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First blog after getting the PS3...

...Creative title, I know. But it's only 9AM here, and I've already been up for over three hours (various reasons), so sue me. :-P

So yes, the PS3. I've been giving the thing quite the workout. Have tried out a little bit of everything, in terms of what the PS3 has to offer: created a character in Home and won a few games of pool, downloaded some themes (my current them is Flower), played about a dozen hours of Need for Speed: Undercover (even though the game is of questionable quality), and downloaded both Zuma (I have 8 out of 10 trophies) and Flower (I have 12 out of 14 trophies) from the Playstation Store (reviews for all three games can be found at the end of this blog). Flower in particular deserves every bit of praise that it has received, and will probably make it onto my Top Ten list at the end of the year (if I actually decide to do one this year), regardless of the fact that we haven't even made it out of winter. I've also played a bit of Vampire Rain: Altered Species, which is like MGS with vampires, only nowhere near as good.

I also downloaded a bunch of demos, including Bioshock and Mirror's Edge. While I am willing to play any game once, no matter what others may say about it, any game with a first person perspective normally ranks somewhere VERY low on my list of "wants." Imagine my surprise then, when I made my way through the Bioshock demo and had the time of my life. Furthermore, I had just as much fun with the Mirror's Edge demo.

Other than the PS3, I've been busy working on my backlog of games for the Wii and DS, including Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers, which, in my very humble opinion, is so bizarre and absurd that it totally works.