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Blogimasta: finishing up Zeno Clash and my really dumb problem with XCOM:EU


I still haven't played much of the sailor moon RPG because that game is mad old and also it's annoying, but I will get to eventually (I'm not giving a date because I will undoubtedly break it like I'm douglas adams up in this). Regardless, let's revisit the two games I bought 4 days ago:

Zeno Clash

well actually I bought Zeno Clash 2, but that game is not out yet, so I played through Zeno Clash 1 again. Also spoilers if you haven't played zeno clash 1 yet (but if you haven't, I'm giving one away at the end of this blog post)

This is the fourth time I think. That game is so good and the sequel looks even better, but that's not what I'm here to talk about! By finishing up I mean I wanted to do all of the achievements.

I'm here to talk about two annoying achievements in particular (which were the only ones I was missing): Heavy Brawler (defeat a heavy enemy without taking damage) and Street Fighter (only use guns/weapons when absolutely necessary).

I tried doing street fighter once but failed. It's like, sometimes it's easy to know when you're supposed to use guns (the fights with hunter, for example). But occasionally they'll give you guns to hunt rabbits and I dont think you can use it there, you have to kick them dead which is super annoying. Also punching giant bugs is gross. It's a terrible achievement because it's way way way too vague.

Heavy Brawler sounds easy at first, but every single fight with a heavy includes little guys that hang around, and THEY COUNT TOO. oh my god. It's so annoying. I don't know how many times I tried fighting Gabel, or Deinother, only for one of those assholes to hit me from behind. I finally did it by fighting the little guys first but that's kinda hard because you also have to keep an eye on bigass elephant/chipmunk/other elephant.

No Caption Provided

Also playing through it again made me appreciate the little touches. When you fight Father-Mother after blowing a skull bomb in both yo faces, both his model and portrait have a piece of pre historic gauze with an eye on it, to replace the eye he lost? I mean his other eye just kinda glows yellow so it's not even accurate.

Also Golem's rubix cube is really funny still. Also also the music is (still) really really fucking good, and the little bit atlus posted of the music for the second one is incredible:

He was also really good in Rock of Ages too, he's probably my favorite western video game composer. Really wish I had the money for the soundtrack... though it'll just go up on youtube after the fact so it's not the hugest deal.

(also the chorus in that video is great, it's just a bunch of random ass looking people that look way out of place)


Also I'll probably play it again, just to add all the other characters, primarily so I can post these things on a theoretical Animasta page (because I'm a horrid narcissistic bitch or because I think that would be funny, the world may never know).

(I will know)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

My problem with xcom is not a problem with the game, it's a problem with me; the game is amazing, bugs aside... also I really hate the fact that women are way less likely then men to show up on your squad, but there's a mod that allows you to change it so I made it even more uneven on the other way around.


my problem with xcom is that I keep restarting the fucking thing. It's like, oh no I think a thing went wrong, and it can be the most innocuous shit in the world, but I'll restart anyway. I'm technically on game 18 right now. I mean come the fuck on. Game 17 was actually going really well but I restarted because... I honestly can't even give you a reason. It was because I found that mod that would let me change the dynamics but I'm pretty sure it would've worked fine on a regular save.

Oh well! I'll complete it eventually... maybe on game 30.


do I like you/know of you/think you are funny and don't have zeno clash? you win!


I want to revisit E.Y.E., maybe I'll have finished the last remnant, maybe Cargo, I'm also real close to finishing V:TM:Bloodlines... the world is my oyster