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#1  Edited By Bvb_Finn

Been a minute since I have gotten to take a look here since im struggle to move all my stuff to a new house, but I got to p;lay some last night and hotdamn!

Although im dissapointed with the expansion as a whole, some of the new weapons are so good. I got a new RL last night, the Classical 42. What a beast. I also got the Vex Themed it. Anwyay, I updated a little of the guide, but I havent had a chance to full update it yet. I also added a video of my and my fiance killing Protheon in under a minute, almost a phase 1 kill too. You can get off your entire RL reserve with the increased Hammer Strike Timer. Its silly lol

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So you would recommend the Fire Forged over the Siege Breaker? I've been playing as a Siege Breaker and haven't really messed with the Fire Forged, so would it take some adjustments to go the Fire Forged route?

I absolutely do recommend it.

It does take a few adjustments though. Mostly, you dont have any Health on Kill function anymore with Sol Invictus, which if you learned to me, its hard to adjust away from that.

With that said, your playstyle really determines which tree you want to us. Fire Forged is a more active, aggressive playstyle ...whereas Seige is more about sitting in a spot for 10 seconds at a time, refilling your abilities in order to move again type thing. I, personally, love to be mobile and as aggressive as I can. And Fire Forged enriches that type of gunplay quite effectively with giving you first, the most DPS enhancing buff in the game, every 24 seconds and second buff...a fireteam wide buff that tightens how the game plays. You get quickdraw on your weapons and get to reload them 30% faster...its hard not to like that. There's a learning curve to consistantly granting the buff to your allies, but its something you learn over time rather easily. I find that if you watch the radar a lot, or play PvP at times, its not much different.

I place a FireForged Sunbreaker into the Hybrid DPS Support class. They really are only as effective as the player, moreso than most other classes. Knowing when and where to use abilities is pretty key in how efficient you are a support character as well. Its just like being a healer or buffer in other MMO's, in that knowing when and where enemies are going to strike, will enhance how effective you are at your job.

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Something about Warframe I cant do. I enjoyed it on PC awhile, but I just couldnt do it on console.

My advice to most people is to wait for year 2, or even 3. Unless of course you just really want something to play, but I doubt its going to take you long before youre looking for something else. The only downside to waiting is you might miss out on certain raid hype. Like, it might be harder to find a raid group for the older raids, or lesser liked...whereas during the time of the raid being released, it would be really easy.

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I dont try and get hung up on things that could have been anymore, I just have fun with what I got. Sunbreaker's unique strengths are explained in the guide(as few as they are, they are pretty powerful for many reasons), but I agree that theyre not really user-friendly. A new player just wont be useful as a Sunbreaker. Appreciate the time and looks either way @pyrodactyl, thanks!

@madpierrot Complain away man. I mean, when we like something as much as Destiny, it sucks to see it go down a path of full resistance by the community. For me personally, I grew up on the F2P MMO boom that happened right before WoW so Destiny, even still with it all its problems, plays like a dream for me. Playing strikes with my fiance, making weaker players feel stronger is such a fun thing to do. Like, seeing or hearing someone beat a boss in 30seconds to a minute in this game is hilarious. They just dont know its possible. I have made quite a few friends this way, and hope to make a bunch more. If you ever get back into it, and wanna run some strikes or whatever, hmu, add me, whatever you want. Im always open to kick some boss butt, as fast as guardianly possible. Lol

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The Bugler got a newly updated subclass breakdown out so I updated that part of the guide, as well as added a 1 minute Brakion kill. We completely skipped 3 phases, got lucky and qued up with a CN GG. Brutally fun stuff.

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Thanks, and yeah...I dont really think an intro or guide is much use to a vet at this point ahahahah. As mentioned, I just made it mostly as awareness. Because right now, like you and even Datto says, they are looked at kinda mediocre but I feel like they are pretty essential to as I said, speed running content such as strikes. I guess maybe not essential because lets face it, 3 players using almost any class can probably speed run stuff, but to get the quickest time, 2 sunbreakers give 10 seconds of 50% damage. Team that up with a Nighthawk GG, or even a Striker with 2 Pulses, and you got yourself some serious damage going on. Basically, everyone gets their grenades and supers buffed 50% for 10 seconds, You can usually get off a few rockets within a group as well if you an ally with a quick super, like CN GG. But a Striker will have his entire super buffed, and both pulses...nearly the entire time if not the entire time. Its pretty cool.

