Really? we cant even say his name now?

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Edited By CptChiken

Ok, so i just watched the 201st episode of southpark and all i could think was "Really?! has this gone THAT far?" 
I heard on the news that muslim extremists have been threatening trey parker and matt stone about the 200th episode because they were showing Muhammad, but what they were actually showing was a bear costume and saying muhammad was in it... so unless they discovered the truth that all muslims worship a bear i don't really see what the big deal is.  And now in the 201st episode they have had to sensor his name! I mean come on, we aren't even allowed to say his name now? How can one religion hold that much fear power over the media? 

Another thing that just seems ridiculous is that they take the piss openly about all the other leaders of religion:  
Buddha is shown as a Crack head sniffing crack the whole time. 
Jesus is shown as a retarded pornography addict. 
Vishnu is shown as a homosexual. 
Moses is shown as the evil software from Tron, and also a little bit dumb. 
 And non of these religions appear to have a problem with any of this, but as soon as muhammad is even suggested of being shown, even if that is of bear costume we arent allowed to do that and we start being threatened? 

I can't see how with all the other religions being ok with these depictions the muslims can't be ok with, to be honest, not even a depiction of their prophet and just a metaphysical symbolisation of him.  
But then i suppose every religions have their extremists... just some are more retarded than others. No doubt we will be hearing from the Wesbro Baptist church any time now. 
Is my confusion justified? or am i just being a little closed minded? 

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#1  Edited By CptChiken

Ok, so i just watched the 201st episode of southpark and all i could think was "Really?! has this gone THAT far?" 
I heard on the news that muslim extremists have been threatening trey parker and matt stone about the 200th episode because they were showing Muhammad, but what they were actually showing was a bear costume and saying muhammad was in it... so unless they discovered the truth that all muslims worship a bear i don't really see what the big deal is.  And now in the 201st episode they have had to sensor his name! I mean come on, we aren't even allowed to say his name now? How can one religion hold that much fear power over the media? 

Another thing that just seems ridiculous is that they take the piss openly about all the other leaders of religion:  
Buddha is shown as a Crack head sniffing crack the whole time. 
Jesus is shown as a retarded pornography addict. 
Vishnu is shown as a homosexual. 
Moses is shown as the evil software from Tron, and also a little bit dumb. 
 And non of these religions appear to have a problem with any of this, but as soon as muhammad is even suggested of being shown, even if that is of bear costume we arent allowed to do that and we start being threatened? 

I can't see how with all the other religions being ok with these depictions the muslims can't be ok with, to be honest, not even a depiction of their prophet and just a metaphysical symbolisation of him.  
But then i suppose every religions have their extremists... just some are more retarded than others. No doubt we will be hearing from the Wesbro Baptist church any time now. 
Is my confusion justified? or am i just being a little closed minded? 

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#2  Edited By rallier

better to put in the title of your blog what it is actually about because this is somewhat a spoiler for those who have not yet seen it.

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#3  Edited By Sanryd

At first, I had the exact same thoughts as you. But, when they censored Tom Cruise as well, I just thought it was too perfect for them to actually be serious about the censorship in the first place. I also thought it was too perfect when the end speeches sounded like an episode of Jerry Springer XD

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#4  Edited By Metzo_Paino

I think they purposely bleeped it out to make it seem even more absurd.

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#5  Edited By emkeighcameron

You're not closed-minded. And there's no confusion in the matter. You just can't make fun of Islam. Ever.

