Vinny, Brad, and Alex are leaving the site. Last day is Friday.

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All three of them brought me so much joy over the years, i can't even describe how hard the news hit me.

I hope to see them around the internet in the future and, over anything, I wish them happiness.


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Still struggling with this news. Life has been crazy for so long and its been hard for me to keep up with the site. I just hope the last 10-13 years of content dont go anywhere.. i just wish we knew what happened.. its so hard to take this heavy a blow. abby and ben leaving sucked.. but then all three of the old guard leaving all at once is genuinely heartbreaking and painful. Was it the work? The audience? The industry? Internal stuff? Just the weight of covid? I wont believe it was something sinister. I dont imagine we’ll get an answer any time soon... but this sucks. And i honestly dont know how to handle it.

Best of luck to the guys and long live giant bomb <>

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#1053  Edited By OsvaldoMoreno


Ive been following this website's in and out since my 20's (Still wearing that OG Whiskey Media shirt). And as much as the news broke my heart for a good long period, I am super curious to see where and how Jeff/GB will evolve from this drastic change in the future. If it's anything like before during other major changes in this website's history, it can only be good.

A very warm and hearty goodbye to Alex, Brad and Vinny. Thank you for all the wonderful content you guys have done and best of luck in your future paths.

P.S. Brad is still the champion for my favorite moment in internet history. Enjoy <> #TeamBrad <>

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Really sad to hear about this, but I wish Alex, Vinny and Brad all the best. Thanks for all the fantastic content you've made through the years and for being such amazing people!

Take care, and thanks again! <3

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Brad, Vinny and Alex Thanks for all the good times and this place will never be the same without you guys take care and hope to see you around.

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I've been a member here since 2010-12-22 and probably visited earlier than that.

You've been all been part of my live for eleven years and it feels like family breaking up. I'm gonna miss you, Brad, Alex and Vinny. You got me through some of the roughest parts of my life and I couldn't have done it without you.

The bombcast and Beastcasts always calmed me down when I was on my way to job interviews being super nervous, or on my way home from a shitty day at work. You made long road trips or transits more bearable.

Thank you all for the 11 years of joy you brought and good luck and best wishes to ever what comes next, we'll miss you. Hopefully we'll see you around from time to time.

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#1057  Edited By TommyVercetti

Thank you, Vinny, Brad and Alex for all these fantastic years with Giant Bomb.

I have been following you since the Gamespot days, and have listened to more than a thousand podcasts with you guys.

I agree with Vinny that the best work you've done together is the GOTY 2012 Fake TV shows.

You will be missed, and I look forward to finding you somewhere else.

I have the utmost confidence that Jeff, Jason, Jan and Rorie will figure out where to take Giant Bomb.

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#1058  Edited By watsons92

Thank you Vinny, Brad and Alex so much for all the laughs and content you've provided me for all these years.

I'm sad to see you guys leave but also know that what you've helped build here at GiantBomb will continue on and I'll continue to support GiantBomb going forward along with each of you in your next endeavours.

I'll sure miss hearing you guys on a weekly basis but all I can say is again thank you.

Take care guys, hope to hear from each of you again soon.

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Been away and unplugged with work all week and missed this news till this morning. To say I'm gutted is probably an understatement. I've been listening to and watching you guys on Giant Bomb for so long now you've felt like friends I've never met. This is gonna take some time to process.

That being said, thank you guys so SO much for all of the great content and laughs over the years! I wish you all the best and hope to hear about your next endeavors. I'm sure we'll see you all on as guests from time to time, once a duder always a duder!

Giant Bomb Forever!

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I've been watching some old videos and there's a great one in 2015 where Vinny takes control of a Double Robot and plays Mr Roboto by Styx on the screen. It's so funny, I couldn't stop laughing.

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These guys have been a part of my life for 20+ years now. I look forward to whatever comes next for each of them.

RIP Giant Bomb Classic

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#1062  Edited By afkbradshaw
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not to have Vinny's voice, during my walks each day, is really going to create a void. Throughout all these times, have had him, brad and Alex as my weekly companions and its been a beautiful ride. Hope you come back, stronger and happier. And now my favourite video has no one from GB in it..

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I've followed the site since 2015 and really enjoyed the sense of family and community. This announcement was unexpected and I feel all sorts of ways about it. But I also know that no one will be able to take away the years of fun we all had during this era of GB.

