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#12 Defender - Williams

Released Date: 1980

Original Platform: Arcade

Played On: MAME emulator

Objective: Protect the astronauts, defeat the aliens, and avoid being shot!

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How it Works: You control a ship in a scrolling 2D world. The ship is capable of moving vertically and thrusting forward. There is also a reverse button that changes the horizontal direction of the ship. A map in placed at the top of the screen to indicate the position of you, the aliens, and the astronauts.

The alien crafts will fly around the level attempting to shoot you down (they come in various degrees of aggressiveness). If left unattended, the aliens will also pick up an astronaut and carry him to the top of the screen. You must rescue these astronauts by shooting the alien (but not the man!), catching them, and returning them safely to the ground. If all the astronauts are abducted, the ground explodes and many aggressive aliens turn all attention to hunting you down.

In addition to your ship's main laser, you are also equipped with 3 smart bombs and hyperjump. The bombs instantly destroy all aliens on the screen, with more are awarded at target scores. The hyperjump button warps your ship to a random spot on the map, but with little regard to aliens in the area.

Thoughts: If that sounds like a lot going on, that's because it is. Aliens don't have to be on-screen to abduct the astronauts, so while you're focusing on one area, you're losing in another! On top of that, you have to avoid behind shot or colliding with the aliens. And don't forget to catch the man or he will explode! Defender is very hard. I can't make it past the third round due to all the new, hard to hit, aggressive aliens that spawn. That being said, the challenge is fun because you always feel that you can do better the next playthrough. I recommend trying this one out.

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