2 Sunbreakers can also use barriers in tandem with each others Hammer Strikes, getting off nearly entire reserves of rockets in the 5 seconds given to do so. Basically, every 2 rockets gets a "free rocket" in damage...with Hammer Strike active, so if you get off 5 rockets, thats an additional 2.5 "free rocket damage" added on. Its a crap ton of damage in such a short amount of time. Again, pretty cool. You can really push the game, and its fun to see how quick you can take down these phase bosses.

Now I know normal strikes are looked at as mid game content but thats still alot of HP to burn through on those bosses. As a Sunbreaker you can have a Hammer Strike ready for each of these phases. It halves the times of these phases and sometimes, skipping them, as we have seen in things like Nightfalls with certain elemental burn buffs active but its still possible with normal strikes. You can take out Bracus in Arms dealer before he even starts down the ramps. Its fun as crap. But I guess I come from an older generation, lol. I was raised on Ragnarok Online and a lot of those miserable F2P MMORPGs from the past. We would just run dungeons as fast as possible, trying to beat our time on either the boss, or the entire dungeon itself. We could just party up and figure out the fastest possible ways of doing damage, and then try and just stomp the boss in. We always felt like there was something else we could do to help, and with each new expansion...we'd get new toys to play around with old content too. I took that into Destiny and along for Destiny 2. Its still really fun, and I get to do it with my fiance thats even better. Im pretty simple to keep happy with these games. Even in BL2 I would have much rather spent time in OP4-6 with slightly weaker builds but having way more fun doing it. I guess its similar here.

Anyway, I dont want to come off as im trying to prove sunbreaker is the best subclass or something. I just have put a lot of time into this subclass, and have kinda pushed it to its limits, atleast in terms of a premade group of 2 and not 3. We have doubled up on a lot of strikes, with a lot of different classes and subclasses and Sunbreaker atleast for now is still the quickest for us. I feel like the class really supports the group in ways other cant. Even in solo play, if you get que'd up with lesser skilled, or lesser geared players...its pretty dang nice to have Hammer Strike active so often. Hard not to defend an opinion you feel pretty strongly for I guess, considering I have qued up for what feels like thousands of strikes now, lol. Maybe I need to make a little disclaimer at the beginning of the intent this guide has. I assumed a lot of it was a "it goes without saying" type thing, but things have changed a lot since I last did a guide. I had started work on a Dawnblade, and was going to work on a Gunslinger as well mostly because I was asked too, but its I figure why not. Dawnblade is a little gimmicky, and if they had removed the cooldown on their Icurs Dash I would be all over that class. Or atleast let us dash twice, like Garrison. And I feel like the in-super dash shouldnt take energy, or as much as it does. But Dawnblade, upper tree with Nez's Sin is pretty dang fun when just roaming about, or doing strikes even. You can ge your grenade back in 5 mid air kills. I feel like Dawnblades Upper tree is why Grenade Launchers were made as well, hahaha. With Nezs Sin, and a 6 round GL, and the enemies around, you can get 2 nades in like a single clip. Its pretty wild. I found that out in a crazy fight with Grask(Lake of Shadows). I was getting a full grenade back in like 2 shots with my Berengers Memory?

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#7  Edited By Bvb_Finn

They increase team damage, as I said. They are essential to running most content quickly. No other class will give you what they can in that aspect. Its not a debate, its an actual fact, lol. Titan 50%, Warlock 30%, Hunter 35%.

I feel like I explained it rather well the first time, so I wont bother doing it all over again(not to mention you know, the guide and intro). As I said, I made this to bring attention to the Sunbreaker, not debate people about which subclass is best at certain aspects of the game.

I will touch on a few things you didnt mention the first time around though. First off, there's literally nothing in the game besides a Strike Boss, Heroic PE Boss, or a Raid Boss, that needs more damage output than what you can do with Hammer Strike. I still get 2-3 supers if I wanted to in a single strike, but its much more efficient to hold it and use your Grenades and Melee every 24 seconds. A teamwide Reload Speed/Handling Buff with near 100% upkeep for yourself, and over 50% upkeep for your team(in combat) is hard to say "meh" about. Thats excluding the fact you can heighten the damage output if your entire team, or any ally on the map, for 5 seconds, every 20 seconds. But I digress, I feel like I have said this stuff before, lol

Its also highly possible that the next Raid boss can be Hammer Struck, making Sunbreaker more pleasant to have around instead of, say a Striker. Thats just speculation, so i'll leave it at that. But In terms of Raid though, as I mentioned, its the least played content in Destiny 1 and 2, so I dont make guides based fully on that aspect, if at all really. This one is certainly not based on Raid content, at all.

