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GOTY but not...

I really want to post a great list of my ranked top 10 games but I personally think such a thing is flawed when discussing such a wide and varied category. Normally I don't have a GOTY because I like different games in different ways, 'videogames' is not a simple and comparable category.

All that being said I think I've come to a sort of top game list of my year. Not all were released in 2020, some because they are old, others are STILL early acess :-/ Also, a game being ranked higher on my list doesn't necessarily mean I think it is a better game, it's more a gut feeling combined with looking at my in-game hours.

6.Satisfactory has managed to suck up many a quarrantined hour! The scale and complexity are at times a little overwhealming but that's why I love it. Also it has vaccum tube personnel transportation... Astroneer nearly took this spot but runs out of pace far too quickly. Subnautica gets an honerable mention as well but I'm holding off playing 'below zero' until 1.0

5. KSP Remains to be a big hit in my library many, many years after release. A few mods here, a Manley video there and I can still find pleasure in launching a little green kerbal to their cold death as they crash unceremoniously into Eeloo because some idiot didn't check the staging. Still hoping KSP2 can contend for GOTY 202X. I like hope.

4. Empyrion was a huuuge time sink in the Q1/Q2 of the year (often overlooked by the time we reach the latter months). I've found I can be more creative than, for example, Space Engineers. Combined with a functional, challenging and fun set of survival and exploration mechanics.

3. Stellaris is responsible for one of the longest multiplayer games I've played over the course of a long lockdown weekend. Grand strategy can be a bit too grand though...and that was one of the smaller galaxies.

2. Hades very nearly took my top spot. A truly exceptional roguelike with combat that feels both challenging and satisfying. My previous favorite in the category was Dead Cells but Hades changed that very quickly. Definately my favorite switch game (I'm mostly a PC snob :P ) What really surprised me however was the story, integrating the mechanics effectively into the narritive with some good humour and a script that must be longer than the encyclopedia britannica. Seriously how many different ways are there to say 'you died'!

1. Among Us for me is the true 'Game of the Year 2020'. It is not the most extensive game, it has some very basic mechanics, has more than a few bugs and issues. It was almost ignored by most (including myself) For two years after release. Yet somehow in the summer of 2020 the word of 'sus' began to spread like a virus. Among Us has become such a large hit in the space of 2020 it has already had a sequal announced and cancelled (something mainstream AAA titles take years to do) grew so rapidly to completely overwhealm the backend with a tiny team working like mad to boost this from a game capable of thousands to a game of millions. Not to mention the recent launching of a truly incredible twitter account. Yet NONE of what I've discussed this far is why it sits here in my top spot.

2020 Has been an incredibly difficult year for many, freinds and families seperated, social interaction cancelled and millions left isolated and alone. Nothing has brought my groups of freinds closer than a few rounds of murdering each other in Among Us. It is a game that in a year of social distance has brought us closer together. The socialisation and connectivity it has wrought is the anti-CV19. Any other year (like 2018 when it was released) Among Us wouldn't be on this list, but looking for the game of 2020? Well there is a damn good reason that it waited this long to become a phenomenon.

Also fyi @zombiepie unfortunately I don't have a list button, I did look very carefully but it's defiantely not there :(

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I used to watch the occassional free video GB put up, some were really fun and looked like a good website but some of it varied greatly an I wasn't about to hand over my money quite yet. So it was on my periphary for a while. Then something happened to pull me over the edge and make me sign myself up as a member. The Exquisite Corps. A perfect blend of Viny, Abby, Alex and Dan playing games badly and having a great time doing it.

Of course I then had access to the whole GB back catalogue, one of the many reasons I've stayed on. I now come to GB for two things:

1) Impartial and honest opinions about games, I agree with some, disagree with others but thats kinda the point.

2) To watch a fun group of people have a good time playing games that often pose significant challenges for them. Watching people have fun failing a game is often more entertaining than watching an expert win.

The highlights that have kept me on as a member (some from the archive):

Mass Alex, Clue Crew, Contradiction: spot the Liar, Hitsmas, Sunshine, MarioPartyParty, Crime Crew, Sea Beasts, Six Crazy Frights, Beast in the East and many many playdates.

Places like GB are rare and as long as they continue to hand out honest opinions (about anything) while playing video games I'll be here.