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My Ghost is chair....

 I've been posting this a lot on screened, obviously due to the matter that it's a show but I figured I should blog about it here as well.. because, why not? Months ago, My roommate and I, started talking about shit we could do, to deal with the fact that the acting business is really just slow as fuck in Vancouver. I've been working on a pilot with a friend of mine, and loosing my mind, because it hasn't even gone anywhere (in the 1 and a half I've had it around :( )

So we talked about comic strips I used to do, and ways we could make it live action. and for some strange Reason, Ghost Chair was one of them we both loved the idea of doing. The show is about a crime fighting chair that is partially invisible, working for a government agency. within the month so far, I've just been writing, and he's been animating, and we've been doing a lot of screen tests. Below is probably our best example:

we hope to actually do a good job with it, we're keeping it short, 6 or 7 , 6 minute long episodes. really just for the sake of doing it. We could only see where it's going to go from there. We can't really take it too seriously because we have no budget. So if we just resort to short little things with it all the time then that's just as fine too. and I guess, if you like it enough, please feel free to check out the rest of it, or even go as far as subscribing. And it return we'll just... um... keep it up!