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My 5 bucks

 It's cool now to comment on the subscription price, so here's my two cents. 
  Really, GB commuity? REALLY? It's five dollars. A month. You can buy a chipotle burrito for 6.50, a movie ticket for ten, and a two hour podcast for about one dollar sixty cents a week. Compare.
   Yes, some things that were once free are now not, and yes, that does hurt, but as Ryan said, these guys are independent and like all independent things they need money! I mean, remember the days of magazines? 6 bucks or so a month for far less content than GB offers, no video content, no audio, and no quirky personalities. These people are not made of money. They need it like everyone else. And when any of you are part of, say, a gaming site one day, maybe you'll understand.