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#6  Edited By tearhead
@Metzo_Paino said:

" I think they purposely bleeped it out to make it seem even more absurd. "

I thought so at first as well, but it seems Comedy Central did some "additional editing" before airing the episode. Text on states:
 "After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode."
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#7  Edited By George_Hukas
@Tearhead said:
" @Metzo_Paino said:
" I think they purposely bleeped it out to make it seem even more absurd. "
I thought so at first as well, but it seems Comedy Central did some "additional editing" before airing the episode. Text on states:  "After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode." "
Hmm interesting.. I wonder if they ever planned on showing him at all?
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#8  Edited By Sanryd
@emkeighcameron said:

" You're not closed-minded. And there's no confusion in the matter. You just can't make fun of Islam. Ever.     MOHAMMED JIHAD MOHAMED JIHAD DURKADURKA "

Terrorist: What do you know? 
Gary Johnston: I heard there might be a large terrorist attack. If you tell me what it is, maybe I could help out. 
Terrorist: Get out of here! We have put out a jihad on the infidels because they destroyed our lives. What do you know about pain and sadness? 
[Gary pauses, recalls sounds of gorillas roaring
Gary Johnston: I was just a boy when the infidels came to my village in their Blackhawk helicopters. The infidels fired at the oil fields and they lit up like the eyes of Allah. Burning oil rained down from the sky and cooked everything it touched. I could only hide myself and cry as my goats were consumed by the fiery black liquid death. In the midst of the chaos, I could swear that I heard my goats screaming for help. As quickly as they had come, the infidels were gone. It was on that day I put a jihad on them. And if you don't believe it, then you'd better kill me now, because I'll put a jihad on you, too. 
Terrorist: I like you. You have balls. I like balls.      
L O fucking L
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#9  Edited By Rhaknar

well the ep isnt available for streaming like eps usually are, so either this is an elaborate hoax, or there really WAS some censoring >_>

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#10  Edited By ryanwho

Bending to their whim just validates their tactics. 

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#11  Edited By ptys

That's how religion has lasted so long, quash any resistance with threats and violence to cover the truth. Main reason why that religion isn't picked on at all really is because they are the most likely to blow s#it up!

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#12  Edited By SoothsayerGB

Protip: If/when terrorists attack US soil again.  It won't be two Jewish comedians from Colorado.    
I now have to check my DVR for the awesomeness that is South Park. 

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Uh, don't even get me started on religion and Islam in particular. 

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#14  Edited By psykhophear

You have to understand that the Muslim's believe is that the Prophet's looks and description is a mystery and it should never be assumed, portrayed, depicted or illustrated by any kind. So when South Park made a character of Muhammad with a beard, dark skin and say and do dumb things, of course the Muslim community went on a rampage because you can't do that. Nobody can. Even if you want to illustrate the Prophet in a serious manner, you just can't.  
I admit I found it amusing when I first saw the Super Best Friends episode but after learning about this fact, you have no choice but to respect what others believe. I stopped watching South Park years ago not just because they make fun of Muslims but others as well. It's a pathetic excuse of entertainment. That's why I now switch to watching Robot Chicken.

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>Implying you can snort crack

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#16  Edited By HandsomeDead
@Psykhophear said:
" You have to understand that the Muslim's believe is that the Prophet's looks and description is a mystery and it should never be assumed, portrayed, depicted or illustrated by any kind. So when South Park made a character of Muhammad with a beard, dark skin and say and do dumb things, of course the Muslim community went on a rampage because you can't do that. Nobody can. Even if you want to illustrate the Prophet in a serious manner, you just can't."
Is that meant to make death threats and rioting justified?
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#17  Edited By AngelKore
@Psykhophear said:

"It's a pathetic excuse of entertainment." 
"That's why I now switch to watching Robot Chicken."

