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this is my blog thers many blogs but this mine

dear blog,

i've decided to reinstall fortnite. I was torn between that and grand theft auto, but I have plans next I picked fortnite because of the "Pick up and play" style of gameplay. Grand theft auto online unfortunately requires a much larger time-investment...everything takes forever to's buggy, and it's a cumbersome hodgepodge of maybe too much shit in one game. Overwhelming.

I think i'm going to get a switch just to play fortnite...instead of a steam deck to play fortnite and gta. If I didn't want to play nintendo games, I would buy a deck...I just can't decide whether to buy the lite or not. Why is it so expensive? Nintendo is so expensive!

I'm tired, blog...I might start the fortnite download and f around in either tomb raider or The Witcher 3. If only for a moment. I wonder if there are better ranged weapons I haven't found...of course there are, what am I saying?

I just need more time. shit.


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