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A Whiny Blog

Ugh, I just need to whine somewhere. I won't post this on the forums though, hehe.
Unemployed, now for three months. It sucks, and it sucks hard. I worked at a recordstore for two years, and eventually reality hit the store with that more or less no one buys CDs / Vinyls anymore. My boss had to close down the store, and since then I haven't found a single job. I spend about 3-4 hours per day sending out applications to various companies and stores, but I seriously barely heard from anyone, and when they actually take the time to reply it's always "Thank you for your application, but unfortunatly we found someone else". Being unemployed for three months might sound awesome in theory (woo, videogames all day long!), but in reality it just blows. I have no money, I can't go out and drink with my friends, and I can't buy anything fun.
About to get kicked out from my studentdorm. In my town you can only live in a studentdorm for a maximum of five years, and to top off my unemployment I just found out that I can't stay in my dorm anymore. Well, I'm 28 so I figure it was about time anyway, but tell me how easy it is to find a new apartment, especially when you're unemployed? So now the only option I'm left with is to move in with my girlfriend in her one-room apartment. I love my girlfriend (and I'm very glad she's sticking with me through these hard times), but as much as I love her I can't imagine that living together in a one-room apartment is a long-term good idea.
I can't imagine anyone actually reading or commenting on this blog, I think I just needed to put it down in writing somewhere.