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The Least Shit Dinosaur Games

We can surely do better! Someone really needs to make a Jurassic Far Cry...

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  • A surprisingly polished online class based multiplayer game with humans vs dinosaurs! 4/5 Dinosaurs.

  • A competent Resident Evil clone... with dinosaurs! Actually pretty scary, the dead corpse at he beginning haunted my childhood.

    4/5 Dinosaurs

  • A classic N64 era shooter. Cool guns, environments, and fog. not enough dinosaurs. 4/5 Dinosaurs.

  • "Urgent message from doctor Sattler" What? All my dinosaurs are sick again, and there's a tornado on the way! Way cooler than Zoo tycoon. 4/5 Dinosaurs.

  • Another LEGO game. As a huge Jurassic Park fan, the novelty of playing the first three movies makes Jurassic World and the LEGO gameplay worth it. 4/5 Dinosaurs

  • Lots like a mess, hope it gets out of early access eventually and polishes up a little. 3/5 Dinosaurs

  • never played this. An arcadey action take on the first game, not scary with emphasis on shooting and time limits, nah. 3/5 Dinosaurs.

  • A complete mess involving jetpacks, guns and dinosaurs. 3/5 Dinosaurs.