Anyway, I went and tested a few things last night because our conversation, and will be updating the guide with some visual references to damage output, even against other classes, not just subclasses. I really wish Destiny had a "test dummy" to do these sorta things on because its just silly how long it takes to do this on strike bosses and even PE Bosses. I would say a week or so before I have it updated, but I will let the thread know when I do get it up. I think some people will be quite surprised. For instance, Hammer Strike + Hammer of Sol actually does a surprisingly large amount of damage. Much more than people seem to think, thats for sure.

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Destiny isnt deep, but sadly, people cant just see the potential in things anymore, they usually need to be told or they atleast need to see how fruitful it is before spending time investing in said build.

With that said, its not a real build guide as its more of an introduction into the class with a guide into the deeper mechanics of it. I had a good time making it, gathering clips with my fiance running bunches of strikes and sitting at work writing it up. I have done this sort of thing for a lot of games, and I still enjoy doing it now.

And thanks @rorie, its good to see some appreciation instead of doubt.

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#9  Edited By Bvb_Finn

Im not really trying to debate which Titan Subclass is best man. Im just trying to show how good Sunbreaker is, despite how its perceived by the community, lol. Im fully aware of how good a Striker is every aspect of Destiny, but theyre not best at everything.

They might be the best in the Raid and in PvP(no doubt there, atleast for now)...but I believe they fall short in almost everything else. Sunbreaker has a fireteam wide buff, sure the movement speed is useless but that 30% reload speed is nice and quickdraw is a little-hidden perk as well. One of the most effective grenades in PvE is Thermite's, which are crazy long, and a little wider than it looks too. There's certainly a learning curve to the class, the grenade is a little weird at first but once you get it its super easy to get multikills with it. Besides like maybe 10% of the game, mostly everything will die in a few pulses either way. Thermite can do things a normal pulse cant, and a pulse can do things a Thermite cant. Lastly, Hammer Strike, despite being nerfed from D1, is still pretty dang good and quite essential for speedrunning content outside of the raid. It just helps you melt stuff, its so good. For solo play, coop, queing for strikes. Having that big damage boost every 24 seconds is amazing, and having that grenade every 24 seconds is just as handy. By the time most classes are getting 1 grenade back, a Sunbreaker has already tossed 1 and got his other. Skullfort is sooo nice though, cant argue that. It has its drawnbacks, but certainly makes an already good subclass even better.

I have put up tons of examples of how strong Hammer Strike is, with all sorts of weapons ranging from HCs, SMGs and Grenade Launchers, and even Fusion Rifles. Its just logic that its more effective to be able to shoot something less, let alone do as frequent as a Furnace buff will let you.

Also, Seigebreaker can be good but lets say you have a Boss with Hammer Strike active on will actually take more damage from 6 Hammers from a Fire Forged Subreaker, rather than the 10 Hammers from a Seigenbreaker. So even when looked at on paper, Seigebreaker does look and sound like it would be the stronger super. But its actually not, atleast not by much if any. Pyres and Vulcan in tandem with Hammer Strike will add that much extra damage.

I have played Striker for around 20k kills, and Sunbreaker for nearing 50k now. I have really put it quite some time with Striker, and quite a bit of time into figuring out the optimal build and subclass for doing strikes, and doing them as fast as possible and out of all the classes and subclasses, Sunbreaker is basically it. I run with my fiance most the time, so I have tested 2 Strikers with 4 pulses on strike bosses quite a bit and 2 Sunbreakers win every time. Every single one of my fastest boss kills come from us being 2 Sunbreakers, but, its possible that we just suck with Strikers, but I dont see that being the case this time hahaha

I say that because im not not exactly ill-informed either. I played all three years of D1, as a Titan Main as well. And like many, had heard of the changes and quickly deemed Strikers better, right out of the gate. But I can safely say that for the kind of Destiny I love to play, Sunbreaker is still it. Hands down. Now, im not saying AT ALL that Sunbreaker at the best at everything in the game. No class is best at everything in the game, thats just the balance of it all. Striker just cant help a team output damage, therefore, in that aspect, in the art of speedrunning, aggressive AF... in your face style gameplay...its Sunbreaker. Atleast for me. And I made the guide in the hopes that it might help a few titans make the jump and give it a solid try this time around.