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#18  Edited By ryanwho
@Psykhophear said:
" You have to understand that the Muslim's believe is that the Prophet's looks and description is a mystery and it should never be assumed, portrayed, depicted or illustrated by any kind. So when South Park made a character of Muhammad with a beard, dark skin and say and do dumb things, of course the Muslim community went on a rampage because you can't do that. Nobody can. Even if you want to illustrate the Prophet in a serious manner, you just can't.   I admit I found it amusing when I first saw the Super Best Friends episode but after learning about this fact, you have no choice but to respect what others believe. I stopped watching South Park years ago not just because they make fun of Muslims but others as well. It's a pathetic excuse of entertainment. That's why I now switch to watching Robot Chicken. "
This is a red herring. They made fun of every other religious lead figure and continue to unabated. This isn't a case of sensitivity. You're veiling this fear of radical Muslim reaction under religious sensitivity and it doesn't hold water. You're afraid of radical Muslims and are responding in kind. This has nothing to do with anything else. My example would be the movie Dogma, which a lot of Catholics had serious problems with. I can still see Dogma on cable TV largely unedited, and I can still buy it on DVD. If your sensitivity argument were actually valid, I wouldn't be able to do that. But the fact is you don't have to worry about Catholics suicide bombing the nearest embassy every time Dogma comes on TBS. This is soley about fear, and making an exception for a group with a radical element that bullies the world with fear and the world lets it.
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#19  Edited By Pinworm45
@Psykhophear said:

" You have to understand that the Muslim's believe is that the Prophet's looks and description is a mystery and it should never be assumed, portrayed, depicted or illustrated by any kind.   

Fuck you. No seriously, fuck you. Don't ever tell me what I can and can not depict, portray, illustrate, or assume. I live in a Country that has freedom of speech. I'm sorry muslims are all pissed off because they live in a sucky ass sand place, but I have ZERO - ZERO - obligation to obay their ridiculous, murderous, ridiculously harmful religion. I will *never* cave to their threats, I will *never* give up my freedom of speech, least of all to those cocksuckers. I don't mean all muslims by the way, just the majority who are pro censorship. Oh and the ones that brutally rape and murder women over non-issues. And repress women. And the countless atrocities they commit. Yeah, right, religion of peace.  
edit: okay, I toned my post down. These people and people who cave to them just make me sick.
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#20  Edited By ryanwho

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#21  Edited By natetodamax
@Pinworm45 said:
" @Psykhophear said:

" You have to understand that the Muslim's believe is that the Prophet's looks and description is a mystery and it should never be assumed, portrayed, depicted or illustrated by any kind.   

 Fuck you. No seriously, fuck you. Don't ever tell me what I can and can not depict, portray, illustrate, or assume. I live in a Country that has freedom of speech. I'm sorry muslims are all pissed off because they live in a sucky ass sand place, but I have ZERO - ZERO - obligation to obay their ridiculous, murderous, ridiculously harmful religion. I will *never* cave to their threats, I will *never* give up my freedom of speech, least of all to those cocksuckers. I don't mean all muslims by the way, just the majority who are pro censorship. Oh and the ones that brutally rape and murder women over non-issues. And repress women. And the countless atrocities they commit. Yeah, right, religion of peace.   edit: okay, I toned my post down. These people and people who cave to them just make me sick. "
Chill the eff out
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#22  Edited By Whisperkill

I ate muhammad.... 
yeah, extremists can suck MA BALLS!

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#23  Edited By sjupp
@emkeighcameron said:
"You're not closed-minded. And there's no confusion in the matter. You just can't make fun of Islam. Ever.     MOHAMMED JIHAD MOHAMED JIHAD DURKADURKA "

I lol'd
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#24  Edited By Termite
@Pinworm45 said:

" @Psykhophear said:

" You have to understand that the Muslim's believe is that the Prophet's looks and description is a mystery and it should never be assumed, portrayed, depicted or illustrated by any kind.   

 Fuck you. No seriously, fuck you. Don't ever tell me what I can and can not depict, portray, illustrate, or assume. I live in a Country that has freedom of speech. I'm sorry muslims are all pissed off because they live in a sucky ass sand place, but I have ZERO - ZERO - obligation to obay their ridiculous, murderous, ridiculously harmful religion. I will *never* cave to their threats, I will *never* give up my freedom of speech, least of all to those cocksuckers. I don't mean all muslims by the way, just the majority who are pro censorship. Oh and the ones that brutally rape and murder women over non-issues. And repress women. And the countless atrocities they commit. Yeah, right, religion of peace.   edit: okay, I toned my post down. These people and people who cave to them just make me sick. "
If this is your toned down version, I don't want to know what it originally said. 
And yes, censoring his name is silly. Christians, although respectful of the image of Jesus Christ, aren't asking for the creators of South Park to get hurt or anything, and even the most fundamentalist ones are simply taking solace in the fact that, if their beliefs are true, there's a special place in hell reserved for all of those nasty unbelievers. Muslims have got to chill out.
Much more interesting than people getting miffed about this episode though, is people who take this opportunity to rattle off numerous stereotypes about Islam. The injustices that people suffer from in the Middle East aren't really a result of Islam as much as they are a result of other factors, such as poverty, bad leadership, and poor social development. The Christian world was profoundly fucked up in the past too, and they had the same religion as most Americans do now.
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#25  Edited By MetalGearSunny
@Termite said:
" @Pinworm45 said:

