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    Gears of War

    Game » consists of 19 releases. Released Nov 07, 2006

    Gears of War is a tactical cover-based sci-fi shooter from Epic Games. The player controls Marcus Fenix, a COG soldier who fights the Locust aliens defending their home planet from the encroaching Human invaders.

    chibiodgiek18's Gears of War (Limited Collector's Edition) (Xbox 360) review

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    Gears: It Grew on Me Fast

    Gears of War has been around for awhile now, and I know i'm far behind the times on reviewing this game, but I like to get my opinions out. :] So anyways I've had a history with the franchise. I went from a Gears hater (The first time I ever tried it), to a Gears 2 dabbler (Played it with my uncle a bunch, it was pretty fun), to now I would call myself a Gears Fan. I borrowed it from my uncle, beat it in 3 days and then bought my own copy and I have to say it's a pretty great game!

    Gameplay: The gameplay in Gears is very refreshing to me. I'm not a huge shooter fan because for me it all feels the same. Point, Shoot, Checkpoint, Move on, and realistically, this does sound like Gears. But the Cover feature makes the game fun and challenging. Try just standing in the open and blasting everything that moves and you won't last long. There is just enough guns to keep the fights interesting, but not so many you get overloaded with choices. The levels are pretty straightforward, with not too much backtracking that I find tiresome in games, and it evens has a couple of nice bosses, that provide a little break in the usual rut. I found the game (With only 5 Acts) too short though, something that hinders the game. But too it's credit an act takes almost 2 hours to complete usually. Overall I would give the gameplay a 4 out 5.

    Presentation: The graphics in Gears are pretty great  to me. Everything looks sharp and the whole ruined world gives off a feel of tiresome war. It puts you in the perfect mood. Small effects like blood splattering the screen just makes the game even more visually immersive. The audio is nice too. The characters always seem to have something snappy to say, and provided me with a couple of chuckles.  Of course the Locust's crazy yells and screams get annoying after awhile (I understand why the COG hates these guys so much!) but it sounds good and fits in with the game. Presentation gets a 3.5 out of 5

    Plot: I'll try not to put spoilers in here, but Plot is something that Gears doesn't have the greatest of. I like the history and the setting, but throughout the course of the game, it almost feels like you're accomplishing nothing until the very end pay-off. It keeps you tuned in, and watched all the cut scenes once, but now I just skip through them. Of course this comes from a gamer whose a storyphile so maybe i'm a little harsh. I give plot a 3 out of 5

    Replay: Like stated earlier, Gears averages to only about a 8-9 hour game in story mode. But throw in 2 more difficulties, an amazingly fun co-op, and of course Xbox live, you get a game thats worth every bit of its price. If I could have just had a couple more acts then I would be perfectly content with giving the replay a 5, but as of now I give it a 4.5 out of 5.

    Overview: Overall Gears is an excellent game and any shooter fan or action game fan would probably find a home here. It's fun, provides a bunch of gameplay, and looks nice, even if the plot isn't as inspiring as I would like. Overall I give GEars a 4 out of 5


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      Gears of War 0

      This is one of those games that defines the industry. Of every game I have ever played on the Xbox 360 console Gears of War is by far the most creative, fun to watch, hard to put down and just plain old entertaining. Gears of War offers an entire new spin to any Combat game you have ever played. The words that best describe the difference between this third person, over the shoulder shooter, are personal combat. When in the heart of battle you are able to feel the breath of your opponent as he r...

      5 out of 7 found this review helpful.

      Good GoW, Y'All! 0

      It's my personal opinion that games just don't have the same magic as they used to.  It could be that we're breaching too close to reality with the looks, and realism effects and character models based on people we recognise might be taking things a little too far.  Many games, particularly shooters have become a little tired and predictable.  I'm very glad to say that I don't find this to be the case with Gears of War.  Made by the Unreal Tournament team, there was never a chance I wouldn't pla...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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