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#669 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Capcom

Release Date: 2005

Original Platform: DS

Played On: Wii

Objective: Defend your clients in court while uncovering the real perpetrator of the crime.

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How it Works: Gameplay in Phoenix Wright is divided into two sections: courtroom and investigation. In court, witnesses provide testimony that contradicts evidence in some way. You must identify the false statement and show which piece of evidence proves it. Chunks of testimony are given at a time and you have the option to either show evidence or "press" for more information.

Outside of court, you undertake point-and-click investigations. Several different one or two screen areas can be visited through a "move" function. In each area, you must either investigate clues by clicking on them or you can talk to people by selecting a dialogue box. In the final case, there is also the opportunity to use various forensic tools that make use of the DS touch pad and microphone.

Thoughts: Despite being essentially a visual novel, all the Phoenix Wright games are among my favourites. This is due entirely to the courtroom sequences, which use awesome music and fast paced editing to create excitement. I admit that these are more or less a guilty pleasure and are not for everybody. Also, the investigation sequences are very tedious as there is a lot of moving around trying to find one clue or dialogue option that you missed.

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