" @Psykhophear said:

" You have to understand that the Muslim's believe is that the Prophet's looks and description is a mystery and it should never be assumed, portrayed, depicted or illustrated by any kind.   

 Fuck you. No seriously, fuck you. Don't ever tell me what I can and can not depict, portray, illustrate, or assume. I live in a Country that has freedom of speech. I'm sorry muslims are all pissed off because they live in a sucky ass sand place, but I have ZERO - ZERO - obligation to obay their ridiculous, murderous, ridiculously harmful religion. I will *never* cave to their threats, I will *never* give up my freedom of speech, least of all to those cocksuckers. I don't mean all muslims by the way, just the majority who are pro censorship. Oh and the ones that brutally rape and murder women over non-issues. And repress women. And the countless atrocities they commit. Yeah, right, religion of peace.   edit: okay, I toned my post down. These people and people who cave to them just make me sick. "
If this is your toned down version, I don't want to know what it originally said.    
Yeah lol
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#26  Edited By Brians
@CptChiken:  Did you hear about the death threats the two creators received for the first episode? They didn't want to censor it was Comedy Central's choice.
Link to the news story about the episode 200,40304/

The note on Trey Parker and Matt Stone's  website immediately after the episode aired.
We apologize that South Park Studios cannot stream episode 201 at this time. After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. We do not have network approval to stream our original version of the show. We will bring you a version of 201 as soon as we can."
link to that.
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#27  Edited By MysteriousBob

I'm trying to watch the episode now, but I just can't. The principle of the matter is just too much to bare.

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#28  Edited By ryanwho

I would honestly think it was part of the joke if I didn't stumble onto this thread before seeing it.

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#29  Edited By super2j
@HandsomeDead:  Look I want you to consider the depiction of Jesus. He is a white male with long flowing hair. But just like Mohammed, we dont know what he really looks like. But When you suggest to some that Jesus was actually not white, they will go on a rampage(verbally). There is a reason they dont Depict god or his prophets. Look at how they make fun of great religious symbols. As for the violence, these people are passionate, if they just voiced their concerns and meekly asked for a removal, do u really think anyone will take them seriously? From the country that funded a game that had u land in the middle east and run and gun ppl who died screaming islamic saying?!?! (fugitive hunter). God dammit, u have a fist to fist god damned street fight with osama!. And as i understand how that game came about and forgive its existence.But if they give south park an inch, they and everyone else in the world will take a mile. People want to mock any and all religion, they are NOT trying to criticize for the better, so dont be the idiot that confronts a pitbull in an alley when u can just walk around the building(that was an analogy).
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#30  Edited By Brians
@MysteriousBob said:
" I'm trying to watch the episode now, but I just can't. The principle of the matter is just too much to bare. "
one of the worst things about English homonyms like bare and bear. In this case it should be  bear not bare. Also it was a choice by the network executive's which they have done before 4 years ago when the creators wanted to address Muhammad in an episode of censoring it.
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#31  Edited By ryanwho
@super2j said:
" @HandsomeDead:  Look I want you to consider the depiction of Jesus. He is a white male with long flowing hair. But just like Mohammed, we dont know what he really looks like. But When you suggest to some that Jesus was actually not white, they will go on a rampage(verbally). There is a reason they dont Depict god or his prophets. Look at how they make fun of great religious symbols. As for the violence, these people are passionate, if they just voiced their concerns and meekly asked for a removal, do u really think anyone will take them seriously? From the country that funded a game that had u land in the middle east and run and gun ppl who died screaming islamic saying?!?! (fugitive hunter). God dammit, u have a fist to fist god damned street fight with osama!. And as i understand how that game came about and forgive its existence.But if they give south park an inch, they and everyone else in the world will take a mile. People want to mock any and all religion, they are NOT trying to criticize for the better, so dont be the idiot that confronts a pitbull in an alley when u can just walk around the building(that was an analogy). "
None of this has a grounding in reality. You've never met someone who went on a "rampage" after suggesting Jesus was white. Straw men left and right.
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#32  Edited By oldschool

