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Introducing Off Target Podcast

Hello All,

To Be Fair, The Kids Are Sorta Cute
To Be Fair, The Kids Are Sorta Cute

My name is Mike Amari and it has been some time since i have been active on these forums. The birth of a second child, the purchase of a house and working 7 days a week tends to have that effect on one's ability to spend time on internet message boards.

I have been an active user since the Whiskey Media days and have always enjoyed everything about the Giant Bomb community.

So earlier this year, along with three buddies who i worked with part time at an archery range, I decided I wanted to try my hand at creating a podcast.

I'd like to intruduce the Giant Bomb community to Off Target.

Off Target Official Website

It's a weekly podcast that looks at pop culture outside of the normal hype cycle. As we are just normal joe schmoes we do not have advanced access, developer interviews or even a steady place to record. What we

Pictured: Our First Recording Studio
Pictured: Our First Recording Studio

all have, though, is a love for media in all it's forms.

So each week we get together, catch up on what we've been playing, watching, listening to, or reading for the week and then move into a main topic. Each week the main topic centers around a concrete idea ("The Post Apocalypse" "Best fictional archers" "Guilty Pleasures") and then we get hilariously off topic just about every time.

We sometimes can't get together for a recording, in which case I do a mini episode. These are usually shorter and consist of me talking about a single movie or game (or book) with some music cut in.

To top it all off, each month we do one episode as a Movie Club episode, where everyone watches the same movie and we do a super deep spoiler filled dive on that movie. These movies and games are sometimes decades old, but each one is worth revisiting.

I would love to hear feedback form the GB community. I'm going to embed a few episodes and include links to our website and itunes page, just in case you feel the need to subscribe!

Thanks for your time and please let me know what you guys think!

official website


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