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#1  Edited By AmericanPegasus
Kush said:
"I'll put it like this: if I could ban you for being against gay marriage...I would. If you can't tell, I'm 100% for gay marriage."
Cool story bro
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#2  Edited By AmericanPegasus
Snipzor said:
"I just want to point out to some people that the argument "Marriage isn't sacred anymore, so it doesn't matter" is in itself a bigoted way pof thinking. You may not realize it, but you are saying that gays would ruin what would be a "sacred" tradition, which is pretty much saying "We'll give them what they want when we don't want it anymore".
Sure it is a nice gesture, and I had once thought about it, but it is still pretty fucking rude.
No we're saying the churches don't own marriage.

"I think we should all agree that marriage is over rated anyway and is pretty much a lost cause. It used to be cool, like, back in the day when people actually got married and stayed married until they died. you know, "till death do us part" that shit should be taken out of that...seal, whatever the fuck it is. What im saying is;  half the people that even get married today will end up getting a divorce not to long after. Im not saying the same would go for gay people, but still. You cant really say im wrong."
The "half of people that get married get divorced" statisticis incorrect.

jakob187 said:
"I've never seen this American Pegasus dood, and I didn't see him on the list of mods than MB or whoever had posted!!!  You guys just pop up out of nowhere!!!
Anyways, personally, who the fuck cares?  The institution of marriage is man-made.  The institution of love is made by a higher power than us.  The institution of judgment for either is not any of our fucking business.
I've been a mod since the week that the site launched.
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#3  Edited By AmericanPegasus
Excuberance said:
"As has been stated before, it's a simple question where the law says one thing and the church says another. Equal rights is a pretty clear statement, so there is no argument here whether gay people should be able to be joined in the same way that straight couples can. Only the words differ.

Therefore, this is nothing but a matter of setting down principles, gays will still be happy even if they can't be married and the church will survive even if they can. Marriage itself is just a social construct that ties people together in a superficial way. The weight in the concept all comes from the masses blindly following the social norms, like I said, the importance is purely superficial.

So it's all about saying exactly how important the Christian values is versus the democratic.  I vote democracy."

Are you kidding? Are you honestly not aware of the many non-social benefits of marriage?
pirate_republic said:
"If two men want to be together, go for it. But marriage should be between a man and a woman.
And some of you say that gays are just different. This is not true: homosexuality is wrong. Why is it wrong? Because if we were all gay the human race would be extinct.
Which is irrelevant because the whole human race isn't gay and never will be. Are you opposed to sterile people also?
ArbitraryWater said:
"Oh no. Debating stuff like this eventually leads to a locked thread and a bunch of angry people. Great job TC. I won't share my view because this is a website about video games and adding political views just screws everything up."
Note how I posted this in the off-topic section? This is a perfectly legit thread and I see nothing in it that would seem lock worthy(yet)

"You're*Azteris said:
See: Your-a-selective-prick-when-it's-come-to-the-Bible-I'm-sure theory."

And I'm just playing devils advocate here.  I'm speaking from the perspective of hardcore Christians.  I'm explaining why they feel the way they do, and why I agree with Obama that they shouldn't be forced to go against their own faith.  No need for name calling here."

How are they forced against their own religion. They won't be forced to marry them.

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#4  Edited By AmericanPegasus
SpaceInsomniac said:
"Azteris said:
Christianity is about toleration and not judging others. Being a prejudiced asshole is going against Christianity. You don't have to agree with someone, but to judge them and condemn them yourself is kind of a no-no."

This is very true, but homosexuality still goes against the Christian faith.  They don't have to judge and condemn anyone to simply not want to take part of it in their Church.  A Christian who believes a gay person is going to hell is every bit as much of a sin in Christian faith as a Christian church marrying gay people.  Religions shouldn't be forced to go against their beliefs.  That's why Obama doesn't support gay marriage, and that's why I don't either."
Churches wouldn't be forced to marry gays. They're plently of other places to get married beside churchs.

Also, religious beliefs doesn't justify bigotry.
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#5  Edited By AmericanPegasus

I have a question for those against, what bad do you think would come from letting gay people marry? I mean, how will it hurt anyone? How will it make this nation worse?

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#6  Edited By AmericanPegasus
giyanks22 said:
"I don't mind having gay marriage, but I think it should be called something different.

I think it is morally and biologically wrong, because the whole point of marriage is to have children with the person you love, except two men or two women can't "Naturally" have children. So regardless of your religious beliefs it defies biology.

I hate to sound like John Kerry, but:
I'm not for it, but I'm not against it.

I don't think it should happen, but I don't mind people who are gay, because they can't help it, and everyone is guaranteed equal rights."
Do you believe people that are sterile shouldn't be married?

destro said:
"I dont think 2 guys should actually be officially "married" i think marriage is something between a man and a women, its been like that since the beginning of time and its worked out fine so far. If 2 guys want to get "married", they can; but i think they should be labeled as "life partners" and not a married couple."
Why do people care so much about a word? And if you don't believe in changing marriage, then blacks and white still shouldn't be aloud to be married.

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#7  Edited By AmericanPegasus
SmugDarkLoser said:
"Hexpane said:
"The USA's constitution guarantees equal rights under the law.   (Bill of rights)  therefore gays being blocked from getting married is not only illegal, it's anti american and quite possibly treason.

There is no debate, it doesn't matter how you "feel" about it, the entire basis of our country is equal rights for all under the law.  If you object to equal rights, you object to the entire basis of this country and you should seek citizenship elsewhere"
It's called getting married to your opposite gender.  That's equal rights...
Anyway, I think it should be legalized, called a different term, but I don't support gays.  They're just weird"
Yes but they obviously don't want to. In fact I think gay marriage would save alot of straight people the grief of marry a closet GLB person that felt that they had to fit into societies norm.
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#8  Edited By AmericanPegasus
Linkyshinks said:
"I am all for it, but as for conducting these marriage ceremonies in churches, no.

I'm against it, pretty much for the same reason Obama is against it.

Err, when the hell did Obama say he was against it??. He may be Christian but that doesn't mean he is against it.

He's against it, he wants civil unions that have equal benefits. Which is the classic "safe" route to take for politicians. I feel that is dumb and unnecessary, and goes against Brown v Board of Education.
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#10  Edited By AmericanPegasus
OmegaPirate said:
"Can someone please explain to me what all this /c/ /b/tard /r9k/ stuff is
I see it all over these forums and have no idea what it actually means, just a bit curious as to what people are actuaally saying :D
An exploding yellow van.