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Nothing upsets a mission to mow down the backlog like a Steam sale.

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Getting Outside of What's Comfortable.

Knights in the Nightmare is unlike any tactics game I've ever played.  And the more I play it, the more I wish games in general would take risks with breaking with convention.  Having to dodge bullets while giving your soldiers orders seems kind of arbitrary, but it's like throwing hot sauce on what would otherwise be an ordinary burger. 

I like hot sauce.   A lot.

I guess Atlus is ultimately responsible for bringing us Knights, and to me they're endearing themselves to gamers by porting games that would otherwise stay in Japan.  I've been playing the Chinese import of Demon's Souls for a bit, a fun if brutal game, and since Atlus is going to be bringing that to us shortly I'm going to put my copy on eBay tonight.  Not just because of localization or compatilbility with U.S. players when it comes to multi, but because I have this rare sense of wanting to truly give back to a company that seems to have their customers in mind, as opposed to stakeholders.  I guess for a company like Atlus, we should all be stakeholders in that we want them to continue to succeed.