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GB Community, sell me on the PS3.

 I am reopening this thread thanks to GT5's release and a few changes in scenario. Bold indicates changes since September 1, 2010. 
I have quite a few qualms about getting a new system at this point in the 7G's life. 
Here's my situation, in a nutshell: 
  1. My Live will be up at around July of next year.
  2. I am extremely frustrated with the complete butchering of the Forza Motorsport franchise with its latest installment, but GT5 has not displayed terrific promise as of late.
  3. The only game that I play now on X360 is Modern Warfare 2, and my usual crew is now preoccupied and rarely can get together to play anymore, and I don't want to drop money on Black Ops until I have decided.
  4. My two favorite games on X360 besides Forza Motorsport 2 and MW2 are Tales of Vesperia (which lacks an English PS3 release) and Final Fantasy XIII, both of which are available for PS3.
  5. The primary reasons that I am considering the PS3 for at the moment is Gran Turismo 5 and the next Persona.
  6. I do not use any of Live's bonus features (i.e. Netflix,, ESPN, Zune, whatever).
  7. My friends are heavily skewed towards X360, but a few are on PS3.
  8. I have no Blu-Rays.
  9. I have a quality gaming rig whose only obsolete component is a NVidia GTX260 896MB. This is what's going to be my main console in the future, so 7G may be my last console (unless a new Persona comes out).
My issues, however, are the following: 
  1.  I have just recently replaced my X360 launch console with a X360S (a week after its launch).
  2. I have a mediocre stack of X360 games, worth $600 and 4 XBL arcade games. I will not be selling my 2 LEs, FM3 and MW2, even though I will have no system to play them on.
  3. I have 2240 MS Points currently on my account and have just realised that I can use them to buy games through Games For Windows Live.
  4. I will be keeping my Gamertag for GFWL-enabled games, so in the event that I do get the next-gen Xbox or whatever, I will still theoretically keep my Arcade games and MSP.
  5. There is no more PS2 support on the slim (dang, I wanted to play SSX3 and Persona 4 again!)
  6. I currently have borrowed a copy of GT5 and a PS3 from a friend, and I'm finding that GT5 is very flawed in all respects short of anything related to driving physics itself, everything about the Premium Cars and trackside graphics. I am thoroughly unimpressed with Standard Cars (except how they look in photomode), loading times, challenges [licence tests, specials] and boneheaded AI.
  7. What is the probability that Persona 5 is exclusive to PS3? Or will they go dual-plat like FF13 and DMC?
I have a passion for simulation racing games, JRPGs and first person shooters, in that order (yeah, really unique, I know).  FF13 was the last game that I purchased for the console, on its launch day of March 9, 2010.  
Thus far, is my prospective purchases list. Please recommend more: 
  1. Gran Turismo 5
  2. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  3. Final Fantasy XIII
  4. Metal Gear Solid 4
  5. Uncharted 2 (maybe 1 as well)
  6. Dirt 3 (undecided PC or PS3)