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Best of 2010

AdVanced: Best of 2010

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  • A completely original, emotionally involving, and rootin' tootin' good time. Red Dead had everything you could ever want from a western game, and all those elements were done with a perfect deadpan irony that allowed them to be hilarious and gravely dramatic at the same time. It's one of the most memorable games I ever played.

  • This Sci-Fi epic had everything that you could possibly ask for. Springing out of the huge potential shown in the original Mass Effect, this sequel built on that momentum and surpassed expectations. From the story, production values, characters, atmosphere, Mass Effect 2 is the only game to truly fulfill the promise of putting you inside a blockbuster movie.

  • Civ 5 stays true to the series pedigree of offering the finest strategy games around. While it doesn't rock the boat much in terms of game play, it does streamline the experience to be a blast for the beginners and those who are willing to look up every stat in the game. When it comes to Civ, simply improving on the already phenomenal series is more than enough.

  • Brotherhood wasn't as much of a leap forward as my runner up for GOTY last year, but it does manage to keep the experience fresh by throwing in every trick and gadget you can think of. The meta-game of managing your guild is really what takes this game to the next level. And really who needs another excuse to spend more time with Etzio?

  • I'm usually not one who's big on sports games, but NBA 2K11 made me give it a second look. While it offers some satisfying, though often dense gameplay mechanics, it's really the level of polish that puts this above the rest. The game is constantly updating it's stats, commentaries and scores to make sure that it never at any point feels dated. The game is filled with obvious passion for the sport and it's that enthusiasm that takes it to the next level.

  • If a game can make you hate it and love it at the same time, then it has to be doing something right. I have come to accept the fact that I will never finish this quirky little platformer. ...but that doesn't mean I won't try.

  • When you first start a game, you are greeted to three giant statues of Mario, Spiderman, and Goku. If that isn't reason enough to love this game, then you have a heart of iron. This game flat out contains the craziest (non-copyright) races ever. Ellen, Mickey Mouse, Spungebob, Popeye, George Bush, Justin Beiber, and that's just to name a few. While it can take a while to actually play, at it's best it's more than worth the wait.

  • This little downloadable gem takes the idea of Pacman to it's only logical extreme. It's slick presentation and solid concept sells itself. One only need to see (or hear) it in action to fall in love.

  • This game is quite honestly kinda of a chore to play through. It's repetitive game play and unnecessary difficult challenges aren't much fun. But every time you that the villainous Brad shows up, or the designers decide to cheer you on in FMV, or you hear the song they wrote for the stats menu, or you discover what type of comic they'll be going to next, you forget all about your trials.

  • After a some what lackluster entry to the series with Halo ODST, Bungi went back and brought their A-game. This isn't a full on Halo 4, but it's about as close as one can get. New multiplayer additions make it feel a little like a "me too" to Call of Duty, but they still enhance the game. The story is able to bring all these new ideas together with a compelling cast that definitely does about anything you could want from the franchise.