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#1  Edited By BR4DL3I9H

To be honest, although trade sites are a good option for many people, the reasoni am get rid of the games and dvds is because i don't have the space for them. I mean if i didn't need to get rid of them then i would definitely keep them. I am going to wait a week with some items listed on Amazon marketplace and Playtrade and  see which is the better of the two. I am done with e-bay, i always hated how greedy they were in the first place, but forcing people to offer p&p is beyond ridiculous, and it totally unreasonable for people like me, who sell occasionally, as the only way that people charging 99p for a dvd are making money is through selling large numbers of the same dvds.

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#2  Edited By BR4DL3I9H

That does sound good. Can you send CEX the items trough the post or does it have to be in a store? I don't think there is one near me, and i would rather do it through the post anyway.

E-bay have put in a new policy where by you have to offer free p&p for dvds, but they are soon to implementing it in other categories. Their idea is that people will have to offer higher prices to compensate and then e-bay can charge more fees for the extra you have to charge. The reality is that people are still charging 99p for a dvd, and after p&p, insert fee, final value fee, paypal fees etc, you end up actually paying someone else for your dvds. Totally not worth it, unless you are selling something for a hell of alot more.

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#3  Edited By BR4DL3I9H

Thanks, The_A_Drain, i will give them a look and see what i can get for my games. I am currently selling some dvds as well, so i think i might just use playtrade or amazon marketplace for those, especially as you have to offer free p&p with ebay now and it isn;t worth it for a 99p dvd sale.

$130 for FF7!! That's a lot. The most i have seen it go for on ebya in the UK is about the £40 mark. I hope i can get a decent amount for it, because i love that game and it is one of the launch versions and not like one of the platinum version i see so much of.

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#4  Edited By BR4DL3I9H

Where do people generally sell their old games? I am curious because i am trying to get rid of some of my old games ( Just not enough room -- sadly) and i have found about 4 viable online options here in the UK. Trade in isn't even worth considering, especially since a friend of mine was offered £1 for final fantasy 7 and you can get about £15 easy on e-bay.

So what routes do other people do when getting rid of old games? I hate getting rid of some of them to be honest, but it has to be done.

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#5  Edited By BR4DL3I9H

What about overlord? It was quite entertaining being evil in that game, but there again it was really a choice between the degree of evil you wanted to be, rather than good verses evil. I am going to have to say Knights of the Old republic for choices.

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#6  Edited By BR4DL3I9H

I definitely read user reviews, but before i start reading a review i take note of the review as a whole. I will not read a review that is just 100 words. I will not read a review that it a wall of text. I will not read a review that has "omg, rofl" etc. 

However, I do think that user reviews add a lot to whether or not i will buy a game, especially if it is a game that has been out for more than 6 months. I find that with newer released game i tend not to read user reviews as much, simply because there is so much information being pumped out on the game that i feel that i have made up my mind just off 1 or 2 site reviews, which usually are out way before any user review.

I do take the take the time to read a review if it is clear that a person has spent a lot of time writing it, and it is to a good standard.

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#7  Edited By BR4DL3I9H

I have never been to E3, but i have to admit that i like the idea of E3 much better than the reality; let loose in a huge stadium like structure and allowed to play all the upcoming games before most of the world, versus standing in the same line for 6 hours to play 1 game. I think i will stick to being an armchair E3 viewer, thanks. Although, i would like to go to at least one game show exhibition before i die.

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#8  Edited By BR4DL3I9H

You know when the viral marketing is done right when people actually take note of it, and when people try to phone the company and look for their location on google maps, well that is when it's done very right!

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#9  Edited By BR4DL3I9H

I love how the on screen reticle is a muscle bound man.

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#10  Edited By BR4DL3I9H

With a bit of luck this game will be Fabulous.