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Beaten in 2013

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  • Shooooort, but a decent amount of fun. I really enjoyed the first game, but I liked the more outlandish style in the sequel. Not terribly challenging, I'm afraid--I basically used demon arm slashes for 90% of the game and only died once, when I took a wrong turn and got killed by fire in a burning building.

  • A few nice jump scares and some great looking Hell levels really helped me power through this one. I think it's showing its age.

  • Blazed through it, got the good ending (kind of a letdown, and I hear the bad ending's even worse). I think I abused the blink power a bit much, as I managed to bypass huge swaths of levels full of those giant walking machines. Can't quite decide if that's a good thing or bad thing.

  • Continuing the trend of blitzing a game in about a week. I might actually revisit this one, partly since the collectibles (minus the GPS caches) are actually really intriguing. I was a bit disappointed with the supernatural stuff at the end, kinda killed the whole vibe of the game for me.

  • Most enjoyable game I've played all year. Great sense of humor.