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#1  Edited By ahgunsillyo
@Demruth: It's very good to know that the screen tearing isn't a usual occurrence in the game and that you're trying to accommodate for players with different tolerances of bright colors.   
And I'm sorry if I seemed to emphasize those technical non-issues too much or place too much blame on them; I'd actually like to think that the headache I had after playing your game was mostly attributed to the unexpected level of strain that the puzzles placed on my brain, a level which, admittedly, is not usually reached when I play video games.   Additionally, that kind of heavy thinking can sometimes make me do things like not blink or breathe normally, which can also help lead to headaches.  That's really not a bad thing; I fully appreciated the mental challenges that were presented in your game. 
Thank you so much for listening.  Demoing your game was truly one of the most fascinating experiences I had at PAX this year.
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#2  Edited By ahgunsillyo

PAX was a really great time once again this year in Seattle, as I got to see and play a whole slew of big-name titles for which I am already very excited, as well as some new indie titles I learned about for the first time.  Not only that, but I was incredibly lucky enough to meet a number of people in the industry whom I admire very much, including the Supergiant team, Ken Levine, Randy Pitchford, and of course, the Giant Bomb crew.  All in all, I had a fantastic time.   

This year, my good friend Clint (his Giant Bomb user page is linked right there) and I had the odd idea of recording ourselves talking about PAX and the games we saw there this year.  We used Audioboo, which limits each recording to 5 minutes, so we dedicated 5 minutes to each game.  We failed at wrapping up each segment as the 5 minute mark drew near, so we often get cut off at the end of each segment before saying all that we wanted to say about the game.  

Thanks so much for those of you who actually feel like listening to these, and I'm sorry if my voice sucks; it's my first time doing these weird impromptu recordings.  And we'll probably do more of these sometime; Clint's iPhone overheated before we could finish talking about the games we had seen at that point, and we saw more games after we recorded these.

Intro (PAX in general)


The PAX 10 (2011 Edition)


Word Fighter





Super Mario 3D Land

Mario Kart 7

Luigi's Mansion 2

Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One


BattleBlock Theater

Guild Wars 2            


TrackMania 2: Canyon



Resident Evil: Revelations

Rayman: Origins



Kirby Mass Attack

Clint named it wrong, so it actually is about Kirby Mass Attack, not Kirby Canvas Curse. 
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#3  Edited By ahgunsillyo
Who's this Shuggy Knight-looking motherf**ker? 
Sorry, somebody had to say it, and I thought I might as well get it out of the way. 
In all seriousness, I really feel for David Johnston.  He worked hard for four years to create and release a game that, unfortunately, practically nobody knows about and is an utter commercial failure despite apparently getting a pretty good critical response.  A couple of bad decisions and a whole lot of bad luck seemed to kill nearly all, if not all, the potential for success that this game would have otherwise had.  
To think, if this had come out before Braid, And Yet It Moves, The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom, and a whole bunch of the other games that utilized similar mechanics, The Adventures of Shuggy would have been rather revolutionary.  Granted, I haven't played Shuggy (nor have I completed any of the other three games I just mentioned... Yes, yes, I know that that's terrible of me to not yet have finished Braid), so I can't really compare the puzzle design of these games, but just the fact that it would have utilized puzzle mechanics that hadn't really been seen before (I know I'm probably missing out on a few key games that were released even before Braid) would have still made it pretty noteworthy. 
Instead, the first time I heard of this game was when Ryan was reading new XBLA releases on the Bombcast the week it came out, and that was also the last I heard about it until today.  It's quite sad, really; reading that article made me feel really bad.  Perhaps I'll pick it up; it's only $10.
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#4  Edited By ahgunsillyo

If it's not Batman Returns for the Sega Genesis, then I don't know.   

 Batman Returns (Genesis)
 Batman Returns (Genesis)
A lot of the images in the Batman Returns are from other versions of the game, especially the SNES version, which was a very different game than the Genesis version.  Unfortunately, there are only three or four images of the Genesis version on the page. 
If I recall correctly, there were five Batman games for the Genesis (not counting Justice League Task Force):  
I could be wrong, but I remember Batman Returns being the only one of those games that featured Catwoman, so that's probably the one you're remembering.  I don't think Batman slid down ziplines per se, but he could slide down certain slopes, could glide downward, and had a grappling hook with which he could pull himself upward, as well as swing from side to side. 

Again, note that because the wiki pages here consolidate multiple versions of the same title, a lot of the images might not even be for the version you played.  And in a lot of those cases, like Batman Returns and The Adventures of Batman and Robin, the different versions of the game were vastly different.  This could be why a lot of the images you saw looked unfamiliar.  For instance:
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNES) 
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNES) 
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (Genesis) 
The Adventures of Batman & Robin (Genesis) 
Sorry if that's a bit too much information, but I had a bit of fun looking up these old Batman games.  I'm a big Batman fan, and I played all of these when I was younger.  Hope that helps.
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#5  Edited By ahgunsillyo
Joystiqsays that Supergiant is going to be also selling the soundtrack CDs at PAX in Seattle at the end of August, so if you're going to be there, you could also get it that way.  Hopefully, that's accurate; that's what I intend to do.
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#6  Edited By ahgunsillyo

I don't see anything wrong with it.   
*Goes back to playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii*

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#7  Edited By ahgunsillyo

I'm personally more-or-less alright with it.  Would I like to have spent $80 less on my 3DS?  Sure, of course.  I could buy Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 with that money.  But at the same time, I appreciate that Nintendo is going out of their way to make it up to those people who did have enough faith in the 3DS to buy one despite a lack of must-own or compelling software.  While I have some of those games already, they're still giving me games that I don't and haven't played yet, and the ones I do have are good enough that I could easily play them again.  And it's not like they're forcing you to choose between a selection of games like Sony's "Welcome Back" initiative, either.  You're just getting all of them.  And I'm good with that.
On another note...
@Orbitz89 said:

Nintendo doesn't owe you fucktarded douche nozzles a damn thing, grow the fuck up and stop acting like wailing vaginas. 
Seriously, can we be a little more diplomatic about things, please?  I don't agree with the self-entitlement of "gamers" either, but you're not exactly presenting the case that your way of thinking is any better than those of these alleged "fucktarded douche nozzles."  I like Giant Bomb's community because its members tend to be more civilized and open-minded than a bunch of other online communities out there, and I'd rather it not be sullied by overblown ranting and immature name-calling.  I can go to many, many other websites for that, thank you very much.
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#8  Edited By ahgunsillyo

Sure, why not.  I'm in.

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#9  Edited By ahgunsillyo

Congratulations, sir.

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#10  Edited By ahgunsillyo

I had the record time for the "Hidden Blade 1" course of the VR Stealth Training in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood on the PS3 not long after the game came out.  I think that lasted a couple days.  That time's probably gone down a lot in the ranking by now.  That's about it, though.