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    Mass Effect 2

    Game » consists of 21 releases. Released Jan 26, 2010

    After a violent death by an unknown force and a timely reanimation by the human supremacist organization Cerberus, Commander Shepard must assemble a new squad in the seedier side of the galaxy for a suicide mission in the second installment of the "Mass Effect" trilogy.

    Will you replay Mass Effect for ME2? Decision Impact? SPOILERS!

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    #1  Edited By essaregee

    Okay, so when you get the long anticipated Mass Effect 2 on January 26th 2009 most of you will start playing with your Mass Effect 1 character you will import from Mass Effect 1, however, as you all know, there are decisions that will carry over from the first game. 
    The save game import process has been somewhat scarcely detailed
    However, another part of Mass Effect 2 is not known to us; the start of the game. 
    As stated by BioWare, there will be a very in-depth introduction to the game that will bring new players up-to-speed on the effects of the first Mass Effect. 
    When starting off this way, your decisions will not carry the same 'weight' as they would if you were to start from the whole beginning (Mass Effect 1) .  
    What else is not know is the 'resolution' of the decisions, for example: 
    How will the game ask you what you did with Conrad Verner, the fan. Or perhapps what you did with Fist at Chlora's Den. 
    Sure, it will ask you if the council was killed, but the minor decisions - the ones that might carry a big impact on the game might not be available  to chose unless you import. 
    When you start a new character are you guys going to play ME1 again or use the ME2 fresh start feature? 
    So far I think I have played Mass Effect more than enough (having over 15 complete savegames - tailored to various decisions), so I do not think I will be going back to ME for a while.  
    However once the third ME comes out, it would be a very epic run to play Mass Effect 1-3 straight, with all the decisions straight. 
    Also I wonder how much weight some of the major decisions: 
    For example: 
    When you choose the council to live or die, I hope it has some major impact and not just some brief dialog that brushes you off with an explanation that says: 
    Council Lives: "Blah Blah Blah Capt. Anderson is now human representative" (or Udina, depending on decision) 
    Council Dies: "The old council is dead so we had this wonderful idea! We are going to elect a new Turian, Asari and Salarian that look slightly different but say the exact same lines as they would if the council was alive" 
    Another thing I was wondering about was Tali. The trailers showed Tali as a major character in ME2, however the first time around in ME1 I did not do anything with her. Once I recieved her to my party after the Battle in the alley, I was skeptical to have her join my squad, and after I was forced with her, I did not even talk to her once.   
    What I am really asking is how will party interaction carry over from the first game? Apart from killing Wrex on Virmire and Choosing between Ashley or Kaiden, I hope that the time you spent with the characters has an impact. For example, if you never talk to Garrus, he will be skeptical to join you/trust you in ME2, however if you complete his mission (the one with Dr. Heart, on some derelict spaceship) he will be very inclined to trust you. 
    I am wondering on how all this will play out, and feel free to guess on how your decisions in ME1 will impact ME2.
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    #2  Edited By Jimbo

    Apparently, if you don't have a save file from ME1, there is just a default set of decisions.  It won't ask you what happened like, say, KOTOR 2 did.
    The Council decision is by far the biggest decision in ME1, so they'll obviously address it, but I can't see it having a massive / realistic impact on the core of ME2 - that would just be too much work.
    Party decisions off the top of my head:
    Wrex:  Recruited or not, Alive or dead, Family Armour mission completed or not.
    Garrus:  Recruited or not, Kill Dr. Heart or not.
    Ashley / Kaidan:  Alive or dead, Love interest or not.
    Liara:  Love interest or not  (can't really think of a Liara specific mission?) 
    Tali:  Whether or not you do that mission to destroy the 5 Geth Outposts, and whether or not you decide to give her a copy of the classified info about the Geth you get from that mission.

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    #3  Edited By essaregee

    I fully agree that it would be impossible to have major impacts on the Council.  
    I hope that the party impact has some effect, and I really can't wait to see what is on the horizon in ME2. 
    The only thing that bothers me is if the time you spend with your party has an effect - for example, even if you finish all the side quests, you must have the specific party member in your party for X amount of hours for them to have recognition of you. 
    I played my game with usually only Garrus (my favorite) and someone else, but as stated I never used Tali or Kaiden all that much. I hope that will not negatively affect my game in ME2.

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    #4  Edited By thehideousshrew

    played through twice on the same profile and made different decisions each time. I just wonder how ME2 will discern between the two.

