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Things I learned over the weekend - Monday, 13 September 2010

I seem to get to the end of every weekend and think I'm a little bit wiser than I was two days earlier. Yes, this even includes the weekends where I drink everything in sight and end up asleep in a shower for 3 hours before my previously-sleeping girlfriend realises what's happening, gets out of bed and has to mop the ceiling because I forgot to turn the bathroom fan on before I collapsed. With this in mind, I intend to start of a series of blogs that impart my cache of newfound knowledge, if only to keep my blog ticking over between the times where I vomit up pages of opinion on some game that nobody cares about. So without much more ado, I present the inaugural "Things I learned over the weekend" blog for Monday, 13 September 2010.

Cyborg Justice isn't as bad a game as Video_Game_King would have you believe...

...but it's certainly not as entertaining as I remember it either. I finished it pretty quickly last night on Easy when I got home, and I achieved that through using a couple of devastating moves. Pulling off the moves in this game is a lot more like playing a one-on-one fighter than a regular brawler, so there's pretty interesting depth there. But a lot of the other perceived depth in Cyborg Justice ultimately turns out to be perfunctory window-dressing. Also, the bosses can be cheap as hell, performing a manoeuvre that removes any and all remaining lives you may have, causing you to start the whole level again.

Invisible lions can really fuck you up if you're not expecting them.

I've already mentioned elsewhere that I've finally understood how to play Oblivion (thanks to Fallout 3) and so the wee hours of my mornings have been spent holding sleep at arm's length, as I explore "just one more dungeon." Last night, as I went to complete a quest to help an invisible man not be so invisible anymore, I was attacked by what sounded like an invisible lion. Unlike the invisible wolf I'd just seen off a couple of minutes prior, the invisible lion was a mean mofo and my health went south faster than my reactions could counter. You know when you're suddenly killed in the face by the surly offspring of the Predator and Scar, it's time to call it a night. Well, morning. Whatever.

My girlfriend is never not funny when she talks in her sleep.

Nothing more to add here without really boring people, outside of the fact that some of the stuff she comes up while sleep-babbling is so bizarre and imaginative that I can't even comprehend. Honestly, who thinks of Robert de Castella when they're dreaming? The girl's mad, I tell you.