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The Console War

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Sure, it had issues as a "business model" but when it was "well done", it was great for gamers. Both Nintendo and Sega were so into it, that they developed some of the best games ever that are still played today. Same with Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft despite everything that went down, the early/mid 2000's were filled with many different options for different people, it was great.

But I get that it has to end. Business is not the same and things change. Nintendo went off and created the world's first hybrid console, Microsoft is creating a streaming service while sony seems to be continuing with the "traditional" home console.

The console war isn’t dead... The way it’s being fought has evolved.

- Xbox buying up studios and starting Game Pass is their best way to reposition themselves in the war.

- Nintendo getting out of the power race, and combining their console and handheld markets was the best, most financially efficient way to improve their standing in the console war.

- Sony has acquired studios and bought timed exclusivity. They are riding their momentum from last gen and observing the market. This is their best approach moving forward.

All 3 companies are fighting for your money and time.

The console war isn’t dead. The way gamers is judging it just hasn’t changed. Calling the Switch a handheld is ignorant. Crowning the most powerful console as the winner has never reflected the real world. And niche exclusive movie games don’t move the needle as much as most people would hope.

"Console Wars" implies that a person buys a single device and uses that primarily for their gaming needs.. for example, in the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis era, both companies were fighting for the exact same slice of pie.. both wanted to be the one box sitting under your television and that was their primary gaming strategy.. this simply isn't the case anymore..

Sony is the only company who's primary strategy is still to be the "only box under your television"..

Nintendo doesn't mind if the Switch is the secondary box under your television and the only box in your backpack.. being a "secondary device" hasn't been a concern for them since the Wii, they are no longer participating in a traditional console war anymore..

Microsoft literally doesn't care if you have their box under your television at all.. if you do, great!!.. but if you have a capable PC, also great!!.. if you pick up one of their upcoming dedicated streaming devices or use an Xbox TV app, great!!!.. if you just want to stream to your mobile phone, tablet, or laptop, it's all the same to them.. they just want you engaging with their software no matter which method you prefer and hopefully that's via a Game Pass subscription.. hence, they are no longer participating in a traditional console war anymore..

again, the only thing they all are competing for is time and money.. but they are no longer competing to take up the same space under your television as their primary gaming strategy..

the console wars are being fought differently nowadays.

all three needing you to buy their console as your primary gaming device equals console wars

one company needing you to buy their console as your primary gaming device, another company openly being okay with you buying their console as a "secondary device", and another company who doesn't need you to buy their console at all in order to make money on new software completely nullifies the console wars or in this case alters it.

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