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Best of 2010

alisdair: Best of 2010

List items

  • Insufficiently praised, given the clear gap between this game and every other RTS recently released. Only Dawn of War II approaches its polish, and nothing touches the multiplayer competitiveness. Easily GOTY.

  • A perfectly realised world, with an incredibly well-balanced sandbox, designed less as a game and more as a replacement for the potting shed. Perfect time sink.

  • The tragedy of Halo Reach is the quality of multiplayer maps. Easily the best campaign since Halo: CE, by far the best combat sandbox of any FPS, great multiplayer matchmaking with responsive playlist design, vastly improved forge support. If only there were maps worth killing dudes on.

  • Somehow its flaws don't detract from how much fun it is to kite your parachute along the ground and blow everything up. The tension from being stuck at 93% saves the game. Feels a little empty at times, due to lack of challenge, but can't be beaten on the quality or quantity of explosions.

  • Bioware gave up on trying to fix RPG combat, and instead decided to fix shooter characterisation. Not a great shooter, barely an RPG, and yet somehow succeeds.

  • There is no joy greater than eating 30 ghosts.

  • Bayonetta manages to bridge the gap between button-mashing God of War character action and the extreme technical gameplay of high-level DMC3 or NGB. Combine this with fever-dream character design, baffling boss sequences, a great soundtrack, and a strong female protagonist, and you have a must for the top 10.

  • Terrifying Picasso duck is happy that you liked these puzzles.

  • Digital makes me remember that the 1980s weren't all bad. The Workbench-alike interface and the familiar crunch-whirr-beep of the BBS dialup create a familiar setting for an unusual piece of fiction. Incredible chiptune soundtrack too.

  • How will BioShock 2 be remembered? Perhaps as the most underrated sequel of its generation. No-one asked to go back to Rapture, and yet it's difficult to see how 2K could have made a better follow-up to the inimitable original. Familiar without being derivative, mechanically superior, and beautifully designed.