmond's time period specifically.
    After giving us that playtime with Desmond during the credits I don't think they'd just shove him off again. In Assassin's Creed 1 Altair seemed more important than Desmond. In Assassin's Creed 2 Desmond seems more important than both Altair and Ezio. In Assassin's Creed 3 I'm thinking they'll set it in stone that Desmond is the most important Assassin, nay, human, in the history of mankind, considering it's up to him to save it and all. I've been thinking some more (perhaps too much XD) and maybe it'll be like in Uncharted 2 where you go all around the world. You get to a location, find the Vault, and then (borrowing someone else's thoughts here) access your ancestor's memories and find out exactly how to open it. Likewise for the Pieces of Eden, except instead of opening them you'll be finding them.
    And I think you're right about the time travel thing not being right. I was going to agree with you there. But then you said you think he's going to go back in time... I'm not sure whether to agree now or to disagree. O_O)
    @megalink0130 said:
    " @tcrown7: alright i'm pretty new to all this stuff and just Finished AC2 about 3 days ago and I do agree with alot of atuff you and everyone else is saying but if you permit I would like  to throw something in I have been thinking about reading all these ideas.   the "gods" were highly advanced predecessors to what we are today and in the vault Minerva talks about disregarding the heavens like she could have done something to stop it. so what I'm thinking here is that the temples which indeed probably hold the other vaults are also some part of their technology that can't just be used to save a few people but the entire [world] from this upcoming event. i mean with everything going on it's no too far fetched to think that Minerva and her people had such means.  if anyone has any thoughts let me know. "
    lol I find it hilarious that I'm somehow at the forefront of this. Guys like crazygonuts and alphazero are the real heroes. I'm just expanding. They had the timeline and the map, respectively. Not that you have to ask anyone here for permission, but if you DID, you'd be asking them, not me. I appreciate the... highness, though. :D
    Anyway, you're right, it's not too far-fetched. If the "Gods" found a way to save everyone instead of just a few, why wouldn't they, right?
    @Death_Unicorn said:
    " I think the whole animus + conspiracy thing is stupid.  Ezio's stoy - the conspiracy, is pretty good though. "

    O_O) You probably think Unicorns can be somehow turned into something "cooler" by adding the word Death in front of it as well. Oh wait...
    Both stories are amazing, the animus and massive conspiracy even more so. Maybe it's because you're not comprehending it. Think long and hard about it. When you see it, you'll shit bricks. :D
    @Pinkegg said:
    " So anyone else think there is just way too much plot for this to be wrapped up nicely in a third game? The whole play as Desmond and jump back to several different ancestors thing is a possibility, but one I'm hoping not too see. I'd rather see a fully fleshed out modern Desmond story, a fully fleshed out Mayan story, a fully fleshed out Japanese story, etc. Actually, what I am actually hoping for, is after a modern Desmond setting in AC3, we come up to the ending after learning all sorts of secrets about the templars and assassins, get some sort of cliffhanger, and then see the modern skyscraper backdrop drop away, revealing some year 4000 templar reliving the events of Desmond's life, setting up a whole new trilogy. "

    Who's to say Assassin's Creed II will be the last one? The Metal Gear Solid series managed to do it in 4 games, and though it's plot isn't as intricate as that of Assassin's Creed, it's pretty damn close. And let's not forget that the Metal Gear series is still going strong with PeaceWalker and Rising. Having all this plot is a good thing. They'll have to release more and more games to cover it all, and as long as they don't suck, I don't think anyone will be complaining.
    It could still work. Play Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (if you can find it anywhere) and you'll see. Each different ancestor won't have a 12 hour long story, but it will still be a good story. And with the DLC craze, you might get the long story you're hoping for AFTER the actual game is done. Like, you'll get an hour's worth of play time with an ancestor looking for a Piece of Eden in Madagascar. It's only a single DNA Sequence. After the game is released though, they give you more DNA sequences, explaining how he got there and where he goes after the mission is complete. And not only that, but they could have their OWN games. Like Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles, it would be like, Assassin's Creed: _______ Chronicles.
    And I'd punch a baby if they did that. The sad reality though is that they probably will. I guess I'll go get that baby ready...
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    #193  Edited By DystopiaX
    @tcrown7 said:

