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Waluigi is the Mario character I like at this point.

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

I was really young, but Event Horizon also did scare the shit out of me as well.

The Shining is easily the best horror movie I think and also scared me a lot at a young age. We lived in a large house and I would get so scared in bathrooms when it was late, thinking about the lady being in the tub. I still enjoy it so much but not for scaring me. Just a fantastic film.

Also, laughing about the idea of Dan having decoy version of every one of his possessions.

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

@oldirtybearon: Yeah I think the attention span thing is valid. Which is what it is. I think MGSV for example is a huge game but it actually very much lends itself to being picked up and put down, which works for them (and yeah, it's a shooter). The attention to detail in W3 is amazing, to me only rivaled by Rockstar with Red Dead and GTA V but then in addition they made a full fledged RPG in that open world.

That's why the game is so impressive to me. It basically works in both the open world lane and the RPG lane without sacrificing much of anything, which didn't seem possible. I think maybe some people are dropping out at some point once it actually becomes an RPG and you have to finish it. I was so riveted until the end that I couldn't put it down.

@ethanielrain said:
@artisanbreads said:

@neocalypso: It's just so much negative talk on the game from the one game site I invest in has become a bummer.

As a big Dragon Age fan, I hear ya. RPG's in general haven't gotten much love here since around the time Dave left; an RPG-guy is the one "personality" I wish they'd hire in, but can't see it happening anytime soon.

Yeah probably not. Like I said before, I know Austin likes RPGs. Maybe he could do some kind of feature or video series? I would like that.

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

Rorie: "Me and my girlfriend are going as Rick and Morty for Halloween"

Brad: "I'll take your word for it"

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@neocalypso: I mean to each their own I guess. I think the combat in the game is maybe the best in any RPG I've played. I can see if people don't like it as much as I do, but I just cant' see where it's bad at all. And the open world is so good it's lot so fun to move around, to me. The writing is so good I don't see how anyone can stop seeing the story to the end.

I mean whatever. It doesn't bother me if a person doesn't like a game. It's cool if you don't. It's just so much negative talk on the game from the one game site I invest in has become a bummer.

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

@qrdl: Game wise I get where you are coming from. None of them have any interest or patience for any RPG that is not all about loot or is a shooter that's for sure.

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

Listening to them talking about the Witcher 3 continues to bum me the fuck out. I don't need people to feel the same way I do, but man, it'd be nice to have them have one RPG guy on the site. Not even having Vinny to talk about Witcher 3 is just a bad turn.

Just all the other games they like instead... I don't get it! Destiny and Marvel Heroes!

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@amyggen said:
@heatdrive88 said:

I'm not saying Encyclopedia Bombastica is supposed to be some ultimate dissection and layered-approach to understanding what a video game is and the interests behind it, but holy fuck.

Playing Quackshot hour, and then the only thing mentioned about the game itself is "I don't know why people are into Disney because I never got into Disney things, but this game was cool when I played it when I was younger, and this stuff is cool because I was too young to know better from other games". That's sort of really ridiculous.

I mean, show don't tell can apply here. No EB has been about the history of the game or whatever, but someone who has a lot of history with a game playing it at a decent level. I'm not sure what kind of information you think is missing here, it seemed pretty clear to me how the game is structured, how it plays and what makes it kinda unique for its time (few games did that kind of "open" world back then).

Seriously. What do they need to go through the credits? Break down the development? The point is pretty much just showing the game off.

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Dan and Jeff have become a great silly combo. They are really funny playing off of each other.

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Edited By ArtisanBreads

The only thing I remember from a local fun house is a painted calendar in one area with a naked cartoon lady on it with a huge bush.

@abcfsk said:

The Donald comics are hugely loved in Europe. Carl Barks set it off, Don Rosa took it further. Don Rosa is an actual superstar in several European countries, genuinely the most famous comic book artist/author of any genre. For good reason - he's done amazing stories. Witty, gritty, full of detail and life and even historical context. Highlight probably being the epic saga "The Life & Times of Scrooge McDuck". You can buy his Duck works in chronological order from Fantagraphics' new collections The Don Rosa Library.

The Carl Barks comics are fantastic. Took a comics class in college where we looked at them and I loved them. I wish I had come across them as a kid but even as an adult they are really fun.

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Edited By ArtisanBreads
@johnymyko said:
@artisanbreads said:

The Village is not a shitty movie!

I'm sorry to break it to you this way but it's widely known that, besides The 6th Sense and Unbreakable, every M. Night Shyamalan movie is shitty.

Thanks. I've been living in a cave with snappy high speed internet since its release.