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    #5  Edited By MeierTheRed

    No! i beat ME1 at least 4 times and one became level 50. Going back to that game would kill it for me, it was a good game don't get me wrong... but the issues it had, oh god the issues just makes me cringe by the thought of playing it through again.

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    #6  Edited By Stephen_Von_Cloud
    @pornstorestiffi said:

    " No! i beat ME1 at least 4 times and one became level 50. Going back to that game would kill it for me, it was a good game don't get me wrong... but the issues it had, oh god the issues just makes me cringe by the thought of playing it through again. "

    Honestly a few months ago I went back to it trying to play through female Renegade character to have that for ME2... and I couldn't really get through it.  It certainly is a flawed game.   The main thing was that it was pretty constrained in its environments and choices.  I just felt like I was doing the same stuff as last time but picking the angry or bad choices in dialogue.  The side stuff was there to do but it all pretty much sucked, hardly bothered with it the first time.
    Don't get me wrong, despite the flaws ME1 is one of my favorite games and that first play through was a blast, but I can't go back to it now I don't think.  I might slog through it if I like how the choices shape ME2 enough when that hits.
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    #7  Edited By MeierTheRed
    It will be interesting to see how the choices factor in, but to be honest i think people are putting way too much thought into those choices and how it will turn out. But of course i can't say that for sure, its just a feeling i have, that it won't have as big an impact as they make it seem like.
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    #8  Edited By essaregee
    It's hard for me to play ME1 now. I have beaten it so many times that it is now somewhat generic, almost as if I have no fun anymore, kindof like a routine.  
    I have to play thorough it one more time, but later, after (because I do not have a good female Sheppard that I would like to use)
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    #9  Edited By r0k1ll

    I played the game 2 years ago, and I completely forgot the story. All i remember is the last 3 hours of the game being amazing. For some reason, I'm getting the story between Mass Effect and Kotor mixed up. I hope I don't miss anything with Mass effect 2 because all of my saves are gone.

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    #10  Edited By Dany

    I am almost done finishing my play through with my adept, only the sqaudmates and a few noveira missions and I'm good.  I still am doing the collectibles for some reason...just feel they are important.
    I started around early last year when it was announced, so i had some time to finish some stuff up.

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    #11  Edited By MeierTheRed
    Know what you mean, it became kind of a boring task after the second time i beat it, you knew exactly who to talk to and where to go, but i guess that can be said about most games. But i didn't find the main story had much substance in the quests, some of the side quests where still pretty fun after playing them a few times.
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    #12  Edited By citizenkane

    No.  My last character was so badass, perfection was reached.

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    #13  Edited By Mrnitropb

    I wonder if the DLC will play into at all? The end game decision there was significantly different shades of gray;

    Also, can I still go back to my apartment? Would be nice if they stored thermal clips there or something. Though I guess the Admiral might have taken it back, since Shepard's been dead two years.
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    #14  Edited By Andorski

    I think all party members had some type of personal interaction with Shepard in ME1.  Choosing to kill Wrex  on Virmire.  Having either Ashley or Kaidan die on Virmire.  Being intimate with Ashley or Liara.  Garrus' mission about some rogue doctor.  Wrex's mission to get his family armor.  Tali's mission to research the Geth so she can bring something back to the Floatilla (sp?) to show her maturity.  If ME2 does read into how you interacted with your party members, I hope it is based on how you handled these situations, rather than just seeing who you had in your party most of the time.  Doing so would be kinda messed up.  With the way classes work, you were pushed toward having certain characters in your party most of the time based on your class.  For example, if you were a soldier, you wouldn't want your party to consist of Ashley and Wrex, leaving you without any engineering capabilities.
    As for the original topic... I'm using my ME1 save file to continue my story.  I played through the game twice, but I made all the same decisions in my second playthrough.  I like the idea of sticking with the consequences of your actions.

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    #15  Edited By natetodamax

    You don't choose the decisions when starting a new ME2 character. The decisions are already made for you. And I probably won't start a new character because ME1 takes at least 15 or so hours to beat, and I wouldn't want to go through all of that just to start the second game a certain way.

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    #16  Edited By Dustpan

    I want to go back and finish everything up. But I've spent so many hours playing that game. I did like half of the Eden mission and stopped.

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    #17  Edited By JJWeatherman

    I don't have time for that crap. I would like to go back, but there are too many new games I'd rather spend my time playing.

