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    David Weller

    Person » credited in 0 games

    David Weller is the former community manager of XNA.

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    David Weller was the founding community manager for XNA when it launched. However, left Microsoft to return to Texas after his father passed away.

    After XNA

    After leaving XNA and Microsoft, Weller was critical on Microsoft and XNA. Weller, though giving XNA credit for being a ground breaking service, he expressed quality concerns. Weller felt that Microsoft will be unable to moderate what games are good and what games are bad. Weller went on to say that he feels consumers will become frustrated without commentary or ratings of the XNA games. Mircosoft countered Weller's claims ensuring that all XNA games will come with a trial and that the games would be able to be sorted by top-selling, highest rated or most downloaded.


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