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Top Games of 2018

While this year was great for games I'll come right out and say that I haven't played enough of them yet so this list will not be a full ten. I spent a majority of the year catching up on games I've missed out on, from last year and beyond. This was the year I got not only a PS4 but also a Switch so I'm sure you can imagine where my time went. And I'll get this out of the way too; Breath of the Wild is my old game of the year.

Now with that done, onto 2018. While I might have been catching up most of the time I still found time for the big games of the year and some smaller ones on the side. Because my lazy ass hasn't learned HTML yet this list is going to be in descending order with the bottom game being my number one for the year. Before that however I would like to list off the games that might or might not have been on this list had I played them or put more time into them:

Dragon Quest XI

Ni No Kuni 2

Kingdom Come: Deliverance



The Messenger

Tetris Effect

Yoku's Island Adventure

Mega Man 11


Donut County

and others I'm probably forgetting...

EDIT: I forgot to add Smash Ultimate to my list. Just throw it in after Dusk. It's Smash, it's fun, it's the best it's ever been, 'nuff said.

List items

  • Forsaken to be exact. My enjoyment of Destiny 2 peaked at the end of last year and then dropped dramatically with the release of Warmind. While Warmind itself wasn't too bad it was the return of faction rally that killed the game for me. Combine that with most of my clan abandoning the game and I quickly stopped caring. When Forsaken was announced I pretty much ignored it as I felt my time with the game was done. Fast forward to a month after it's release and the glowing praise I was hearing (and an invite to a new clan {in which I made a bunch of cool new friends}) made me jump back in. Forsaken fixed a lot of what was wrong with the game and then some. Overhauling the weapons system and adding meaningful grinds and end game content really did a lot for the game. With the release of Black Armory however I find my enjoyment of the game dwindling a bit again, though that might be because I've been playing Forsaken for three months straight now. That of course doesn't take away from what I have already enjoyed and Forsaken definitely deserves a spot on my list.

  • I didn't get hooked on MH until 3 Ultimate, that's when it all clicked for me. And while I really enjoyed my time with 4 Ultimate and Generations, the formula was getting stale and Generations ultimately felt too easy and not very rewarding. World was the shot in the arm the series needed. People worried that the quality of life changes and simplification of some systems would take some of the MH magic away. It really didn't and now with Generations Ultimate, while not bad to go back to, I find myself really missing a lot of the changes. Especially the sliding, I really, REALLY love sliding. Though World isn't higher on my list due to the omission of G rank and a far later PC launch (I played on PS4.) MH games always have a point where you just stop playing once you've seen enough and World reaches that point (for me at least) sooner than the others. Iceborne is on the horizon however and I am excited for it, but I am a little apprehensive as I would like to switch to the PC version but don't want to put in the same amount of time I did before. Thankfully Iceborne is fairly far away and I have the time to do it.

  • While I haven't put a ton of time into the game yet I was hooked from the moment I started playing the demo. I love JRPGs but I am sick and tired of the cliche group of teenagers saving the world. Octopath, at least in the main story paths, isn't that. It's merely a look into these eight characters lives and I find that extremely refreshing. Combined with a job system and an almost choose your own adventure style and you have an RPG that was practically made for me. The 16bit look doesn't hurt either.

  • Dusk is also a game that I haven't put a ton of time into, but I really don't need to to gush over how good it is. Wolfenstein: The New Order and DOOM 2016 showed us how you can modernize and innovate a classic shooter. But Dusk shows us that sometimes you really don't need to do that. All you need are solid controls, good music and killer level design. Dusk could have easily been released along side Quake and it would have been a classic.

  • I love Spider-Man. I loved Spider-Man 2. Marvel's Spider-Man is a modern Spider-Man 2 with better everything. That's enough.

  • First off, I completely understand why people are so mixed on this game. Going into it I even thought there would be no way it could stand up to the first. For me it certainly did. All the things that annoy and frustrate other people I find myself adoring. I have had no problems with the controls, I have never punched my horse or a companion on accident. I thankfully never had any mission break on me. I greatly enjoyed taking the time to ride from place to place from mission to mission. Maybe I just wanted a slower paced game when I went into it. Maybe I just wanted to explore and take in the sights. Maybe I just wanted to listen to a cowboy contemplate life and his place in everything. I'm kind of a sucker for shit like that.

  • Lucas Pope has found yet another creative way to tell a fantastic story. My absolute favorite thing about Obra Dinn is how your perception of its world and what you think you might know of its story changes from scene to scene. That is honestly as much as I can say about this game without spoiling anything.

  • I find it difficult to decide on where to begin. The most common thought I have is how fascinating it has been to see this franchise that I have loved so much mature and adapt the way it has. Everything about God of War reflects this. The evolution of the combat, the evolution of the narrative/presentation and the evolution of Kratos himself; a character who many have criticized in the past for being one dimensional. Gone is the rage and in its place is a genuinely human character. For as great and as deep as the combat is, the real draw of God of War is this changed Kratos and his relationship with his son which is something that still sounds insane. Even if you aren't a fan of the older games I feel that God of War has something to offer everyone, it really is that special.