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On its third anniversary PlayStation 5 is a massive success, but are there cracks showing?

Three years into its lifespan you can actually get a PS5 in a store, like a normal consumer good, and with a free game bundled to boot (at least while they clear out the old stock.)

The thing that will always stand out to me about the PS5 is the process of obtaining one. I checked Wario64’s Twitter feed for months, making probably two dozen attempts to grab one by any means necessary that did not involve a scalper. I ended up buying a bundle from Gamestop that, at least, included actually desirable games (Demon’s Souls and Miles Morales) and not shovelware. When the console finally arrived it felt almost like getting a system for my birthday as a kid, including it arriving with a fantastic free pack in platformer that delighted me. Maybe the last time a game console will feel special for me.

The PS5 has continued to sell incredibly well throughout its lifespan, breaking records despite a chip shortage that constrained supply. It has shifted a lot of software too, with the recent Spider-Man 2 game being the fastest selling title in Sony’s first party history. Despite being incredibly ugly and bigger than an original Xbox the PS5 is an unqualified success so far.

The PS5 looks marginally less horrible in colors.
The PS5 looks marginally less horrible in colors.

And yet it has not been without its missteps. PSVR2 seems to have landed with a wet thud, and while it is still getting third party support Sony does not seem to have anything in the pipeline for it, though I’m sure some VR modes will be added to games that can handle it, like they did for Gran Turismo 7. The PlayStation Portal is a baffling, though I guess It may appeal to Japanese sensibilities. PlayStation doesn’t seem to have a lot of big announced game on the horizon, and it recently announced the delay of a suite of live service projects that, frankly, were a bad idea when announced (why would a company split its audience among 10 different live service titles, each of which is very demanding of player time and competing with existing games?) and seem worse now, when the market has turned against most live service offerings.

The new PlayStation 5 slim reduces the console’s size while dutifully maintaining its hideous aesthetics, but its detachable disc drive comes with a few issues, including requirements that it be registered online to function. PlayStation Plus’s price went up while its value proposition has arguably gotten shakier, with the monthly games arguably degrading in quality and the higher tiers seeming more and more disappointing. Sony’s shuttering of Japan Studios shows that it has lost interest in the quirkier and smaller projects it used to excel at, putting all its eggs in the blockbuster game basket, and relying on third parties to provide the smaller experiences in between hue Naughty Dog and Insomniac projects.

Is this the return of arrogant Sony, the company that flubbed the transition to the PlayStation 3 with ludicrous prices and inferior system software and games, before recovering in the back half of the generation?

Probably not, but it does seem like Sony is getting complacent. Its business is booming. Its games are hot. Its biggest direct peer in Xbox is floundering. Sony clearly feels like this is a time to profit on its market lead and not worry too much about competition that can’t really compete.

On the other hand, while Nintendo Switch is nearing the end of its lifespan and is hopelessly outclassed in terms of graphical power, the Switch 2 seem to be around the corner and that might change. Steam is also gathering…well, steam….with its Steamdeck devices, and there are rumors they might launch a home “console” type PC device that draws on Steams vast library and much lower prices than console makers have. None of these threats seem immediate but Sony’s position is not invincible and there is a history of periods of dominance being followed by humbling missteps in the console space.

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Nonetheless the smart money is on Sony continuing to cruise as the firm market leader in the traditional console space. Its expansion into the PC market has provided a fresh revenue stream and its games are incredibly popular. At this point the PS5’s install base is already so big that it will be very hard for anyone other than Nintendo to catch it in the near future, and Nintendo seems to be pursuing a portable first strategy that makes its systems somewhat different beasts.

For all its flaws and everyone’s complaints the truth is that Sony has given gamers what they want and is reaping the benefits. It’s Sony’s game to lose right now and so far they are winning. We’ll see how the next few years play out but I wouldn’t bet against them.



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Edited By AV_Gamer

Nice summary about the current state of PS5. Besides the Dual Sense controller being a disappointment in many ways, mainly its problem with stick drift for what is supposed to be such an advanced controller, the PS5 has overall has been doing everything right. They even had to make and release a premium version of the controller which allows you to change analog sticks. Also the lack a third party developers fully using what the Dual Sense can do is also a shame. It seems like you can only experience this by playing Sony's first party games.

I personally do think Sony is once again falling into the hubris mindset and thinking they can just do anything without worrying about any backlash, because they have the best exclusives in their minds. But this is the case of many companies or corporations when they feel they don't have any competition and have something they know the people want. They start to take their success for granted and make moves that eventually causes them to act like a monopoly. This is why competition is always a good thing, and it's a shame Microsoft keeps shooting themselves in the foot and can't keep up. It only benefits the consumer. Hopefully, Nintendo really goes for it with the Switch 2, at least enough where they can compete with the PS5 at least until the PS6 comes out.

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Edited By ThePanzini

@av_gamer: I personally do think Sony is once again falling into the hubris mindset and thinking they can just do anything without worrying about any backlash, because they have the best exclusives in their minds.

