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Games I Finished in 2021, pt 2

I don't understand how I keep finishing more than 100 games per year, but sure.

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  • Have finally played this after all these years. Now I understand the claim of "monster closets" in this game, it happens like a thousand times. It' okay game.

  • Good one of these games!

  • This game really captures the experience that it is aiming for - very evocative of the moving process. Really pleasant game, enjoyed it quite a bit.

  • Not a bad little adventure game, I did like the narrative turn it takes around halfway through.

  • I resonated fairly well with what this game was trying to convey. Has a nice art style, and enjoyed the platforming, exploring, and boating.

  • I don't know if it was my low expectations, or this game not being on my radar, but I picked it up cheap over Black Friday and really, really enjoyed it! I don't have that much love for Marvel stuff, the MCU, etc., but these characters are fun on their own (and I had at least seen the 2 films). The writing is really great (and there's a lot of it, everyone is constantly talking!) and I found parts of the narrative surprisingly affecting.

  • This is an okay, silly little party game sort of in the Overcooked! vein, but involves valet-ing cars around. Not as much cooperation needed in this game though.

  • The "two worlds at once" concept in this is intriguing on paper, but I felt like the game never does enough with it. I found this game boring a lot of the time, I just felt like I was going through the motions of playing it.

  • I quite enjoyed this one! The characters are enjoyable, the writing is very funny, and the dodgeball mechanics had enough depth to support an entire game. I was expecting the gameplay to be a little simple, but the game is actually quite challenging at times, and the RPG-lite mechanics add an additional layer that is appreciated.