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Sonic Unleashed DLC Reviews

(Thanks to Luchadeer eating the last one, I guess I have to re-write all of this...)

So after I basically got hired to write reviews for, I told you guys I'd give you a heads up for every review I wrote for them. I guess these count - I've been tasked with doing write-ups for the Sonic Unleashed DLC packs that have been coming out every two weeks. It started with me just doing text reviews for the Chun-nan Adventure Pack, but as of the Spagonia Adventure Pack and the released-just-this-morning Holoska Adventure Pack, I've been capturing video of all the levels released with the DLC to post simultaneously with my review. For as long as I can afford the 250 microsoft points to buy Sonic Unleashed DLC, I'll be posting reviews like this every two weeks, so be on the look out for that. For the sake of convenience, I will just embed the videos I did for the Holoska Adventure Pack:


I've also been re-posting some of my older reviews here. Even if you already read them back on Gamespot all those years ago, I've re-written most of them so in a way, it's sort of like reading a brand-new review all over again.