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Weekly Wiki Update - Saturday, July 5th 2014.

Got the old weekly wiki update up a tad late this week, but it is up. I am not about halfway through my crazy summer schedule so I look forward to being able to really dig back into the wiki soon. This week I also got a little side-tracked by playing through Wolfenstein: The New Order on the fourth.

This week I did do a little more than the last couple of weeks. I did the usual Steam Trading Card duty, but also found some empty pages that needed some information that I filled in.

Steam Trading Cards

I ended up not adding most of the Steam Trading Cards games until today (Saturday). I spent at least a couple of hours working through all the games that got cards added. The amount of games adding cards each week seems to be not slowing down any time soon. I am now adding 20+ games to the list of Trading Cards every week, with some weeks being even more.

One good thing to come out of this though is that I am regularly running into pages that have already been created but are completely barren of any kind of information. As always here is a list of games that I had to add:

So that is it for another week of updates for what I have been up to on the wiki. I am sorry for this pretty much being similar each week for the last few, but I should only have a few more to go before I can get back to setting real goals and having themes each week. I am not sure if anyone is even still really reading these, but I am going to keep on doing them. Without doing these I feel like with the long days I would fall behind on even working on the Steam Trading Cards.

As always, what have all of you been up to?