    I'm almost positive the one in Japan is in Hiroshima as well. It's too close for it not to be, and they can play on the Atomic Bomb and Einstein being a Templar.
    And your obvious explanation isn't as obvious as you think. The trails connect one Piece of Eden to another. Why would they take one and leave the other? You could argue that they're the same Piece, but why would Altair do that? If it wasn't in a location anymore, why would he leave it there? Keep in mind that the Vault Ezio discovers isn't there either. This map was drawn for Desmond's time period specifically.
    After giving us that playtime with Desmond during the credits I don't think they'd just shove him off again. In Assassin's Creed 1 Altair seemed more important than Desmond. In Assassin's Creed 2 Desmond seems more important than both Altair and Ezio. In Assassin's Creed 3 I'm thinking they'll set it in stone that Desmond is the most important Assassin, nay, human, in the history of mankind, considering it's up to him to save it and all. I've been thinking some more (perhaps too much XD) and maybe it'll be like in Uncharted 2 where you go all around the world. You get to a location, find the Vault, and then (borrowing someone else's thoughts here) access your ancestor's memories and find out exactly how to open it. Likewise for the Pieces of Eden, except instead of opening them you'll be finding them.
    And I think you're right about the time travel thing not being right. I was going to agree with you there. But then you said you think he's going to go back in time... I'm not sure whether to agree now or to disagree. O_O)

    Who's to say Assassin's Creed II will be the last one? The Metal Gear Solid series managed to do it in 4 games, and though it's plot isn't as intricate as that of Assassin's Creed, it's pretty damn close. And let's not forget that the Metal Gear series is still going strong with PeaceWalker and Rising. Having all this plot is a good thing. They'll have to release more and more games to cover it all, and as long as they don't suck, I don't think anyone will be complaining. It could still work. Play Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (if you can find it anywhere) and you'll see. Each different ancestor won't have a 12 hour long story, but it will still be a good story. And with the DLC craze, you might get the long story you're hoping for AFTER the actual game is done. Like, you'll get an hour's worth of play time with an ancestor looking for a Piece of Eden in Madagascar. It's only a single DNA Sequence. After the game is released though, they give you more DNA sequences, explaining how he got there and where he goes after the mission is complete. And not only that, but they could have their OWN games. Like Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles, it would be like, Assassin's Creed: _______ Chronicles.  And I'd punch a baby if they did that. The sad reality though is that they probably will. I guess I'll go get that baby ready... "
    I meant that he'd view memories without the Animus, not actually time travel, lol. Also Ubi apparently intends for Assassin's Creed to be a trilogy, but I think that with all the money they're making they'll do something like halo and have a bunch of spinoffs (ODST, Reach, etc.). 
    Also, what order would they connect the POEs in? Also, is it confirmed that the Assassin symbols are vault locations or is that speculation? Cause since they haven't written the plot of the third one yet (at least when they finished the game), why would they limit themselves like that?  
    I'm also wondering how they'll explain the no guns thing, since Desmond didn't get trained on how to do that and because  it would totally break with the gameplay established in the past 2 games too, which I think is the bigger impediment to a Desmond only or Desmond centric game.
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    #194  Edited By tcrown7
    @DystopiaX said:
    " @tcrown7 said:

    I'm almost positive the one in Japan is in Hiroshima as well. It's too close for it not to be, and they can play on the Atomic Bomb and Einstein being a Templar.
    And your obvious explanation isn't as obvious as you think. The trails connect one Piece of Eden to another. Why would they take one and leave the other? You could argue that they're the same Piece, but why would Altair do that? If it wasn't in a location anymore, why would he leave it there? Keep in mind that the Vault Ezio discovers isn't there either. This map was drawn for Desmond's time period specifically.
    After giving us that playtime with Desmond during the credits I don't think they'd just shove him off again. In Assassin's Creed 1 Altair seemed more important than Desmond. In Assassin's Creed 2 Desmond seems more important than both Altair and Ezio. In Assassin's Creed 3 I'm thinking they'll set it in stone that Desmond is the most important Assassin, nay, human, in the history of mankind, considering it's up to him to save it and all. I've been thinking some more (perhaps too much XD) and maybe it'll be like in Uncharted 2 where you go all around the world. You get to a location, find the Vault, and then (borrowing someone else's thoughts here) access your ancestor's memories and find out exactly how to open it. Likewise for the Pieces of Eden, except instead of opening them you'll be finding them.
    And I think you're right about the time travel thing not being right. I was going to agree with you there. But then you said you think he's going to go back in time... I'm not sure whether to agree now or to disagree. O_O)