So like I said, im not trying to debate which subclass is best overall or anything. Im just more saying, hey...check what this subclass can do....why the hell aint you doing it too? Ya know?

Good chat still and even though im not sure you actually looked at the, I appreciate the look-see-sorta thing.

On a side note, Sunbreakers are pretty lacking in PvP, most certainly. No doubt. If im playing in the crucible, im on Sentinal, lol.

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#10  Edited By Bvb_Finn
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The Perks of Being a Sunbreaker

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Now, I know what you're thinking....”Oh god, a Sunbreaker guide? They're the worst Titan subclass in the game! They nerfed the hell outta them right?!” a few minutes here to plead my case. I'm certain that by the end of it, you'll be itching to master the class yourself. So, slip back into that arm chair...or toilet...and read up on what I gotta say here... 'cause I promise, its going to be worth it.

Now, lets get started by getting some things out of the way first. I dont go over every grenade because I personally believe Thermite to be the best option for this kind of playstle. I dont go over the jumps because, well, lol. And I simply dont do too much math because lets face it, math sucks. Not really, I suck, but thats a hard pill to swallow so lets just keep it moving along here. Basically, below is going to be a little intro into the Sunbreaker Fire Forged Tree with some subtle hints on how to play and what to play with. I will go into little detail about actual numbers, but im going to let a super good guy by the name of The Bugler tell you all about that in detail, with his own wide array of excellent D2 video Guides. Along the way im going to have various links such as boss fights and other visual aid, not to mention a little more write up on how to maximize gameplay as this sort of Breaker. So lets get started...

The best defense is a good offense”

Code of the Fire-Forged

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    Tempered Metal – Solar ability kills grant you and nearby allies bonus movement and reload speed,. Lasts 15 seconds, can reapply the time with additional solar ability kills and can stack your buff speed, up to 3x. Once good, you can have nearly zero downtime on your (TM) buff. The movement speed works in the same way as Mobility, therefore, youre base jump is whats going to be effected most.

How Tempered Metal Effects a slow reloading HC like the True Prophecy

Without Tempered Metal Buff

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With Tempered Metal Buff

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With Tempered Metal x2 Buff

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With Tempered Metal x3 Buff

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  • Hammer Strike – While sprinting, use this Melee Ability to swing a blazing hammer that weakens enemies. Debuffs enemy for 6 seconds, increasing damage dealt from ALL sources. This talent is pivotal to you and your allies DPS capabilities.

Example of Hammer Strike buff on a Vex Minotaur HVT, using a Wardcliff Coil

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      Explosive Pyre – Enemies killed by Hammer of Sol explode. Realistically, you are rarely using your Super with this build. But I have also learned that many Boss like enemies will have trash mobs around them frequently, therefore both this and Vulcans' Rage are quite useful in that aspect.

  • Vulcan's Rage – Hammers shatter into explosive molten embers on impact. As mentioned before, this finds its usefulness during the boss fight. But besides helping take out nearby trashies, it also makes your Hammers have cluster bombs thats simmer into molten embers. So you can find that these clusters actually do help out, especially with the Hammer Strike(HS)debuff active granting essentially much more damage potential than that of a Seigebreaker Sunbreaker.
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Example of both Pyre and Rage on 2 Ultras during a HPE on Titan

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  • Thermite Grenade – A grenade that sends forward a burning line of fire. Very much essential to this build. Much wider than it looks, you can actually be 3-4 kills with every single grenade you throw, rather easily. Very long in distance, quite wide as well. Pulses and does decent damage. Will kill most things in a single pulse though. Try and throw it in front of the enemies you are looking to kill.

