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I didn't play The Darkness II, but my friend sure did!

So while I've finished my hands-on impressions of games from the floor (and the surrounding hotels) of the San Diego Comic-Con for 2011, my friend and fellow Giantbomb member Wookieman46 got his hands on a pair of games that I didn't have time to see. Yesterday I cornered him and got him to give me his impressions of both SSX and The Darkness II, two games he played while at Comic-Con. Keep in mind that since I didn't get my hands on these games themselves these previews will be both shorter and less precise.
While the line for The Darkness II was quite long when I went on Friday, Sunday yielded a shorter line which Wookieman46 jumped at the chance to wait in. He liked the first one quite a bit if I remember correctly (it did come out some years ago),  and The Darkness II seemed to hold similar sway. He said it was "awesome, if a bit chaotic," with sometimes so much action happening onscreen that it was hard to tell what exactly was going on. That, however, was easily forgiven because the action was cool to look at and fun to play (in contrast to the confusing action of Dead Island, which obscured the screen with too many graphics and that darned head bob). The Darkness powers are apparently "much cooler," and the buzzword-friendly "quad-wielding" worked great. You've got your two guns on the triggers and your two Darkness heads (limbs?) on the bumpers, and when you're fully powered I'm going to bet that you're a non-stop killing machine.  
He also saw the reboot of SSX, SSX. SSX? SSX! 
You can find that here, along with the rest of the games I saw at Comic Con!