Given how aggressive they've been in expanding their market share I'd say their actions show otherwise, the Switch hasn't slowed PS5 and the Switch 2 will release in what would be Sony's peak year. One will be rising while the other is naturally falling.

The biggest criticism I'd have with Sony is their more business like, they talk a lot less, have fewer projects that don't push the needle.

Shuhei Yoshida: Only Four Out of Ten PlayStation Games Make Money, but Sony Will Always Support Talent.

Shuhei Yoshida is the old side of Sony we're not seeing, the games that don't make money have pretty much gone.

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the games that don't make money have pretty much gone.

Don't worry, they're going to make a roaring comeback with this live service initiative, if the results of other live service games are any predictor.

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while the criticisms of Sony/PS5 are both myriad and justified (locking down saves, missed DualSense opportunities, increasing expense, homogenous storytelling)- i gotta say, taken just as a box that spits out the Modern Video Game- i'm pretty satisfied.

granted the purchasing process was more involved than it should have been (bought directly through Sony via their invite system)- and everyone's mileage will vary on Sony 1st party- but taken as a $500 entry point to contemporary games, i really don't have much to criticize.

i've been due for a PC rebuild for years- and compared to the volatility and ever-increasing expense of the GPU market- there's no question that i'm personally getting the value out of the $500. and you could just as easily say the same for the Series X (which i'd likely already own if there was a system-seller that spoke to my taste). case and point- i got to play a very decent version of Baldur's Gate 3 for a fraction of what it would cost me in equivalent PC hardware.

and for the record, i enjoy the ridiculous shape. it feels like a sibling to the N64, or a concept car that was never supposed to go into production but WHOOPS- it's sold millions.

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while the criticisms of Sony/PS5 are both myriad and justified (locking down saves, missed DualSense opportunities, increasing expense, homogenous storytelling)- i gotta say, taken just as a box that spits out the Modern Video Game- i'm pretty satisfied.

granted the purchasing process was more involved than it should have been (bought directly through Sony via their invite system)- and everyone's mileage will vary on Sony 1st party- but taken as a $500 entry point to contemporary games, i really don't have much to criticize.

i've been due for a PC rebuild for years- and compared to the volatility and ever-increasing expense of the GPU market- there's no question that i'm personally getting the value out of the $500. and you could just as easily say the same for the Series X (which i'd likely already own if there was a system-seller that spoke to my taste). case and point- i got to play a very decent version of Baldur's Gate 3 for a fraction of what it would cost me in equivalent PC hardware.

and for the record, i enjoy the ridiculous shape. it feels like a sibling to the N64, or a concept car that was never supposed to go into production but WHOOPS- it's sold millions.

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Edited By mellotronrules
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@mellotronrules: I can kind of forgive the original PS5 design despite it being ludicrously oversized to the point where some people can't fit it in their entertainment unit, and pretty much impossible to fit into a lot of decors.

But the new slim model requires a $30 stand purchased separately to be used vertically, and I think that's greedy and inexcusable.

Call the Xbox Series X a boring black mini fridge all you want (for the record I think it's decent looking and I think the Series S is downright pretty) but as a device that fits conveniently into the lives of people who want a game console not a massive weirdo futuristic art piece I think there's no competition.

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Edited By mellotronrules

@bigsocrates: fair enough! there's no accounting for taste (aesthetics or otherwise), and the PS5 certainly is a console that yells LOOK AT THE BIG WEIRDO I AM. in my case, i leaned into it and slapped those flaming pink panels on it- but i certainly understand the critiques.

that $30 stand is preposterous though- people love to compare Nintendo to Apple, but that's 100% Sony taking a page out of the world's favorite accessory merchant.

and agreed on the Series S- i think that's my favorite of the lot right now (specifically the black grille on white case; i think the all-black is just another boring box).

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Edited By Ben_H
@av_gamer said:

Nice summary about the current state of PS5. Besides the Dual Sense controller being a disappointment in many ways, mainly its problem with stick drift for what is supposed to be such an advanced controller, the PS5 has overall has been doing everything right. They even had to make and release a premium version of the controller which allows you to change analog sticks. Also the lack a third party developers fully using what the Dual Sense can do is also a shame. It seems like you can only experience this by playing Sony's first party games.

The DualSense continuing to have stick drift issues is inexcusable given that it is completely unrepairable and thus becomes e-waste once the sticks go. At the very least they should provide universal settings for adjusting dead zones to extend the lives of the sticks at least a bit. Yes, some specific games let you tweak dead zones, but there's not a universal fix like there could be.

Case in point: I have two DualShock 4s with stick drift. When used with my PS4 they are essentially unusable now because of how much they drift in many games. Using software on PC though, I set up profiles for both controllers to adjust the dead zones on them and now both controllers are totally usable on PC and the sticks don't feel any different than they did before since it only required a few percentage points larger of a dead zone to fix them entirely. It seems like such a waste that they can't be used with PlayStations anymore because both controllers are otherwise in good condition and function just fine.