Example of Multikill with Thermite(throw nade in front of group)

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Example of Hammer Strike buffing Thermite Nade

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The fire burned within us. Not by choice, not because we sought the flame. But because there was no other way”


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  • Hallowfire Heart– Greatly improves the recharge rate of your Solar abilities while Hammer of Sol is charged. This Exotic Armor is essential to this build. It more than halves your cooldown times on abilities. *Does not effect Barricade

with Hallowfire Heart on;

Solar Ability C/Ds with Full Super

-Hammer Strike; 24 seconds

-Thermite Grenade; 24 seconds

-Barricade; 36 seconds

Solar Ability C/Ds without Full Super

-Hammer Strike; 1 minute 8 seconds

-Thermite Grenade; 1 minute 13 seconds

-Barricade; 36 seconds

*Mod setup I use is down below.

*SIDE NOTE: Hallowfire is basically our only Exotic armor as of right now, but its also the only one we really need. We rely heavily on the increased recharge rate so that we can keep out Tempered Metal Buff up, and have Hammer Strike active when we need it. Some people see holding your super as a bad thing, but in all honesty, the ONLY time you are going to need your super is for actual Bosses.

Its also good to note that some people find it easier to use an Exotic such as the Mask of the Quite One until Super is fully charged, and then switching to the Hallowfire Heart. I find that I dont normally have toruble getting my super quickly, so its not something I do, but if you find yourself using the Coil glitch, I say why not? You're already in and out of your Inventory anyway.


  • Helm: Solar Grenade

  • Gauntlets: Kinetic Reload

  • Chest Armor: Solar Melee

  • Leg Armor: Solar Melee

  • Titan Mark: Power/Kinetic Reload

SIDE NOTE: Its wise to have a separate set for both PvE and PvP. With your Power Reload Mod on your mark, you can typically get of 2 rockets before Hammer Strike debuff wears off the enemy. Once you get good at keeping up your Tempered Metal buff, Kinetic reload speed will be trivial.


Stats, as of right now, dont really have a huge play in performance. I do prefer to have more Recovery, rather than Resistance or Mobility. The quicker you're back in combat, the better. So try and have a larger supply of Recovery if you can.

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Further below will be the video that im sure most of us have seen, but directly explains each Stat and has amazing visual aid as well. It will be included in the Special Thanks, Section of the Guide, along with many other insightful videos. So be sure to watch them all for more info on Stats and other things!

My personal Stats are as follows;


Kinetic/Energy Weapons

Since playing a Sunbreaker can be more of an aggressive playstyle, I tend to stick to Handcannons and SMGs, with a touch of Rocket Launchers or Swords on the power side of things. This gives me mid-long range with Explosive Payload in weapons like Sunshot or Better Devils, and keeps close quarters on lock with a Hero's or Royal – an SMG. Below are some weapons I have personally found to be good for this kind of gameplay.

  • Better Devils: 13 Rounds, Explosive Payload, Decent Reload

  • True Prophecy: 11 Rounds, Timed Payload, Slow Reload, High Impact

  • Sunshot(Exotic Energy HC): 8 Rounds, Explosive Payload/Firefly Combo, Good Reload

  • Hero's Burden: 900 RPM, HiCal Rounds, Adaptive Frame, Threat Detector

  • Dispensation II: 900 RPM, HiCal Rounds, Adaptive Frame, Grave Robber
  • Antiope-D: Kinetic 600 RPM SMG, Kill Clip, Precision Frame, Longer Range

  • Escape Velocity: Kinetic 900 RPM, Lightweight Frame, HiCal Rounds, Grave Robber. <3

  • Strum(Exotic Kinetic HC) High Impact, 12 Rounds, REFILLS ENERGY AMMO.

  • The Old Fashioned: Adaptive Frame, 9 Rounds, Kill Clip. Works great with your quick reloads.

  • Out of Options 600 RPM Edition: Lightweight Frame, Harder Hitting SMG

  • Older Sister II Energy HC: Adaptive Frame, AP Rounds, Ambitious Assassin

Example of a Royal Dispensation II(SMG) buffed by Hammer Strike on an HVT Vandal

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Example of an Hero's Burden(SMG) and True Prophecy(HC) buffed by Hammer Strike on a HVT Servitor

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Its also worth mentioning that certain Auto's do work good as well, I just find them less effective in my sort of playstyle. But you might be different. Just use what you have play around with the loot pool!

