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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

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  • What can I say, more flashy over-the-top ridiculousness that plays like a dream, satisfying enough even if you go the button mashing route. Platinum knows how to make 'em!

  • This game is somehow way more special than the sum of its parts. I was sort of blown away by how much I enjoyed it, despite not caring about Lord of the Rings at all.

  • This is a love letter to so many bygone video games, all while making it play as well as you remember those old games playing (even though they probably don't).

  • Just an amazing playing side-scrolling platformer, with a good amount of challenge.

  • One of the funniest games I've ever played, and (finally) an amazing South Park game, to boot.

  • This would be my most surprising game of the year. Way better than any Nazi-blasting game deserves to be. Apparently having interesting characters and writing goes a lot way (plus the shooting feels great).

  • Some of my favorite game mechanics I've ever seen are in this game; it's more of a thinking man's game than it seems at first glance. Plus, it is irreverent, silly, and just a ton of fun, all while looking great.

  • This is still the most fun you can have playing a game with others in the same room.

  • I'll never see everything there is to see in this game, but hey, I'll keep trying, run after run after run...

  • I know this is a bad game, but I got hopelessly addicted to it for a bit. Sorry!