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I haven't been on this site lately, which is pretty bad for a mod. I've just had a lot going on. I've even neglected my blog. >_<


The Acts of Gord.

Read as much as you can, good stuff.

P.S I had to take Lost Odyssey back, I'll rent it again soon.



To buy, or not to buy: Burnout Paradise edition.

Burnout Paradise (PS3), North American box art
Burnout Paradise (PS3), North American box art
It's recently come to my attention that Burnout Paradise is 30 dollars. I do have a question though: Why so soon? The game was released not so long ago, it got great reviews, and it has lots of free and great DLC on the way, so..why is it so cheap?

I haven't enjoyed a racing game since Forza 2, and while I know they're completely different type of games, I want another racer for my 360.

Should I buy this though? School's starting soon so I won't have much time to put into it, and I really don't know to much about the game. Mainly stuff from what the crew have said on the Bomb cast. I know Jeff loves this game a lot, and I'll probably go back and read his review to help make my choice.

What do you guys think? Is this game worth the 30 bucks?


I'm worried I won't be able to finish Lost Odyssey.

I'm a little past mid-point on the second disc, and even though I'm using practically all of my free time playing it, I doubt I'll be able to finish it before tuesday, when is has to go back to Hollywood Video. So..should I.

A)Try and play as much as I can now, return it, and never look back.

B)Try and play as much as I can now and re-rent it...5 dollar isn't a lot for that much entertainment.

C)Try and play as much as I can now and buy it.

I'm leaning towards B..mainly because as much I love this game, I won't replay it in a thousands years, no pun intended. So there's no point in buying. A's pretty much out of the question because I love this game so much. What do you guys think? Anyways, I better get back to playing it..



I dunno about you, but I like the new dashboard.

I've been mildly surprised to the hate towards the new Xbox 360 dashboard. I say mildly because as a whole, it seems gamers or atleast the ones that post on gaming sites, don't like change. Though for me, I was getting tired of the old dashboard, not because I don't like it, I'm just bored with it. So to me, this new update looks like a HUGE improvement.

To start off, let's look at the install game feature. While it's my belief that Microsoft has some of the worst pricing for memory I've ever seen, most people will always be able to have enough space for that one game they're currently into. The idea of the no disc spinning is great, because for me the 360 is extremely quiet  while in the dashboard. The improved loading times, sound good also, but I'm skeptical about how much it will help. I know that I wouldn't mind having Lost Odyssey installed on my 360 right now to try and speed things up, but I don't know if loading times are something you can just speed up like that. I thought that the developers would always have to develop their games for stuff like that, but I guess that's one of Microsoft's perks of having a system that hardware resemble a PC. The games don't seem to take up a absurd amount of space either, looking at this newly released preview  video, you can see that Grand Theft Auto IV didn't even take up 7 gigs. Surely that must be one of the most space-consuming games on the 360?

I wonder how long it will be before someone cracks disc verification system, and starts going to town on rental stores V_V. Anyways onto...

on 360!
on 360!
Netflix, of course, sound great. I'm afraid though, that's it's less than what most people think it is. Netflix doesn't allow you to stream it's whole library, in fact, out of the small portion of their videos that a stream-enabled, most are tv show, documentaries, or old. That being said, I still can't wait for this feature to come so I'll finally have access to every episode of Law and Order: SVU, The Office, and Heroes at my finger tips. The interface for it seems to be much like the set top box they released earlier this summer for $100. I hope that Microsofts deal with Netlfix, includes Microsoft using some of its resources to help upgrade Netflix's networking services, they're pretty good so far, and I'd like to see HD streaming soon. Of course, you have to have a Netflix subscription, and Xbox Live Gold. Both of which I just happen to have.

The group chat thing, with 8 people seems really cool. I hate it when me and and my friends have to jump between chats to try and get a match set up with all of us. Though I do share Vinny's concern about people feeling isolated if they're not in a group. Guess that's what they get for not having friends. The game show or whatever were interesting too, looks fun to dick around in if you're tired of shouting at your teammates in a more competeive game. I'm not sure though if you have to buy all of those games on XBLA, or if they're just part of the new dashboard update.

Avatars..people love the bitch about the avatars. I see what Microsoft is doing here, as the same thing Sony is doing with "trophies", using a concept their competition made, to try and steal their user base. It worked out for Sony because more PS3 owners want trophies, than 360 gamers want avatars. I think avatars will be used by 360 gamers to have something to show casuals when they come over. Most people will just turn them off anyways, unless Microsoft adds some new dimension to them I'm not thinking off. I still think I'll like them better than the Mii, but really that's not saying much. The themes for the new dashboard however(or rather, how themes "could look") are better than what we currently have now in my opioion. Maybe it's just because I like the un-obstructed view of the actual picture, but I think it looks cleaner, and more neat. We'll have to see how things play out though because they said "could look".
Wasting your points on map packs made easier
Wasting your points on map packs made easier

But what's reallly got me wanting this update to come soon, is the redone marketplace menu's. Basing this off those 3 screens that were shown, they've cleaned up the marketplace, which is something that should have been on their "to-do" list for quite some time. I think the whole dashboard menu system flows better than the current one also, and the current ones not bad. It's kinda annoying waiting for guide to slide out though. It's always got on my nerves how you have to wait 1/2 a second for that thing to slide out rather than instantly appearing somewhere. Which is fixed by the min-blade gude in the new dashboard, which suck that we didn't see more of.

Well, that pretty much sums up my thoughts, I think the new dashboard looks like an improvement in every possible way. I'm sure they're a quite a few people that dis agree with me and that's fine, and you want to have an intelligent debate/discussion about the matter feel free as always to PM me about it.


Braid makes my head a kinda good way.

Reminds me of something, but I can't put my finger on it..
Reminds me of something, but I can't put my finger on it..
I was at Circuit City, so I decided, to buy a points card. When I got home, I bought Braid. The price of course, was a bummer because I was looking forward to get Geometry Wars 2. Though, right now, I don't know who to blame more, Braid for being 1200 points, or Geo wars 2 for being 800. Regardless, I choose Braid because I already had the first Geometry wars, and I didn't see what the second could offer me that's worth the 800 point price tag.

The 15 dollar price tag isn't as bad as people are making it out in my opioion. It might be more than the average XBLA title, but it's much better than the XBLA title also. I mean, think about, 15 dollars is a little more than what people pay to see a movie, and it's more hours of entertainment.

So far as the actual game goes, it's as good as I expected. The music specifically impresses me, because I'm one that feels a good musical score is one of the most important parts of games. There is a lack of tutorials, which is probably I good thing because I have an extremely short attention span for these sorts of things. The puzzles are challenging, right now, I'm stuck actually. But I think I'll figure it out. As good as this game is, and as much as I think it's worth the price tag, I feel it's been a bit over rated by a few. I'm not far at all though, and I'll defiantly write a review for it when I'm finished.


To buy, or not to buy: Nintendo DS edition.

front cover
front cover
Lately I've been thinking about buying a DS, mainly for Zelda: PH, and the Chrono Trigger remake. I never played the original Chrono Trigger, and instead of downloading, I decided it would be pretty nice be have in on a handheld to take with me whenever I want. But I don't know if the system is worth it. I don't have much mone to spare at the moment so I'd probably have to trade in some games, that I don't play anyways to Gamespot.

But what will I play with I'm done with Chrono Trigger and Zelda? I bought the Wii because people thought it was a great system and I play it at some friends house and thought Wii Sports was decent. Now I have a system that I almost never play, so I don't want to repeat the same mistake twice.

Is the DS a better handheld then the Wii is a console?