Well, I say that in protest we tell all of Islam (like they ware on this site) that we love and cherish freedom of speech plus South Park and we won't be intimidated - change your Avatar.  They can't kill all of us - right?

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#33  Edited By ryanwho
@oldschool said:
" Well, I say that in protest we tell all of Islam (like they ware on this site) that we love and cherish freedom of speech plus South Park and we won't be intimidated - change your Avatar.  They can't kill all of us - right? "
They won't kill any of us. They never killed the satirist in Denmark. They did kill about a hundred or so people who weren't him, though. I get the reasoning behind this, a network doesn't want to be a catalyst for something that leads to other people dying. But I also get that by doing this you're enabling terrorists by giving their threats merit. If this brings people out of the woodwork who are killing on the street, maybe this is a good time to neutralize them. Maybe we do that instead of giving them a platform on the world stage by bending to such stupid demands. Anyone who's stupid enough to expose themselves in public and commit murders in response to something so trivial deserves to be taken out.
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#34  Edited By Brians
@super2j:  I disagree that anyone who threatens violence should  get their way because that person would be a bully and bullies are not cool. Reactions influencing this decision.
That networks are worried about offending Muslims it's been happening for more than the last two years 
Little Big Planet soundtrack change
Cartoon Wars 1&2 Censorship there. 
Ultimately this is a very complicated issue which most of us won't have the answers to. Though censorship of this type should be expected.
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#35  Edited By oldschool
@ryanwho said:
" @oldschool said:
" Well, I say that in protest we tell all of Islam (like they ware on this site) that we love and cherish freedom of speech plus South Park and we won't be intimidated - change your Avatar.  They can't kill all of us - right? "
They won't kill any of us. They never killed the satirist in Denmark. They did kill about a hundred or so people who weren't him, though. I get the reasoning behind this, a network doesn't want to be a catalyst for something that leads to other people dying. But I also get that by doing this you're enabling terrorists by giving their threats merit. If this brings people out of the woodwork who are killing on the street, maybe this is a good time to neutralize them. Maybe we do that instead of giving them a platform on the world stage by bending to such stupid demands. Anyone who's stupid enough to expose themselves in public and commit murders in response to something so trivial deserves to be taken out. "
I am somewhat of a dove and certainly protested against the war, but in all honesty, if several countries just made a hit squad from their "secret" services and "terminated" selected individuals, I wouldn't lose any sleep.  Sometimes an immoral act is better than an even worse immoral act.  Much better than making a ridiculous war that only recruits more enemies.  
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#36  Edited By Tennmuerti

 Moses, Jesus and Muhammad walk into a bar... 

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#37  Edited By ryanwho

Its not very complicated. Anyone who would sacrifice freedom for security deserves neither. Benny Frank knew his shit. I refuse to be dictated by a tiny group of extremists 8k miles away. Terrorists kill Americans because of how we treat women, too, so maybe for our security we should wrap them in burkas and take away their voting rights. You know, for the sake of sensitivity.

