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I don't have too! HA HA!

I am only a recent adopter of the Playstation 3 console. These past few months have been gaming heaven, as I absolutely love the PS3 as I did the PS2 before it. I only own one game with trophy support now, Uncharted, and when I heard it was getting support soon, I put the game on hold. I've played a decent chunk of the game, but I still have a ways to go, and can now earn trophies as I do it. The only other PS3 games I have are MGS4, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and Soul Calibur IV, all of which probably won't get trophy support, but I can easily get into any time.



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Edited By BoG

I am only a recent adopter of the Playstation 3 console. These past few months have been gaming heaven, as I absolutely love the PS3 as I did the PS2 before it. I only own one game with trophy support now, Uncharted, and when I heard it was getting support soon, I put the game on hold. I've played a decent chunk of the game, but I still have a ways to go, and can now earn trophies as I do it. The only other PS3 games I have are MGS4, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and Soul Calibur IV, all of which probably won't get trophy support, but I can easily get into any time.