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Games are my therapy while my career is on hold.

 What I've been playing is always the same games lately, but just one more added on.

Recently Yakuza 3 has jumped into the mix. I've Put FFXIII on hold, because I'm just burnt out by it, and I still try and find the time to sneak in a BC2 match.

 But, me and the Yakuza were on a break!!
 But, me and the Yakuza were on a break!!
Yakuza 3.. what can I say about you? I barely played you before. I touched base on the very first game and didn't even look at the second. Yet here I am, entranced by you, in the weirdest way.

I like it, I like wandering aimlessly finding as many sub-stories and keys then I can before I have to do nothing but go to the next chapter. If it one thing I will instantly like about video games is how much other things I can do for no reason. mini-games galore. Dates with pretty, and unfortunate looking women. It's currently at the top of my list of games I should finish before my attention goes elsewhere.

I do miss the way Kazuma used to look a hell of a lot like David Schwimmer.

Bad Company 2 is still my go to game, when I want to bust out some multiplayer, it's a lot coming from me, because I don't really enjoy FPS' at all. After doing two personal Feats of hitting rank 22, and my kills finally getting above my deaths, I've hit a groove that I do not want to loose. I'm actually yet to use the recon kit as I've been having a lot more fun going between Engineer and Medic. Plus, riding in the 2nd seat of the Helicopter, is more fun for me that it probably should be.

I do have a bit of a nagging complaint against Rush mode, seeing a team of defenders think it's a great idea to bomb the hell out of buildings that the M-COM stations are in, basically giving it to the attackers to destroy completely. But it depends on the people you play it with and thankfully it's not very often.

And I know I've said before that I've found my grove in Final Fantasy XIII where I'm comfortable playing it. But as long as it took for me to get there, I'm just burnt out. I could probably much rather go back to XII or Get around to beating Afrika like I've wanted to.

Oh well, thems the breaks.

Is anyone else out there rockin' the Yakuza 3? Do you think it's worthy enough for Sega to keep bringing out over here? In the off chance that if they do, they'll do it right?