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#38  Edited By ptys
@Psykhophear: I agree with you that South Park do things to get attention, I took great offence to their episode about" Gingervitus" look at my profile pic and you'll see why (Red Hair). But you can't promote a religion so widely and control it so extremely, it's not possible! Not wanting people to challenge your ideas makes it look like you've got something to hide. Personally I think all religion was created in order to control women, and muslim's are front row centre when it comes to that!
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@Tennmuerti said:
"  Moses, Jesus and Muhammad walk into a bar...  "
The bartender looks up and says:
"Get the fuck out."
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#40  Edited By Brians
@ryanwho: Too bad very recently the US has gotten great at ignoring Franklin's  advice. Thanks to things like the Patriot Act.
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#41  Edited By Tennmuerti
@Asrahn said:
" @Tennmuerti said:
"  Moses, Jesus and Muhammad walk into a bar...  "
The bartender looks up and says:  "Get the fuck out." "
Gentlemen, we are off to a good start!
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#42  Edited By tyxja

This has to be a hoax, after the long bleeped out speech in the episode, just listen to the silly way stan says "yeah" and nods his head.

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#43  Edited By crusader8463

In principle I can respect and understand most religions for their beliefs and ideals, as they are for the most part usually a good message, but unfortunately every major religion has done more evil then good. There are so many fear mongering, power hungry, assholes who think they know better then everyone else, and whom use religion as a platform to try and control people and to manipulate them into feeding there personal ego under the flag of punishment by there god/god's of choice. As long as there are people who are willing to submit themselves to acting a certain way, or doing things, based on fairy tales made up long ago as a means to control the population from running around stealing things and killing each other, there will always be people who want to use it for their own personal gain. 
This is not a revelation people, no pun intended, and is only going to get worse as the things in our world get worse off. The more pain and hardship that people must suffer through the more people out there will be susceptible to the brainwashing of major religions.

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#44  Edited By Brians
@tylerjacob: It is not 
Comedy Central edited it which is mentioned on their online viewing site
Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. We do not have network approval to stream our original version of the show. We will bring you a version of 201 as soon as we can."
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#45  Edited By ryanwho

The end thing was intentional, probably an homage to the first episode.

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#46  Edited By oldschool
@ptys said:
" @Psykhophear: I agree with you that South Park do things to get attention, I took great offence to their episode about" Gingervitus" look at my profile pic and you'll see why (Red Hair). But you can't promote a religion so widely and control it so extremely, it's not possible! Not wanting people to challenge your ideas makes it look like you've got something to hide. Personally I think all religion was created in order to control women, and muslim's are front row centre when it comes to that! "
I am a ginger as well and have two ginger kids (not bright ginger, more brownish red I suppose).  Point is, that episode didn't offend or bother me in the slightest.  Not one of them has.  It is satire and is intended to push and cross boundaries.  If it offends, it is probably doing its job well.   Even the cannibalism episode (the Pubes one) didn't offend and I think that was probably the most extreme one of all.
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#47  Edited By psykhophear
@natetodamax:  Thank you!
@ptys: You make good points and sorry if they make fun of your hair. I like ginger hairs! XD
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#48  Edited By stafax
@CptChiken: In Islam, the reason as to why Mohammed, or any other prophet (Jesus, Noah, Moses, Abraham, etc) are not supposed to be portrayed is so that Muslims don't worship anyone other than God.  Portraying him in any way is forbidden, whether it's an Arab man with a thick beard, a ninja, a man in a bear costume, or anything.  No where in the Qur'an does it say that Muslims have to kill anyone who does draw/portray Mohammed.  This is something that extremists do such as Osama Bin Laden and his followers, who represent a tiny minority of Muslims. 
As for bleeping out the name of Mohammed, that may be something that Comedy Central chose to do due to the bad reception and death threats they received from the extremists.
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#49  Edited By nanikore
@Miasma said:
" >Implying you can snort crack  wat. "
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#50  Edited By Hamst3r
@Psykhophear said:
"you have no choice but to respect what others believe."
I do have a choice and I'm exercising it right now. I do not respect the beliefs or the prophets of any religion. Booyah. I'll let you know if the belief police show up. :)