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    #18  Edited By essaregee
    I hear you there. 
    My time is spread so thin with the ammount of work I have to do as well as the ammount of games I want to play that I don't have time to play ME again, but despite that I am playing again.... with my lvl 60 Sheppard, for the second time.... The game can be beaten very fast with the gear I have now. Best armor, best weapons, best upgrades.
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    #19  Edited By Lilarcor

    I've already replayed the game once in the last few weeks, and I'm about to finish a second. If I'm not totally sick of it by the end of the current playthrough, I may even go back to my Soldier for a third time to get him up to level 60...

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    #20  Edited By Mrnitropb

    Bah. I buckled and loaded up Alan Shepard for another run through, because I can't quit remember what the hell i did on the Insanity run through. Popped it down to Casual so it should be a cake walk.

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    #21  Edited By SaintMits

    I would've liked to do another playthrough to get my character to level 60 with all the decisions I want but my 360 is being repaired and I have 3 new games that I'd like to play before having to play ME2, which I can't wait to play.

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    #22  Edited By thejamster

    played through twice already and doing  it a third time now

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    I see that ME1 is up on the game activity list on the front of Giantbomb.  A lot of people must be replaying in anticipation of the sequel.

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    #24  Edited By maxszy

    My main ME character that I got to 60 was on his 4th playthrough. I went through decisions so fast by the 3rd and fourth time I've no idea what I chose and I would assume the save data would come from the latest playthrough.
    Therefore, yes I am in the middle of replaying ME1 right now in order to get the decisions that I would have (probably) made the first time around when I didn't know what was actually happening. I will use that save to import and see what happens from there.
    Really hope I get to re customize my Shepard though. I  hope there are more customization options!

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    #25  Edited By Robitt
    @Stephen_Von_Cloud said:
    " I see that ME1 is up on the game activity list on the front of Giantbomb.  A lot of people must be replaying in anticipation of the sequel. "
    Yup, I'm one of those people. Replaying it to refresh my memory of the story and stuff. My current character is all the way renegade, but I can't imagine bringing her over to ME2.. She's just so... mean
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    @Robitt said:

    " @Stephen_Von_Cloud said:

    " I see that ME1 is up on the game activity list on the front of Giantbomb.  A lot of people must be replaying in anticipation of the sequel. "
    Yup, I'm one of those people. Replaying it to refresh my memory of the story and stuff. My current character is all the way renegade, but I can't imagine bringing her over to ME2.. She's just so... mean.  "
    Yeah I hope they do a better job with that in ME2.  It's not like you're straight up evil but you're forced to be such a dick.  Renegade should just be the "loose cannon cop" cliche - goes outside the rules to do what needs to be done.  If you want to be a dick, that's fine, but it shouldn't be so forced.
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    #27  Edited By Keystone_Yinzer
    @Stephen_Von_Cloud:  You can play as an actual renegade in ME1. There are more than enough renegade points that you can still max out the bar while avoiding the straight out "sociopathic killer" choices. Basically just pick red in most cases and then pick the middle-neutral choice when it feels more rengade-y. The best example for that is the three dialogue choices at the end of the game involving the Council. I felt the top was straight paragon, the bottom was more sociopath/space racist, and I thought the middle choice was actually the real renegade choice.
    Atleast that is how I played my Shepard. ie. As a no nonsense, gets things done kind of bad ass (ended up 100% renegade meter with about 25% of the paragon meter full) which is my personal definition of being a renegade/loose cannon.
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    #28  Edited By Psych0Penguin

    wait! so if i imported my half completed new game + w/o getting to the point where I save the council (like I want to) I can still choose that option in a disguised questionnaire at the start of ME2 and that'll be what happens? The main things i care about in ME I've done apart from the council thing (Wrex, Bug queen thing, paragon mostly) but I dunno whether I'll get to finish it before ME2 comes out. Will I still get bonuses with this 1/2 complete new game + if I import it to ME2 while still choosing on the main choice at the end that I didn't get to in ME at the start of ME2??

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    #29  Edited By TomA

    I'm about to start replaying it, so i can refresh my memory, but mainly to have a character i can import.

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    #30  Edited By CornontheCobbe

    I'm about to start playing it for the first time... hope it's not too late to start! And hopefully I'll enjoy it this time. Stated last year and stopped after a day. Have been meaning to go back ever since!