*SIDE NOTE: I couldn’t tell you which is most effective to use, an HC or SMG after a singe Hammer Strike. But I can tell you that nothing beats watching those numbers pop up and seeing that HP Bar melt. Play around with what you have. Hammer Strikes makes nearly anything viable.

Power Weapons

  • Wardcliff Coil(Exotic RL): Absolute in High DMG/DPS. Can 1 Shot things with Hammer Strike that normally takes multiple Coils, or up to 3 rockets. Its silly.

Example of a Wardcliff Coil + Hammer Strike Vs 2 HVT Servitors

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  • Curtain Call: Vanguard RL, Cluster Bombs. Big Damage.

Example of the Curtain Call + Hammer Strike Vs Taken Ultra

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  • Crownsplitter: Titan Class Specific Sword, Aggressive Frame, Tireless Blade

  • It Stared Back: Raid Sword, Whirlwind Strikes, Relentless Strikes.

    Example of a Whirlwind Blade Sword + Hammer Strike Vs HPE Mid-Boss

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*Swords with En Garde and Whirlwind Strikes are both good. This allows you to stack these DMG Buffs on top of your Hammer Strike DMG Buff. You can typically get 3-4 swings off with an Upper-Cut style sword, and 3 with a Crownsplitters Heavy Smash.

  • The Prospector(Exotic Grenade Launcher): 8 Rounds, Very quick Fire Rate, High DMG w/ Hammer Strike

Example of The Prospector buffed by Hammer Strike on an HVT Servitor

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  • Play of the Game: 6 Rounds, Proximity Grenades, Threat Detector

  • Erentil FR4: Highest Impact Fusion Rifle, 5 Rounds, Under Pressure

Example of High Impact Fusion Rifle Buffed by Hammer Strike(IB FUSION)

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  • Hawthornes Field Forged Shotgun: Very Quick Fire Rate, Full Auto, Lightweight Frame, 7 Rounds

Example of Hawthorns Shotty buffed by Hammer Strike Vs HVT Fall Captain

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  • Unification VII Shotgun: Slug Rounds, Long Range, High Impact, Full Auto. Dont sleep on this one.

  • Blue Shift: High Impact Rocket Launcher with increased Ammo reserve.

*SIDE NOTE: The great thing about Hammer Strike is that it allows you to play around with Power Weapons. Hammer Strikes DMG buff makes nearly any shotgun good, any Grenade Launcher good(if you have the aim), but tbh, it makes anything pretty decent. Play around with weapons, but Hammer Strike makes Sunbreaker a great Viable “Leveling Up” Build as mentioned before.

Of all the Lights, we burned the brightest”

Getting Started

Playing a Sunbreaker isn’t easy. There is going to be a slight learning curve and core adjustments to your gameplay in order to maximize your capabilities. Well, for most people atleast. But we will discuss all that further down in the “Secrets in Maximizing”.

For now, lets start with the basics. I compiled a little list of things that, sure, are always good to know. But when dealing with Ally-wide buffs such as Tempered Metal, and enemy debuffs like Hammer Strike...its near essential to work on all these things, all the time. Plan ahead, always.

  1. Situational Precognition; The ability to know exactly what you are doing, and what you are about to the same time, at all times. You are basically Nostradamus'ing the shit out of the game here, and its not easy to do. But keep at it.

  • This is an extension of #1. Make a Checklist in your head of each section of whatever content you are running. Have Priority Targets, Spawn Locations and Objectives in mind at all times. This will help with knowing when and where to throw Thermites as well as when and where to use Hammer Strike. You will eventually form a kind of memory to each strike, mission or event, reducing the time it takes to actually think of all this. Again, this is a MUST KNOW if you want to be as effective as possible. You never want to be in a situation where you decided to use Hammer Strike to re apply Tempered Metal, when you could have used it on a Yellow Bar/Ultra or vice versa. you never wanna use a Thermite on 2 enemies, when there's 5-6 or more just a few moments after.

2. Stay Active; Keep moving. Use your vertical space to traverse the map, and the use cover given to you to get from Point A to Point B without drawing too much fire from enemies.

  • Aerial combat is essential to being as efficient and as effective as possible. Another reason I use Handcannons and SMGs is because the accuracy at which they can be fired in the air. You can jump around and hip fire and finish enemies off with a single melee most of the time...or you can just zoom around 1HKO'ing things and never feel out of the play with quick reloads.