I know it isn't really goodbye or whatever's happening, but it is the end of an era. All the best to Alex, Brad, and Vinny :)

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I have been following since the first Endurance Run for Deadly Premonition. There has not been a group of people that I have related to when if comes to games and a lot of other things than the people on this site. I wish all the best to Brad Vinnie and Alex. They are all really talented people an know they will excel anywhere they go.

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I started listening to the Bombcast in mid-2010, during a real low point where I was pretty isolated and needing a lifeline. The (parasocial) connection was fairly immediate, and I've listened to - and watched - Giant Bomb every single week since.

My life has had some real highs and lows in that time, but GB has always been a constant, and at times, a pillar to lean on. I'm going to become a father at the end of the year and could not be more excited, but knowing that GB was there to shepherd me through the change was comforting, so this recent news is all very bittersweet.

I thank Brad, Vinny and Alex from the bottom of my heart, and wish them the very best. And my heart is still with Giant Bomb and its crew (past and present) 100%, whatever the future may hold.

Giant Bomb forever <> <3

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I was a bit behind on my podcasts over the last two weeks so I just found out about the split this morning. I am very appreciative of Alex, Brad, and Vinny for all of the good times they brought me. I know it's odd to be saddened by people leaving a podcast, but like many others that have commented here, they feel like friends I have never met. They are all good guys and I know they will have a good following wherever they end up, so they will be just fine. I also believe that Giantbomb will do well with their upcoming changes.

It's the end of an era but it won't be the end of Giantbomb. My hats off to everyone that has been and still is with Giantbomb. Thank you for all the good times.

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This truly is the end of an era. It's extra bad that this happened right before E3. I know, E3 won't be the same as it was in 2019. Having said that, it won't be the same without a lot of the people I've been watching since the GameSpot days being here. It is what it is.

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I'll be 27 in about a week. I grew up watching these guys. Their presence has been one of the most consistent fixtures in my life. This site has been with me through thick and thin. Honestly we are beyond lucky that the gang stayed as solid as it has after all these years. I hope these guys are excited about their decision to move on. We all deserve change and growth throughout our lives. I'll always cherish the time I've spent watching/listening to the crew. Big love. Jeff is still a threat/

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I just finished watching the "See You Next Game" Stream. That was an absolute delight watch the crew play What the Dub and watch old Gamespot videos/Giant Bomb GOTY skits. It was also a perfect send off for Brad, Vinny and Alex.

To briefly describe my time in GB, I started watching Giant Bomb at around 2010 during my freshmen year of college. I started watching when they were doing the Kinect Quick Looks but also seeing videos such as the Kirby's Epic Yarn QL (Ryan and Alex), Brad get super big into Starcraft 2, and even catching up on Vinny and Jeff's antics on their P4 Endurance Run. Since then I got to see all three provide incredibly insightful takes on different games, consoles and the whole game industry as well and see them be featured on countless different features on Giant Bomb. But pretty much any time I saw Brad, Vinny or Alex on GB content I had a smile on my face or laughed at some hilarious moment. Whether it be Brad nearly breaking Jeff's NES controller over OG Super Mario Bros (which led to his more rage inducing SMB2 Breaking Bad series), Vinny ranting about Chuck E Cheese or Alex doing ASMR for GOTY 2015 those moments had me rolling in laughter and I always go back to those moments if I want cheer up. And I've stuck around this long seeing what else folks like Brad, Vinny and Alex were up to and I certainly intend to stay around to see what Jeff, Jason, Jan and everyone else involved has planned for the future of the site.

I know I'm late posting late since now Alex, Brad and Vinny has all left GB, but I still want to thank them for all of their work and the memories on Giant Bomb. Certainly wishing all 3 the best and I look forward to seeing what all 3 do next.

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I just want to say "Thank You" to Vinny, Brad and Alex. My job is working in Global Supply Chain for a company, and it keeps me on the road all the time, all over the world. Over the years, the work that the Giant Bomb team, all of them, has done, has kept me sane, entertained, helped me kill time sitting in airports, on planes, trains, and cars, feel less alone in strange hotel rooms, given me something to look forward to each week, made me laugh and made me think. I really cannot explain how much it meant to me to have the podcasts and the videos to watch out there on the road. Just last month, I also switched jobs. I feel I know a little of what it is like to do something for so long, wonder when it is time to move on, and be both sad and excited to change. I wish only the best for the three of you as you move on in life. I hope to hear you all again every now and then as you show up places, or as you move forward with your own work. Cheers guys.. best wishes and thanks again for being part of my life for the last decade plus.. it has been an amazing journey.

