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30 Days of Gaming : Day 8

Sorry for the breather I took yesterday. Guess I'll leave myself a day of "not doing anything on the internet". It did good. 

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I've been wanting to do something like this for a while. I'll keep it shorter than I would normally because I'm quite sleepy. So let's kick it off by saying something I feel to be completely factual in every imaginable way: 
The Shatter soundtrack is the best video game OST I've ever listened to. More so than the FF7 soundtrack, more so than Chrono Cross or Zelda or Halo or Pac-Man or fuckin' anything you can possibly think of. Heck, even more so than Rez. Why? 
Because it's actual music. It's a 100% originally composed soundtrack that is so fucking great that you could give it to anyone and tell them "This is a music album." They would be so pleased from listening to it that they'd then ask you who this "Shatter" artist is and you'd be able to laugh upon your high-horse, knowing videogames are responsible. The thing I find myself going through when I listen to game soundtracks, either original or licensed, is nostalgia. Be it an old or new OST, you'll always listen to it and remember what level that song was from, what boss belonged to that theme or what inn played that music. That's not a bad thing, per se. It's just that it's never quite "right" after a set amount of time and no matter how great the OST is, you'll probably end up skipping the tracks in your playlist when they come on during a shuffle play.  
 The Shatter OST, though, is never like that to me. It's always fresh, it's always exciting and it's always so energetic and upbeat that it's impossible to not appreciate it on a level above the medium it debuted in. Soundtrack composer Jeremiah Ross (known as Module) concocted a collection of beats, riffs and synths so pleasurable to the ear that I literally cannot think of another soundtrack in the industry's history that even comes close to the full-album quality that the Shatter OST does. It's a perfect symphony of electronica, dance, old-school videogame tunes and rock. 
And that's not even to mention it's in-game cohesiveness with the action happening on-screen. The sound effects were all composed alongside the soundtrack to keep a synergistic feel throughout the whole experience, no matter the stage. Everything sounds like the most delicately orchestrated orgasm of electronic sounds.  
Go to and buy the soundtrack. You're a complete and absolute imbecile if you miss out on it. And if you don't like electronic music, then just give it a quick listen. It's got enough videogame shine to it that you might just nick a liking to it. ;D  

Days of Gaming Recap!

Feb 13th, 2011 - Day 1: Your Very First Videogame
Feb 14th, 2011 - Day 2: Your Favorite Character 
Feb 15th, 2011 - Day 3: A Game That Is Underrated   
Feb 16th, 2011 - Day 4: Your Guilty-Pleasure Game     
Feb 17th, 2011 - Day 5: Game Character You Wish You Were  
Feb 18th, 2011 - Day 6: Most Annoying Character
Feb 19th, 2011 - Day 7: Favorite Game Couple  

See you, once again, tomorrow!