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    Battlefield: Bad Company

    Game » consists of 16 releases. Released Jun 23, 2008

    The venerable Battlefield franchise returns for its second console-only outing, this time with a fleshed out single player campaign and a new multiplayer game mode, Gold Rush.

    wifipirate's Battlefield: Bad Company (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for wifipirate

    Great for making holes...

    When i put this game on my Q, i never thought that i would enjoy every bit of it.
    First off I know everyone is saying, this IP is known for having nothing to offer people as far as single player goes. Well you would be wrong. I have had this game since Friday i believe and i haven't touched the Multiplayer stuff yet (which i will review later). The single player campaign is just to much fun for me to stop. You play the rolls of the new guy in Bravo Company (aka Bad Company, on account of why everyone is sent to it). There are three other guys with you, Haggard, who is the resident Country type guy that acts before thinking. Sweetwater, the smart ass that speaks before during and after everything (only in cut scenes) and Redford, or Sarge who obviously gives the orders, and plays the "straight man" to the other comedy goofs.

    The story is pretty easy to grasp. You find out about a mercenary team that gets paid in gold bars, and you hunt them down for the gold. Pretty straight forward. You find boxes of gold in different places, as well as "Collectible" items (guns) and other things that aid you in taking out the bad guys. The humor is handled pretty well, it never goes too far, and you really don't get sick of the stories that Haggard and Sweetwater tell each other. The one good thing from the comedy is that they never drag you thru the sludge of making fun of races or acting like a 12 year old that learned of the four letter words in language. You hear curse words but never over the top, and they never say anything too stupid about who they are fighting (apart from the use of Reds and Ruskies which is who you are fighting).

    On to the game itself... This game looks GREAT! It may not be COD4 but it is pretty darn close. Everything looks just like you would see it in the real world. The best Part is the destructive cover. Playing against the enemy AI is not as simple as blow open wall kill lather rinse repeat. They will come find YOU and blow out a wall that YOU are hiding behind to get. You can't camp against the enemy AI, it will find you. So it never seems like all you have to do is bomb out a town and keep moving. Thought the airstrike in this game is much more visceral.

    The sound design is absolutely AMAZING! I challenge you to find a game that has better quality sound effects in it. Everything from foot falls, to gunfire, radio chatter, enviromental sounds. EVERYTHING sounds great in this game. I don't have any fancy surround sound or anything and this game makes me really really want to go out and buy a decent system to push the sound thru my eardrums.

    I haven't finished the game yet but i can't wait to get back into it in order to do so. Like i said i have yet to play the Multiplayer again since the Beta but based solely on the Single player i will probably end up buying this one. I can't (and won't) recommend anyone to go out and spend money on a game they may or may not like, but i will say this. If you have a GF account, a nice HD tv, and a decent Surround sound system, you owe it to yourself to at the very least check this game out.


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