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This is literally my first post, I'm not one for forums and stuff I guess. Been a fan of Gamespot since 2004, when I was 11. I can't understate the impact you all have had on my life, my sense of humor, my interests, my friends. I mean, I still know every frame of Alex's Big Rigs review when I had to wait for my dial up internet to download it. I'm like, an adult now, with a bald spot and a job. I cried when I heard the news, but I know y'all are on to better things, and I know GB itself is going to keep growing and adapting and being full of kick ass duders. I look forward to every part of all of your careers, and hope you get time for privacy and some dang down time! Take a nap!!! Please!

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Like so many of you I've been around since the beginning, and followed the guys here from their Gamespot days. I really am lost for words. Many emotions going on right now. What's next for the site? Will it be able to continue? Every time someone left the site (Austin, Patrick, Drew, Dan, Abby and Ben) I thought aww man that sucks. Those people were so incredibly talented and brought a new voice to an already established family. I also thought that as long as the 'old guard' as it were is still here, the site would carry on forever. After last week, I doubted that for the very first time. It was certainly a reality check in that nothing good lasts forever. I'll be here for whatever Jeff, Jan and Jason put together going forward and will continue to support this site that has been such an important part of my life for over a decade.

I take tremendous solace in the knowledge that I have a wealth of content in the backlog that I haven't been able to watch because of other time commitments. Gone are the days were I was able to sit down and consume every piece of content they put out each day, the day it was posted. I've still got episodes of Astroneering, Garage Talk, Let's Minecraft, Mass Alex and VinyVania to watch. Not to mention a slew of playdates, quick looks and lockdown 2020 videos to watch. I will enjoy every second of that stuff and make it last as long as I can. I'll be limiting myself to one video a day for the foreseeable future to make it last that much longer. Once I've done that, then I will finally watch the See You Next Game stream. I'm not ready for that one just yet. The podcasts were hard enough.

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Damn, just saw posts from Biff and Claude in here. Nice to see they're still around. Now we just need Jakob and Video_Game_King to chime in.

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Don't know what else to say but thanks to those 3 so much. They've been hugely influential and important for me and clearly so many others. Really wish you all the best for the future and so much positivity going forwards. You will be missed.

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Genuinely super sad to hear this news, GB has been a really enjoyable constant since I first discovered it for the Fat Princess quick look.

Wishing you guys all the best with whatever you do next, you go with our respect and appreciation for the hours of entertainment.

Much love.

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Like a few others, I happened on this news a little late. Shocked, to say the least.

I've known about Jeff and Brad since GameSpot, but only really started diving into the Giant Bombcast at around the time of the Deadly Premonition endurance run. So many games I would've never thought to check out if not for the Bombcast! Over the years, both the Bombcast and the Beastcast have become staples of my long commute. They made my work days more bearable, so this hit pretty hard.

I enjoy all aspects of both shows, but my favorite part was hearing everyone's responses to emails. It'll be sad to not hear from them weekly, but I wish Brad, Vinny, and Alex the best in whatever they choose to do next!

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I will miss all of them, but there will forever be a Vinny shaped hole in my heart.

Good luck, and have Batman gentlemen!

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#1079  Edited By GingerHero88

I will miss you all. Making me feel old....

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What. The. Fuck.

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It's been a long road. Thanks for everything guys!

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Followed these guys over from Gamespot when all that craziness happened. Wow that was a long time ago. From that mess spawned this incredible website and cast of characters that has been an important part of my life. I wish them all the best and look forward to seeing what Giantbomb becomes. While it is sad to see the band break up, I am looking forward to seeing new personalities pick up the torch.

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#1083  Edited By htr10

I was wondering when this thread would get unpinned. Got a feeling this will be a little like the Ryan Davis thread where it pops up again from time to time.

Now that we’re into the aftermath, I’m excited for things going forward. Giant Bomb will always be great and Vinny, Brad, and Alex are all going to have their own stuff too.

As Vinny said on the Brad and Will tech podcast, it’s exciting to be a “podcast ronin”.

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I'm so out of touch with GB news but this is quite a bummer. Vinny, Brad, and Alex were 3 of my favorite dudes on the site and I'm sad to see them go. Vinny is one of my top inspirations for wanting to work in TV/Video production.

Whatever each of their plans are going forward, I hope they're happy.