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My very first, so here goes

The first real video games for PC I was introduced to were games like Tachyon: The Fringe, Diablo 2, StarCraft, X2: The Threat, Star Trek Armada 2, and Star Trek Bridge Commander. I had played plenty of N64, SNES and NES games.  I really miss good space simulation games though for consoles.  I played X3: Reunion, despite how tedious it became, and was hopeful that it would make it to the 360 like they had planned.  Needless to say, it never happened and I was disappointed.  I played Star Trek Legacy on PC and 360, and it was far better on the 360, not that's saying much.  It was still painful to play.  I really wish there would be a wider market for space sim games on consoles.  Done right, they can truly be a wonderful experience and a lot of fun.  Maybe Star Trek Online will pan out.  Hopefully maybe.