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#1  Edited By akimsko

I have the same issue. It appears to be related to the pre-video ad not loading properly. In the past, I could simply refresh the page a couple of times, and eventually the ad would load. But within the last week or so, it seems to have become completely broken. I can no longer play any video content on the site...

I have tried on 2 different PCs, one with windows 7, and one with windows 8. I've also tried several browsers (IE, chrome, firefox), all with the latest flash player - no luck :(

I don't run any ad-blocking software either.

Maybe it's a regional issue with the ads? I'm from Denmark if it's any help.

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#2  Edited By akimsko

Loose translation of the game...
Girl: I've had the best evening...
[pause as if you ask a question]
Girl answers: Yeah ofcourse I've danced with someone. You do not decide who I dance with!
Narrator: What's wrong with you? You don't have your bitch under control! A couple of slaps will sort her out.
Start game...
Girl starts bitching about random stuff, while you decide whether to slap her or not...
"What part of the word piss-off don't you understand?" (piss off is one word in danish ;))
"The only thing smaller than your d*** is your  IQ"
"I dance with who I want, deal with it f***-face"
"Why should I f*** your best friend, he's just as ugly as you"
  And so on...
The insults change as you slap her...
"You may have gotten beaten as a kid, but that doesn't mean you get to slap me!"
"The only time you feel like a man, is when you take me while I'm screaming no!"
"Do you feel strong now?"
"What's wrong with you!?"
"Is that all you got?"
"You're weak!"
End game...
 Narrator: Idiot, it isn't gangsta to hit girls. You lost the moment you hit her the first time.
Then some statistics about how many girls in the 16-20 y/o range, live in physically abusive relationships in Denmark.
My own oppinion...
Here's a tip for you girls. If you live in an abusive relationship. Start dating a bigger guy than the one slapping you.
1) You don't get slapped around anymore.
2) Your new bigger boyfriend will probably kick your old boyfriends ass ;)

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#3  Edited By akimsko

You know the Afghan war, isn't costing you a fraction of what you guys put into the Iraq war right? The previous administration largely neglected the Afghan theatre, in favour of a questionable invasion of Iraq, based on manufactured misinformation and deliberate attempts to mislead your allies. The Iraq invasion had very little support from other western countries.
Obama is wrapping up the Iraq war, and trying to salvage a neglected effort in Afghanistan (you know, the ACTUAL war on terror), along with a lot of other western leaders. If the US was to pull out of Afghanistan, leaving the other NATO countries to continue an effort that was started in solidarity with the US, because of the 9/11 attacks, I think you would lose the last shred of credibility the Bush administration left you guys with - Our guys are fighting and dying down there as well you know...
As for US internal politics, I can not comment. But from my European/NATO perspective, Obama is on the right track, where as the Bush administration was a complete disaster when it came to foreign policy. McCain would probably have been alright as well, well anything but Bush, but I think Obama was the better choice for you guys.

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#4  Edited By akimsko

BF2 is still a solid choice - countless hours of fun with that. Still a large player base, lots of mods and custom servers for great veriaty.
CSS is ok. But having played the original CS since some of the early betas, it doesn't really do it for me anymore. It will be a hard game to get into from scratch at this point. Allso it's more of an classic "arena" type shooter, no vehicles etc.
TF2 is a matter of taste. I still think the original was a better game overall. But if you can stand the cartoonish art style, it's a pretty decent arena type shooter (no vehicles though).
Borderlands, I don't really know why was recommended. It's not really an online shooter as such. You can only co-op in it, and only up to 4 players. With everything being client side (even characters are stored locally) and the p2p nature of the game, one of the main reasons for playing the game - finding loot - quickly becomes irrelevant. And once that's gone, the game itself quickly loses it appeal, as it really not a very well balanced shooter in itself. It's more comparable to diablo type games, than anything else. Also the "vehicle section" if you want to call it that, consists of 1 vehicle, that serves more as an method of transport, than anything else. Still a decent game to kill some hours with a couple of friends (after the first playthrough, 20-30ish hours, you can go ahead and ebay the game though), but doesn't seem to be anything close to what you're looking for.
Planetside might be worth a look as well. Has a very BF2 like feel to it, but it's an MMO - a bit old, but dated graphics aside, it's a very fun shooter, with insanely huge battles. Nice level/unlock system, and lots of vehicles.

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#5  Edited By akimsko
@MajorMediocre:@MajorMediocre said:

" its a multiplayer game for most gamers that care about dedicated servers, i spent about 4 hours running through the first campaign on hardend(first play through) then 7 hours on veteran( fuck the carousel level)  after that i must of spent 100+ hours in the multiplayer  this game seems too around 5-6 hours on normal/hardened and 10ish on veteran from what everyons saying on the interwebz I havent played through the whole campaign but im 4 hours in and it seems too be wraping up. haven't finished the campaign since ive been playing cod 4 multiplayer and dragonage since like the review said im geting connected too random people halfway around the world. sweden too the eastern coast of america is a 300+ delay.  The main diffrence betwen a xbox/ps3 and a pc is there is a finite amount of resources on the consoles, it will take 80% of the console cpu too run the game then maybee 10% for xbox live, blades, XMB, voice chat, etc etc. that leaves 10% of the cpu too do the network code. On a pc you have stronger cpus, but also alot more shit that can run in the background. from statistics im pulling out of my ass too prove a point; 50% too run the game, 10% for the OS, 2% running msn messenger/AIM/icq/whatever, 9% running vent, 5% running winamp or 20% if ur dumb enough too use itunes and 1% if your cleaver enough too use foobar 2000. then add up the millions of other programs that could be running in the back ground(automatic updates, antiviruses, firewalls, torrent programs, DC++, unclosed browsers) all of theese take up processing power and means you dont know how much power each and every player will have too run the network codes thus making 9v9 not posible for EVERY pc player - thats what you got dedeicated servers for they run the OS and then the dedicated server giving enough power too calculate everything for 64 players and since you hire the servers from a company that specialise in that kind of ting you'll have it across a 100/100 line too make the ping far less than over a residential xx/1 line that most people will have acess too "

Hehe, yeah those numbers are fairly ass derived, and not very discriptive of how cpu time is actually distributed, expecialy in this age of multi-core/threading. ;)
But fair point, in the end there's no way of knowing where the host will reside, or what's going on at their end. But even more disturbing is that all network data will be available to the host. Meaning with the correct tools (hacks), a host will be able to do pretty much anything he sees fit with that data, before it's relayed back to the clients. Talk about potential for god-mode cheats :(
What's really sad here though, is that all this stuff simply gets drowned in a pointless Console Vs. PC "war". When these issues will affect everyone alike, and ultimately kill any kind of serious competitive play.