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My week in Gaming (Bully, Mirrors Edge, Max Payne 3 & more)

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Hey all. Just thought I'd do another quick blog about my gaming over the past week or so. These are the games I've been playing recently or will be playing soon and some thoughts on them.

Bully: Scholarship Edition - After asking in a previous post what game I should review next, this game was the most popular choice so I took that advice and did just that. You can find that review here. Even after playing the game extensively for review I continued to play until I got the 100% and every achievement. Dunno if that shows the longevity of the game or my obsession with trying to beat a game entirely.

Max Payne 3 - I keep going back to the multiplayer on this game every so often as there's someone about it that's really addictive. I took advantage of the triple XP weekend that just passed to finally get to Level 50 and the connectivity issues seem to be less frequent which is great.

Mirrors Edge - Only played this game for an hour so far and seems pretty cool, albeit quite repetitive. I like the frantic pace and style very much however. If I find time to review this next I will, however in one weeks time I shall be getting...

Resident Evil 6 - As I mentioned I will definitely be reviewing this game next and right now I have mixed feelings. RE is probably my third favorite franchise but I'm really not hyped for this game. 5 burned me badly and I've tried to avoid previews for this game but the small amount I've seen looks like the worst parts of 5 yet again. Such a shame from an amazing series which had a great return to form in Revelations on the 3DS this year. I'll reserve judgement till after playing it however.

FIFA 13 - The other game I have preordered for release soon. I have a love/hate relationship with these games. I'll spend a majority of my gaming time playing them but always resent it and wish I was playing more unique compelling titles on the market. Oh well. The cycle starts again soon...

So have you played any of these games lately? Anyone else skeptical about Resident Evil 6 but still optimistic like myself? Let me know and tell me what games you've been playing recently.