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Finally got a Wii!

After much thought I decided to get a Wii,  of course it helped that I got enough money from my birthday to cover most of the costs.
I managed to snag a Wii bundle from Target that comes with Wii Sports Resort for free, which means I got my Wii Motion Plus on as well.
Those in the US, this deal lasts till the 13th so it's a good time to buy a Wii. If they don't have it in the display they might have it in storage, I asked one of the workers when I didn't see any in the display.
Anyways, short comments on the games I got (Besides the original Wii Sport anyways).

Wii Sports Resort is pretty entertaining, though a bit shallow in the content. Not surprising since it's pretty much the demo for the Wii Motion Plus, something even Nintendo seems to be ignoring after it's launch. Again, not surprising at the very least.

Then I popped in my demo copy of Monster Hunter Tri, boy was I in for a doozy. Thanks to the limited number of buttons on the Nunchuck all of the left hand's work moved over to the right hand. B is to dodge, A is to attack,  (-) is the alternate attack and 1 is item usage, and the D-pad is for camera controls. WHAT THE FUCK! My right hand has to constantly move up and down the Wiimote. Well, I did beat the two bosses easily with the hammer since it only uses the Z for charge attack, A for triple pound attack, and B for dodge. And since I mostly use the Z button 80% of the time, my right hand could just work the camera and the dodge button. The game is still great, I wish I had a CC at least to tryout the other weapons properly.  This game should only come in a bundle like Wii Sports Resort, using the CCP is the only proper way to play the game.

Last but not least, got a used copy of Muramasa for $27 bucks at Gamestop. Pretty sweet deal, and the CD was in mint condition without a single scratch. I'm liking the style of the game a lot. The game is pretty hectic, and fast (to be fair I put it on the harder difficulty in the beginning).
Anyways so far I'm enjoying my Wii and I know I'm going to use it quite a bit thanks to the pretty big back catalog. Older game suggestions anyone?