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Edited By GTxForza

In my opinion, it's an okay console but I still much prefer the PS3 and PS4 when it comes to the console exterior design. Yeah, I still personally prefer the PC, Xbox Series X, and PS5 more than Nintendo Switch when it comes to the library of racing games (Regardless of their party, and doesn't matter if they're multiplats or not), having proper force-feedback support on 3rd party Sim Racing peripherals, console exterior design and hardware.

Edit: I prefer Sim Racing peripherals over controller pads when it comes to Sim Racing and Simcades, but for arcade-style car racing games, I would prefer a controller pad while I still do not care about combat/arcade-style kart racing games for every gaming platforms.

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Edited By spacemanspiff00

I think mid-2000's Sony is coming back in full force. They hiked up the price of the PS5 and PS Plus right before holiday season so the deals basically put you back at what full price was last year. Not only that, the Black Friday PS Plus sales only apply to new subs and upgrades. So if your like me and have Extra you can only get a discount to Premium, which I want nothing to do with, and would end up costing me the full price of Extra.

Luckily, maybe, since my current sub lapses in the middle of the sale (Nov 17-27) I'll get treated like a new sub and I can get Extra again at a discount. If not, both middle fingers up.

*Tin foil hats on* Sometimes I feel like Jim Ryan has been a scapegoat for Sony to make a bunch of controversial moves over the last few years, and they just used him as a face for it. They knew he would retire and now he just rides into the sunset while we are left with the current state of affairs. Ok hats off lol. I could believe it though.

Oh, I also can't wait to see how the portal does.

All in all though, I have enjoyed my PS5. Its been a decent upgrade to my old PC while I wait to build a new one. I've enjoyed the games I've played and PS Extra has added to that list.

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I've enjoyed it I still feel like the pandemic has taken the wind out of whatever efforts they had in mind. I'd gladly take some JapanStudio little efforts over the live service stuff. I want ideas, not a treadmill.

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Welp, either IGN or Sony got their wording mixed up or Sony changed their tune but the PS Plus discounts work for current subs. Just got 25% off a new Extra sub. So no middle fingers up. Still a little chapped that its a couple bucks more than full price was before the price hike. Good thing I got gift cards :P.

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@spacemanspiff00: that's a hot tip, thanks! i was able to re-up Extra for $100ish.

even with that price hike, 9 bucks or so a month for that library still feels well worth it for me (YMWV- i still have a lot of games to play).

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@spacemanspiff00: that's a hot tip, thanks! i was able to re-up Extra for $100ish.

even with that price hike, 9 bucks or so a month for that library still feels well worth it for me (YMWV- i still have a lot of games to play).

And you'll play 0.5% of them

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@sombre: well as a sum total of the catalogue, duh. but since i've had Extra i've played-

Returnal, Miles Morales, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, Deathloop, Chicory, Stray, Blood Dragon, SUPERHOT, FF7 Remake, Demon Souls Remake, Dead Cells, Tearaway, Back 4 Blood, Thomas Was Alone, Alienation, Kena Bridge of Spirits, and Inscryption.

i keep track to make sure i'm getting the value :)

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Edited By spacemanspiff00

I've got pretty solid value from Extra so far. Played a number of full games and got the DLC for Ghost of Sushi and FF7 Remake. Sony seemed to imply that the big price hike was to ensure more quality content. If the next year is at least as good as the last year has been, I'll be happy. Like Game Pass, if you can't find the value, personally, then stick with Essential. Though, I do think there should be a tier for folks that just want cloud saves.

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The way I see it everyone was shocked that video games were strong in the XBOX One and PS 4 era,. Likely the shock was because pundits of the industry were dead wrong about demand for consoles, video games and the strength of smartphones and Apple. Nevertheless, I think PS 5, Switch and Series X are doing fine - demand is there and the biggest disappointment really comes from the "executive side of the games' not the hardware.

What people would be prepared for is when the 'union bug' hits the video game development industry. Big business from autos, actors, nurses have seen strikes this year,; and it has shown what workers can do when organized. If you want to look forward to the next bump in the road it will be unionization...Or a second pandemic. Possibly we can watch how China's economy and social structures spinning down the toilets effects game development - we likely should view a game like Skull & Bones as a 'tofu dreg' project like a dam or a bridge that failed because anything made in China without oversight will be subjects to graft - thus likely to fail.

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I finally got a PS5 earlier this year around April and have been enjoying it mainly for every single PS4 game that I never bothered playing on my PS4. Worth it though mainly got it cause my PS4 of 8 years going on 9 was showing signs of breaking down. One thing I am hoping is I don't go through DualSense controllers like I did with the Dualshock 4 controllers. Only negative I have about Sony is Plus getting a increase across the tiers though doesn't really bother me as I don't play online as much now.

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PS5 is a great console, great games, great UI and functionality, really quick and performs well.

I dont enjoy the controller and for whatever reason I just find myself vastly preferring the Xbox while feeling quite strongly that the PS5 is the better console, atleast when it comes to games.

XSX/S just seems more comfortable for me, maybe its just because I was such a fan of the 360 and there is some nostalgia there to be found after being absent from the brand for the entirety of the PS4/Xbone generation.