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Final Blog Post (Destroy any and all debt)

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As a hardcore Nintendo fan the last thing that I want is to not have enough money to buy the latest and greatest Nintendo games.

Struggling with repaying ones student loan debt (or any other debt for that matter) often is merely a symptom of a more severe underlying problem: having no control over your own finances.

Here is a list of quick items to check off and get you started onto the road to financial emancipation:

  1. Start book keeping by writing down every(!) expense and every source of income. Yes, even that pack of gum you bought at the gas station. Put all expenses into sensible categories (monthly expenses, food, clothing, hobbies, vacation, ...).
  2. Do this for 3 months and figure out whether you are chronically overspending or simply neglecting your debts and not distributing your money smartly.
  3. Now that you've done some book keeping for 3 months, you have a good overview of what you're spending how much money on. The next step now is to set up budgets for yourself, i.e. $xxx for food, $yyy for rent, $zzz for going out, and: $aaa for repaying your debts! Since you've got it all out in front of you on a piece of paper or in a program, you've transformed a somewhat abstract and "invisible" situation into a very concrete and visible one. The latter kind of situations are obviously the ones we can manage more easily.
  4. Take all the big annual expenses (tax payments, insurances, mortgages, ...) and divide them by 12 (if annual) or 6 (if biannual, etc.) and distribute them evenly into their own monthly budget pockets. This way you're saving up evenly over the year for these events and when they come around it's a simple matter of transferring the money you've saved up for them instead of applying for yet another credit card.
  5. You have now set yourself budgets for all relevant categories and will, month by month, keep chipping away at your debt while at the same time being in full control of your spendings.
  6. Bonus step : start saving up a bit of cash for that next vacation, car, anniversary dinner, whatever it is. This will allow you to pay these expenses out of available money instead of dipping into debt for them.

Now it doesn't matter where the money is coming from at the point of payment, whether you paid in cash, with your debit card, put it on your credit card, or paid with some bitcoins you may have on your e-wallet. It's all being entered into its respective budget and comes out of your 'available income'-stash. Naturally there is absolutely fantastic software out there for this. Research a bit and find one that you find the most rewarding to you.

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