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Forza Motorsport 3 Ultimate Collection?

Warning: The following post is OPINION; take it for what you will. It is not designed as a troll post, merely as my take on this issue. Any apparent fanboy-ism can be attributed to the current emotional state of the writer. I have tried to keep things as objective as possible. To ensure that this policy is kept, I will not be posting any comments or replies to responses.


Back when I bought my Xbox 360, my favorite series ever was Gran Turismo. Scarred by the history that I had with my PS2, spontaneously smoking itself into oblivion, I decided to give Forza 2 a shot. It was divine as compared with GT3, physically and graphically. I loved it to bits, and it is my most played 360 game of all time.

Forza 3 modified and (to be honest,) ruined the brilliant formula presented in Forza 2. Now they rub salt int the wound by making us rebuy the entire game for the SLS, LFA and CCX, along with some other XBL pittances? I have no idea how they can do this without fixing the problems within the game right now. While I understand that this is largely to try and recruit as many Forza Faithful (indifferent of Top Gear affiliation) before the release of GT5, the presence of such glaring bugs within the game (broken interior dashboards, car/data disappearances, paint lighting issues, lack of drift smoke, rare graphical glitches) strongly has put myself and many others on their forums at odds with Turn10. My hope is that GT5 doesn't suffer from the same problems.

My history with Forza 3 is as follows: After the brilliance that was Forza 2, I pre-ordered and paid for the LCE. I bought the two car packs that actually interested me and then a couple of the others that went on sale as DotW. 920/1000 on the game. Then, the game steals all of my auctions and DLC cars from me one day in some freak occurrence and neither T10 nor MS could do anything about it. I lost millions as a result, losing over 10 million credits in LMP1 cars alone, not to mention my designs and storefront; everything was gone except my Season Play/Event List progress [read: I cannot get the tournament win bonuses anymore, which essentially double tournament earnings], and most non-DLC/Disc2 cars. That equated to a good 15 or so driving hours wasted, at least. This sick joke has gone on for long enough. 

I was planning to get rid of my Xbox thanks to the recent bump-up in Live and my subscription expires next March, coupled with the use of my Xbox solely for weekend MW2 with my friends and Forza 3 on occasion. This seals the deal. 

Peace, Microsoft. It's been good, from Forza 2 to MW2. You guys have just made one too many mistakes for my patronage. 

tl;dr is: Buggy Forza 3 makes me rebuy game for more $ and little more (but really desirable) content + Live fee hike => Goodbye Xbox.