3. Ally Awareness; This is the last one, because its least important. Well, sorta. You are going to be a force to be reckoned with no matter what, but if you manage to have the awareness to toss a grenade when close to an ally, or Hammer Strike them when an Ally makes eye content and ADS. They will be even happier than you are. Sunbreaker is flat out KEY to speed running content imo. If you really want to maximize your speed run time, having this dude is a must. 2 Imo is for maximum DPS output in the shortest amount of time. This would give your team 10 seconds of increased damage.

Down below are a few Strike boss fights where we utilize 2 Hammer Strikes. Keep in mind my teammate is my girlfriend, bless her heart. These are not pre made groups trying to train wreck content, I'll leave that up to you guys.

(2) Sunbreakers and a Voidwalker Destroy Bracus Zahn(Arms Dealer Strike) in 30 seconds!

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(3) Sunbreakers Take on Grask(Lake of Shadows Strike Boss)

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(2) Sunbreakers and Protheon, less than a minute!

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(2) Sunbreakers Sing Songs to Savathun's Own damn Song for 3 minutes straight.

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This video imo really shows off when and where you wanna use Hammer Strike . Every single teleport should be met with a Hammer Strike.

(2) Sunbreakers and a GG Put down on Brakion, The Genesis Mind in 1 minute!

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If our flame should one day flicker and die, should it be to set your history ablaze.”

Secrets in Maximizing

Maximizing your gameplay can be done in many different ways. There are a few thing small things I have learned over the course of playing a Fire Forged Sunbreaker that might be of interest to you once you get the basics down.

  • Killing Exploder Shanks and getting a double or multikill with the explosion, will result in a Team wide Tempered Metal Buff. Cabal with the tanks on their back is the same way. Keep this in mind when that Timer's getting low.

Example of proc'ing Tempered Metal by killing Cabal Exploder

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This was patched in Curse of Osiris

  • During the 2nd phase of the Pyramidion Strike, Protheons slams can be negated by a Towering Barricade, set up on the side of the inner circle that Protheon stands on. An entire fireteam can hide behind this and shoot him, and you are off the floor away from the “lava DoT”.

Example of using the Tower Barricade to negate Protheons "Slam" Effect

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  • Bracus Zahn(Arms Dealer Strike Boss) can be delayed by getting near him. He will slam the ground and put a Solar DoT on the floor, much like the Shield Brother in D1. He can push you back into walls, killing you. So be mindful of your surroundings and try to only get near him when you have an open map behind you.

You can see an Example of this in the Bracus Zahn Video Clip up above(Youtube Video)

  • Thermite Grenades can be tossed “inside” of the Savathuns Song Boss, acting similarly to a Pulse grenade. Can be quite effective with Hammer Strike active.

You can see an example of this in my Svathuns Song Boss Kill video.

  • Use your knowledge of the content you are running to extend your Tempered Metal Buff, at times giving 80-100% uptime once mastered. Below is a video of me casually running a Lost Sector in the EDZ. Once I start the buff, it doesn't drop. You can see that its not really difficult at all to do, and plays well with the playstyle as it keeps your moving and in the air, punching things.

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Thanks And Credits

Click down below for incredible visual aid and help understanding Stats in Destiny 2. Thanks to Fallout Plays for the amazing content.

Fallout Plays Youtube Video on Stats

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Another amazingly informative Youtube Creator by the name of The Bugler. He has these amazing guides on every single Subclass and most the gear you'd ever wanna use. For more in depth info on Hammer Strike, Tempered Metal buff and the Sunbreaker subclass, check him out! Big Thanks to him for making it a little easier for us to understand it all.

The Bugler's Youtube Channel

Down Below are some Quick Click Videos I suggest taking a Peak at!

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Complete Breakdown of the Fire Forged Subclass is getting a makeover really soon, if not has already. There's some slight problems with numbers but its nothing that makes the class less viable. Watch it!

Also, here's a link to my Youtube channel as well. For now, its got basically every single strike boss getting wrecked in devastating ways. Also once I have finished moving(the reason content is running slow and these other guides are taking a while is that im currently moving to another nearby city) I will get back into the grind of things. I also plan on getting Mic'd up soon aftrer that as well so expect to hear me explain all this nonsense to you personally. Thanks!

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