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    #31  Edited By Robitt
    @Keystone_Yinzer said:
    The best example for that is the three dialogue choices at the end of the game involving the Council. I felt the top was straight paragon, the bottom was more sociopath/space racist, and I thought the middle choice was actually the real renegade choice.  Atleast that is how I played my Shepard. ie. As a no nonsense, gets things done kind of bad ass (ended up 100% renegade meter with about 25% of the paragon meter full) which is my personal definition of being a renegade/loose cannon. "
    Yeah, that's what really put me off. That they somehow made the renegade choices the xenophobic ones. Another example is the side quest where you choose whether  to endorse the terra firma-party or not. The renegade choices always turn out to be "screw the council!" (which is kinda loose-canon i guess) but it's always followed by a "...because human interests are the most important!". Never quite understood the connection there.
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    #32  Edited By Marz

    yes i have been playing again for the fourth time, i wanted a savegame where i had saved ashley, saved wrex and saved the council.  Mostly a paragon character since my others were renegades.

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    #33  Edited By falconer

      I can't be arsed to make an account for the Bioware forum, so hopefully someone here will know. Okay, so I'm pretty sure that with my main Shepard I'm on my third play through. Since I've yet to finish it though, I know based on the released facts that I can transfer my finished 2nd game of that character over to ME2. However, what about that first one? It has all the choices that I want to transfer over (Wrex lives, boned Ashley, Keith David running things).    

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    #34  Edited By Rayfield

    Just replayed it again to refresh the story in my mind. Felt good to let Ashley die again. Intolerant skank.
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    #35  Edited By Keystone_Yinzer
    @CornontheCobbe: You should be able to do. I completed most of the side quests (enough to get the achievement) and even with doing that I was able to beat it in 19 hours on Veteran. If you skipped the side-questing and only did the stuff that ME2 checks, you should be able to beat in much less time, let alone if you played it on an easier difficulty.
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    #36  Edited By Bouke

    I've actually picked up my third playthrough last night because i want to get back into Mass Effect universe... the story and characters have grabbed me again and its the perfect way to get even more excited for ME2.
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    #37  Edited By Pibo47
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    #38  Edited By Mrnitropb

    Why are the spoiler warning not working for me?

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    #39  Edited By Rhaknar

    i wont replay the first... in fact, just like the guys said on a recent bombcast, i too barely remember the first game. I know i loved it, and finished it...and I know I didnt kill Rex, but thats about it. Weird... Still want ME2 bad tho

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    #40  Edited By Andorski
    @ShaggyChu said:
    "   I can't be arsed to make an account for the Bioware forum, so hopefully someone here will know. Okay, so I'm pretty sure that with my main Shepard I'm on my third play through. Since I've yet to finish it though, I know based on the released facts that I can transfer my finished 2nd game of that character over to ME2. However, what about that first one? It has all the choices that I want to transfer over (Wrex lives, boned Ashley, Keith David running things).     "
    You will be able to transfer your first playthrough as well.  It will be a separate listing and will detail all the decisions in that playthrough for you to know what happened.
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    #41  Edited By SteamPunkJin
    @Psych0Penguin said:
    " wait! so if i imported my half completed new game + w/o getting to the point where I save the council (like I want to) I can still choose that option in a disguised questionnaire at the start of ME2 and that'll be what happens? The main things i care about in ME I've done apart from the council thing (Wrex, Bug queen thing, paragon mostly) but I dunno whether I'll get to finish it before ME2 comes out. Will I still get bonuses with this 1/2 complete new game + if I import it to ME2 while still choosing on the main choice at the end that I didn't get to in ME at the start of ME2?? "
    I don't think that's possible, they've said that ME2 auto detects your completed game save files (up to 12 of them, any more simply will not appear on the list).
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    #42  Edited By DannyCon

     Just bought ME on steam even though I've done two play throughs on the 360 version.
    I need to play the hell out of this until the 29th for my story to pull across on the PC version XD

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    #43  Edited By ht101

    I have not played through this game again but I have it with me in case I want to.  I think I will play through it again just so I can make sure I have all of the choices that I want when I start my game in ME2.  I do like my character that I have at level 60 so I may start with him since he is all the way paragon right now and his name is T'Challa and a soldier.  I'll probably play through ME2 multiple times to see what the classes are like and how the supporting characters feel as well.  I cannot wait for this game to come out as well.

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    #44  Edited By Mooshu

    I don't need to. I already have 3 distinctly different playthroughs saved.

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