    Who's to say Assassin's Creed II will be the last one? The Metal Gear Solid series managed to do it in 4 games, and though it's plot isn't as intricate as that of Assassin's Creed, it's pretty damn close. And let's not forget that the Metal Gear series is still going strong with PeaceWalker and Rising. Having all this plot is a good thing. They'll have to release more and more games to cover it all, and as long as they don't suck, I don't think anyone will be complaining. It could still work. Play Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (if you can find it anywhere) and you'll see. Each different ancestor won't have a 12 hour long story, but it will still be a good story. And with the DLC craze, you might get the long story you're hoping for AFTER the actual game is done. Like, you'll get an hour's worth of play time with an ancestor looking for a Piece of Eden in Madagascar. It's only a single DNA Sequence. After the game is released though, they give you more DNA sequences, explaining how he got there and where he goes after the mission is complete. And not only that, but they could have their OWN games. Like Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles, it would be like, Assassin's Creed: _______ Chronicles.  And I'd punch a baby if they did that. The sad reality though is that they probably will. I guess I'll go get that baby ready... "
    I meant that he'd view memories without the Animus, not actually time travel, lol. Also Ubi apparently intends for Assassin's Creed to be a trilogy, but I think that with all the money they're making they'll do something like halo and have a bunch of spinoffs (ODST, Reach, etc.)Also, what order would they connect the POEs in? Also, is it confirmed that the Assassin symbols are vault locations or is that speculation? Cause since they haven't written the plot of the third one yet (at least when they finished the game), why would they limit themselves like that?  I'm also wondering how they'll explain the no guns thing, since Desmond didn't get trained on how to do that and because  it would totally break with the gameplay established in the past 2 games too, which I think is the bigger impediment to a Desmond only or Desmond centric game. "
    lol Oh. I knew that. XD
    A lot of games say they're going to be a trilogy, but they rarely stick to just three games. Like you said, the money is too good to stop. More importantly to the gamers like us, why would we want them to stop anyway?
    The POE's need an order? Elaborate please. I remember someone explaining it earlier in the thread, but I'm not digging through 190 something posts. XD
    It's speculation. The more I think about it though, the more holes I find. Why wouldn't Altair have left the location of the Vault in Italy just for consistency's sake? And why would he mark them with Assassin's symbols? They don't represent the Assassin's at all. You know what I think? I think they mark where major Assassin organizations are. Think this for a second. Perhaps the symbol isn't marking New York. Maybe it's marking Pennsylvania. The forefathers of what would become the United States of America met there time and time again to discuss their grievances. 
    George Washington had a Piece of Eden, remember? Maybe he was showing them that Britain (run by Templars) was using something similar to keep them in control, thus triggering the American Revolution. See how it correlates with the very first war over the powers of the Piece of Eden? One group oppresses another group with a Piece of Eden, that group finds out, steals one of their own, and rebels. The Russian Revolution with that one guy who had the staff. The French Revolution with Louis XVI and Richielou. Robspierre and his Reign of Terror. It all fits.
    These markers show the major Assassin organizations of the future. They fight against Templar tyranny through time. They're stationed all around the globe. The markers aren't showing Desmond where the Vaults are--they're showing him where he can find reinforcements! How did we miss that... XD
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    #195  Edited By DystopiaX
    @tcrown7: If you're talking about Rasputin, he wasn't part of the revolution, he was an old advisor who was assassinated. Unless you mean that the Soviets were Templars/Assassins and were uprising... 
    But yeah, I don't think that those are Vaults either. Major assassin organizations seems plausible, maybe like this is where Desmond could get help, since apparently the Templars have been rooting out the Assassins and killing them, those would be the places that would be so hard to compromise that they haven't yet.
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    #196  Edited By The_Philosopher

    Desmond sums it up pretty well when he says "What the Fuck?" right before the credits roll. I thought the ending was great.

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    #197  Edited By Blackout62

    Well I've got a fun mystery for you theorists to solve: in the end of AC2 Lucy states that they're heading to a cabin, now to narrow things down let's assume in this near future cabins are still traditionally in rural locations, furthermore lets assume that the truck that they use is of such a design that it can fit the entirety of the animus, something like this, now obviously that can't be put on a plane and only on a few boats so the question is where did they drive to?  We're convened in this question by windows that aren't blinded by an unnatural white light, so judging from the architecture of the nearby buildings where would you say the Assassin's hideout is? Then to build from there where could the "cabin" be?

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    #198  Edited By Newsun

    Im just spit balling but i think it would be a cool idea if Desmond's next ancestor was someone during the industrial revolution. I know it wont happen and i doubt they can make a story arc out of it. But the idea of an Assassin scaling the industrialized New York city. Scaling metal beams. Hiding in speak easys. Just a thought.

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    #199  Edited By DystopiaX
    @Newsun said:
    " Im just spit balling but i think it would be a cool idea if Desmond's next ancestor was someone during the industrial revolution. I know it wont happen and i doubt they can make a story arc out of it. But the idea of an Assassin scaling the industrialized New York city. Scaling metal beams. Hiding in speak easys. Just a thought. "
    sounds like a fucked up cross between the Godfather video games and the Saboteur, lol.  
    I think they'll try to stick to earlier times, just cause the introduction of guns screws up the core gameplay of the past 2 AC games, making it more like a stealth shooter. Not that they'res anything wrong with a stealth shooter, but it's not what the AC brand is now known for. I'm hoping for the French Revolution (1700s), England in the 17-18th century, Spain during the 1600s 
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    #200  Edited By Newsun

    Oh i know haha. I was just thinking id be fun. Almost positive Ubisoft wont go in that direction. Im sure it wont be just a trilogy. They'll defiantly expand. There is just to much story.  

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